Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1067: Form of the official legion mission

The attributes and skills of Lizzeretti have been completely doomed to make it impossible for her to become a real combat member. It is not suitable for people who are fighting for her, but the ability to use magic is unique among the team. In addition, the original did not want to think of Lizzeretti as a combatant, so she will only be a frequent visitor to the bridge.

Learning the bridge operation as a bridge personnel should be the future position of Li Zeluti, of course, because of her magic ability, it can also develop towards the direction of the magic researcher.

The matter of familiarizing with Prometheus with Lizaletti was handed over to El Elf, who left the living area directly, side by side, Luo, Basque, Jangus, Graham, Five of Leonard are ready to go to the G world. After purchasing a lot of things, they have prepared something, including their body, which has been loaded into the main angel that has not been used for a long time. Even if they have not rested, they will leave Prometheus again. Si, the transmission entered the world of G Gundam.

Malang, Shirley Lu, Liu Muye, Bobby, Moses and Billy, after helping them to play with them, they went to the territory of the boat group. Kruze went to the territory of Orb alone, leaving only Xiao Ran. A person went to the Legion Hall to handle the New Gyor territory.

After Xiaoran came to the Legion Hall to do the front of the Legion mascot Winnie, the latter was familiar with Xiaoran’s sweet smile and then transferred the two to a private space. Then I asked: “I am still worried that you are not Come, I am ready to take time to find you."

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "I was delayed by some things, how come, what is it for me?"

Winnie nodded and smiled and said: "The next mission is a special mission. I want to know if you want to apply for a special mission of the size of the Legion."

Xiaoran heard Wennie’s words and smiled. “I’m just asking you about this. If you perform special tasks in the name of the Legion, the rewards of the mission, especially the special evaluations, are distributed.”

“Rewards are divided into Legion Rewards and Personal Rewards as well as previous rewards, but this time it is different from the last mission card you used last time. You must complete three phases of the Legion mission and a personal mission.”

“Why do you have to complete a personal task?” Xiaoran puzzled.

"This is a formal corps mission after all. It is very likely that a strong legion member will complete the task. The weak legion members can get a standard reward without doing anything, so only every member of the legion has completed him. After the individual task, the three-stage mission evaluation of the Integrated Legion will be rewarded by individuals. This is a balance."

"The evaluation ratio of the three-stage mission and individual mission of the legion is five to five. If the legion finally gets the S-level evaluation, and one member only completes some of his own personal tasks and obtains the B-level evaluation, then the combination can only be the most Get the A-level evaluation, this evaluation is the final special evaluation and the corresponding reward."

"But you can rest assured that the personal mission will be released after you officially determine the direction of the mission of the Legion. It is unlikely that there will be conflicts with the Legion mission, and it will be based on the individual strength level of the participants. Different, for low-level participants, you may be able to complete it by breaking or assisting to break a few enemies."

"But there is a final point. If the mission's mission completion is very high, if the completion of 100 is S, then the completion of the 100-degree completion, each two completions can improve the completion of the individual task of the entire legion. This is a reward for the Legion members to work together to achieve the mission of the Legion perfectly, so you can keep the Legion evaluation as much as possible to give all members an increase in completion at the highest level, and help them improve their final mission evaluation."

"It turns out." Xiao Ran nodded and said that, as Winnie said, the combination of personal tasks and legion missions is indeed a balance, avoiding the high-level participants can play more roles in the Legion mission. Low-level participants can get mission rewards as long as they use soy sauce.

With the advent of personal tasks, even low-level participants need to achieve their own personal tasks in order to receive the highest task rewards, which allows low-level participants to not be idle, while senior participants have their own personal tasks. There is no way to think about a low-level participant who has a completely different task at the same time as the nanny.

However, because of the relationship between the missions of the Legion, the senior participants, and the lower-level participants, even if they have their own different tasks, in fact, they are still a group that is united together. Perhaps it is natural to have a coincidence in personal tasks. action.

If not, senior participants may not be able to directly help the lower-level participants. It is enough to provide some assistance. At this point, there is only one task limitation, but other aspects have not been deliberately prevented. .

Especially after the completion of the legion has increased to 100%, the completion of every two points can be converted into a degree of completion of the individual tasks of the entire legion, and it is also only a limitation imposed by a strong person with the weak, but as long as everyone works together to the task of the army A more perfect achievement, even if it is more than one hundred, it will be a reward for all efforts, and everyone can get more completion and get better rewards.

After all, they are all members of a legion, performing missions in the name of the Legion. Every member of the Legion, regardless of strength or weakness, is part of this legion. Prometheus only gives a limit in the case of such a strong to help the weak. Steps, as long as the requirements are met, can also make the participants with low strength get a good reward.

However, Xiao Ran turned to think and suddenly felt a little headache. The acceptance of his A-level pilot is definitely a personal goal of A-class. It should not be a goal that can be achieved so easily.

Suddenly, Xiao Ran seems to think of something, once again asked: "This personal task is for each legion member, and each legion member will receive the corresponding reward?"

"Yeah, as long as it is available to all members of the Legion's list." Winnie blinked at Xiaoran, and her sweet smile appeared. It seemed to remind Xiaoran of something. same.

Xiao Ran got his own answer from Winnie’s expression, that is, the number of special evaluations. If it is normal, all the followers who entered the mission with Xiao Ran, regardless of the quantity, can also get There is only one special evaluation, unless he and his followers enter a different world, this will be able to turn the special evaluation obtained into plural.

But now in the missionary mission mode into the mission world, all his followers will be defaulted to a member of the Legion, so that everyone gets a special evaluation, and suddenly the number of special evaluations available is increased. Even the rewards are the same, so there is no difference between performing tasks together and performing tasks separately.

Xiao Ran sighed in his heart: "Special tasks are not special missions. The rewards that can be obtained are not the same. However, it is not too low to perform a formal corps mission with the size of the legion. ”

"Thank you, Winnie." Xiaoran thanked and smiled at Winnie, but the latter shook his head slightly and said, "Are you ready to apply for the Legion mission? If you choose the right mission, you can also carry you. The power in the camp territory is added to the mission."

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