Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1085: Stage trigger

In the 179th year of the new Western calendar, the third meteor, also known as the huge unidentified object, meteor III rushed into the earth and fell in the Marquesas.

In the 180th year of the New Western calendar, Bian Zordak proposed to the EOT Special Review Body in the investigation work report that Meteor III is a product of the outer universe civilization, which contains countless advanced technologies and unknown substances, and is regarded as a meteor three. The early signs of the invasion of the Earth by the Stars.

In the 181th year of the new Western calendar, Dr. Bian proposed in the third investigation work report that the gravity control method obtained by studying EOT technology was used to resist alien aggression, and the eot special review association believed that the current global circle could not The army that defeated the outer space civilization proposed a plan to flee the earth. Bian opposed the proposal on the grounds that "human beings have nowhere to escape" and proposed a slogan that comprehensively resists alien invasion.

In the same year, a fleet of explorations consisting of the Earth Federation and the Satellite Integration Agency sailed out and formed the super-large-scale eco-cabin of the current warships, exploration ships, and colonial satellites, and officially left the Earth.

In the 183 years of the new Western calendar, the exploration fleet lost all contact.

These things are the most important things Xiaoran sees from that material, but from the exploration fleet described in the data, it is completely different from the fleet that Xiaoran is now facing in the direction of the earth. The fleet simply does not have anything called MS or PT.

(PT, the world's name for MS, roughly the same as basically no difference. AM = MA, basically no difference. EOT, alien technology. EOT institutions, research institutions of foreign science and technology, Bian is the boss is DC. EOT Special Review Meeting, responsible for contacting, communicating, and controlling the development of EOT institutions.

MS doesn't, let alone the existence of Dyson's ball. Even the existing warships in the data are completely different from the ones in Xiaoran's current hands. Basically, it is like describing another exploratory fleet that really left and disappeared from the earth. They have nothing to do with Xiaoran.

Of course, except for the photo of anyone who can look at the past and recognize it as Xiaoran, a picture of Xiaoran wearing the EFF uniform and taking a picture of the upcoming battleship as the far background, if only this is the case. It is person who can look like very much like Xiaoran.

In the investigation of El Elf, the information of the person above the photo was also turned over. The information clearly indicated the identity of the person in the photo.

Xiao Ran, Lieutenant Colonel, satellite integration was born...

With regard to these keywords, other things are completely unimportant, the name is the same, and the rank is also the same as that of the current Xiaoran in Prometheus. Basically, it is already certain that the person on the photo is him. His face is serious and he has no smile.

"Amount..." Xiao Ran’s brow unconsciously pulled two times. He felt simply inexplicable. He couldn’t understand what it meant. In Prometheus, they told them that their identity is a group lost. The immigration fleet that the star contacted has no past, no future, and no more information.

Now that his hidden identity has appeared on the earth, he has pointed out that he is a human being, and this is not mentioned at all in the identity information given by Prometheus, although it is not mentioned. Normal, but even when giving the basic information of the world, there is no information about the earth. Shouldn't the earth be a human being?

Or is it because he knew the existence of the earth so there was no hint? Then the information on the side of the earth is completely open, and they are afraid that they will not be able to find it after entering the door. The meaning of this arrangement makes Xiao Ran feel uncomfortable.

Of course, these are nothing, and it is not too unusual for Prometheus's virtue to be consistent. It is also customary to give a printed identity without a memory.

However, the backward exploration fleet that disappeared in 183 years, until the end of 186, the full fleet of less than four years, the entire fleet has completely changed its appearance, even if the identity of the world can be given to the world, I am afraid in Xiaoran Will the first time the team appear to be treated as an alien, or is it a rape?

No matter how you look at it, today's identity is full of conflicts. It seems to give Xiao Ran an opportunity to sneak into the Earth Federation, but Xiao Ran is afraid that when he appears on the earth, he will be caught and watched, then detained and endless interrogation.

It is simply deliberately telling all people that there is a problem with Xiaoran’s identity, and there are big problems, aliens? Humanity? Who knows?

In this identity, even if you want to get in touch with the identity of the stars outside the Earth Federation, it is just like it is a broken halfway, but it doesn't matter. If the Union really has its own identity information, it will be a big deal. Bring a mask and wear a glove to become Alex again.

But... other people?

Xiao Ran looked at El Elf and asked: "Can all members' identity information correspond?"

"The information and public information of some people have been found, and they have basically corresponded with the information existing in the database of the Galaxy Geji."

"Oh." Xiaoran laughed and felt that his heart was speechless. He felt that Prometheus’s arrangement was really interesting. He did not simply arrange his identity as a non-Earth human, and he did not simply arrange him into a human being. However, it has created such a contradiction and doubts. The key is to mark the missing person on the earth.

"Oh, the first phase of the mission triggered, the presence of the Legion's war base and the control area is inevitable, establishing a real stronghold and control area within the Earth Circle."

Suddenly, the voice that came out of my mind made Xiao Ran’s smile suddenly become serious. I looked at the thoughtful people who were present and said, “Well, the problem of identity does not have to be entangled. I also understand what is going on."

Kruze’s mouth is slightly tilted: “Either it is integrated into the earth as the human being of the earth, and establishes its own stronghold and power, or the invasion of aliens, forcibly encroaching on a region as its own stronghold and site, vague decision After our development route and station team?"

Kane shook his head: "For us, the two roads are not good, the contradictions and conflicts of identity, the completely different strengths and technologies in our hands will make us in the 'aliens' and 'humans' The jealousy will be a reason and an excuse for the opponents to attack."

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