Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1079: The strength of the old army

When Xiao Ran first carried out a special mission, it did not touch the aspect related to the Legion. This special mission was only his second special mission, but he was able to carry out the mission together with the Legion. However, compared with those old-fashioned regiments, the Burning Legion has a great advantage in addition to the territory. The real participants still have a lot of shortcomings.

Listening to Lao Luo said that the current good time warship can just sell a good price, which means that the warship is also a kind of consumable in some way like the body.

In addition, similar to the standard loading capacity of the new maross-class warships, this part is not included in the combat index, and of course it will be of great use.

Lao Luo said that after he was responsible, Xiao Ran did not say anything else. He simply blew the cow with the old Luo and said goodbye to the recent situation.

By the next day, Lao Luo directly contacted Xiao Ran by means of contact, and then transferred the merits to Xiao Ran’s head.

After Xiaoran received this warfare point, he also stunned. Xiaoran remembered that the same new maross warship last time got a million, but now it is more than three million, count the old Luona The stratification of the sides, basically the price of warships sold may exceed 23 million.

So some surprised asked: "How much?"

"That is because I have caught up with a good time." The news came from the voice of Lao Luo, and then I heard Lao Luo say: "Your boy is lucky, there are three legions wanting to grab this battleship, so let the price more How many millions have you earned? I have earned a lot of money without spending too much time."

"Where, this is what you should have got." Xiao Ran shook his head and handed it to Lao Luo to sell it, although it would give Lao Luo some layers, but it was Xiao Ran’s willingness.

Lao Luo has always taken care of him. With the connection of Lao Luo, Xiao Ran himself is not willing to take the lead. Therefore, there is no objection to the stratification in the middle. He wants to sell the ship himself. There will be a lot more troubles.

Aside from this topic, Xiao Ran asked: "In short, thank you, this time the movement in the territory is too big. Without this battle, you can be in trouble."

"I know all the things over there. Although the outbreak of this overdraft is quicker in a short time, you have to count in your heart. Fortunately, the specialty of your camp territory is such a high price, otherwise you will be able to do it several times. The task can be slowed down.” Lao Luo also reminded Xiao Ran on the other side of the newsletter. After a moment of silence, he said, “There is another thing to contact you.”

"what's up?"

"The other two warships that have not bought the warships also hope that you can provide them with the same warship. The price is based on the price of the warship. In addition, the three regiments want to see you. They should think so. Establishing long-term cooperative relationships with you is an old-fashioned regiment. There should be no problem with the credibility, otherwise I will not tell you."

"The three of them have guessed that the warship you sold is a unique specialty of the camp territory. It is basically certain that the seller is a legion with the camp territory. Please also tell me about their situation. It is also a sincerity before the cooperation. The family has five a-class pilots, more than one hundred b-engine pilots, and has a camp territory."

"The second a+ level pilot, three a-level pilots, and one hundred b-level pilots, have camp territory."

"The third one is somewhat special. There are none of the full-time combatants below the level pilot, but there are two technicians. It is worse than Luo. It is better than the current Renard. The b-class machine. There are more than 60 divisions, ten a-level pilots, no camp territory, but there is a s-class pilot."

Xiao Ran’s pupil suddenly shook after hearing Lao Luo’s words: “S-level pilot, a+ level pilot!?”

It is not unusual to say that other legions have camp territory, Xiao Ran, and there is no surprise for a class a pilot. At most, it is a little surprised at the number of a-class pilots, but the s-class pilot, a+ level The pilot was really shocked to Xiao Ran, especially the s-class pilot.

To say that the a-level pilot, in the development of Xiao Ran for a period of time, Kruze, Luo, Bassack is properly a class a pilot, and after the end of the special mission, Xiao Ran will also look for a territory in the territory. The people who drive the technology into the Prometheus, the most consumed is the special evaluation to upgrade their blood, so the number of a-class pilots will not fall behind too much, the only thing that is really lacking is b. The intermediate power of the level and the size of the legion.

However, to the a-level pilot, Xiao Ran has no idea how to continue to advance, but because it is just promoted to a level relationship, so Xiao Ran is not in a hurry.

The appearance of the a+ class pilot allowed Xiao Ran to see the road of improvement again, and the appearance of the s-class pilot was completely shocked.

As a class a pilot, he knows how powerful the a-level pilot is. The a+ level and even the s level will be powerful to the point of horror. Xiaoran suddenly has a kind of * who wants to see these two people. Witness what the power at the top of Prometheus is.

However, after calming down, Xiao Ran shook his head. Now, even if you meet with each other, there is no point at all. Cooperation should be based on the same strength. Otherwise, the weak side will be restricted everywhere, even if there is The same is true of Prometheus’s contractual definition.

As for the two things that want to buy a new maross-class warship, Xiao Ran is now helpless. All the new maross-class warships Xiao Ran are now useful. It is not impossible to get two new maross levels from the new integration. It is alone. It is OK to buy two more boats in the camp territory, but Xiaoran is not willing to sell the new maos class so frequently that it becomes a ubiquitous cabbage.

However, the current situation is that although all three of them express their feelings and want to achieve cooperation, only one of them has bought a warship and feels satisfied. Only this one has the greatest sincerity in cooperation.

The other two, perhaps, do have the intention to cooperate with him, but if this time refused the request of the other party to buy a new maross-class warship, I am afraid that the thing that tells Mr. Xiaoran and tells Lao Luo that it will be turned into a warning. .

In Xiaoran’s view, no matter which one of the three is a present that he can’t provoke, although the temporary is still the secret of keeping the new maross level, one day, the secret will be smashed and sinned. Two old-fashioned regiments, such things are not willing to happen.

Therefore, let Xiao Ran fall into a dilemma. From this point of view, in short, cooperation and refusal to cooperate are beneficial. Selling or not selling is also a double-edged sword. The real focus is only on how Xiaoran can cooperate from this. What did you get?

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