Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 109: insect

After entering the shuttle channel, Xiao Ran closed the body's own propeller to save energy consumption. He relied on the ability of the disposable fold engine to bring him to the vicinity of the No. 25 fleet.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out of the passage, the alarm sound in the cockpit of Lightning St. Shield rang. On the screen, a dozen missiles with a long red trail came forward toward Xiaoran. The distance is less than 20 meters.

Behind the lightning shield, a vf-171 reconnaissance fighter has now become the ms form (it is collectively referred to as the human form). This body has no idea of ​​moving, just holding it in the hand. From the left to the right, the machine guns swept from right to left, and a series of bullets hit the lightning shield and brought out a series of Mars.

The pilot of the vf-171 reconnaissance fighter did not notice at first, and there was a fold jump channel exit at some position in the back of his head until the Lightning Shield flew out of the exit and reacted in front of him. Come over, after seeing it for a while, I saw my attack hit a body that I had never seen before, and after belonging to the friendly army on the radar, the body trembled and pulled the trigger.

"Humping the ghost!" Xiaoran snorted, pulling the lever and stepping on the foot to make the Lightning Shield suddenly rise, and the right hand reached out on a button next to it. The disposable fold-hopping engine that had lost its function instantly popped up. Self-explosive.

The high heat generated by the self-explosion made some missiles unable to track at one time, all of which rushed into the self-explosion range of the fold engine. A series of flashes flashed in the original position of the lightning shield, bursting out. The flaming red and the black smoke, and therefore Xiao Ran also saved the pilot of the sluggish deformation fighter a life.

The remaining part of the missile changed its target after the lightning shield appeared, and a curve directly chased toward the lightning shield. The speed of the Lightning Shield is also extremely fast in the universe. The speed of the seven push-in imports is not slower than that of a warhead with advanced energy and propulsion devices. It only takes a second to open the distance from the missile. A far-distance transform becomes the ms form and faces The ushered missile. The Vulcan cannon in the head instantly started, and the bullets flying at high speed explode one missile after another under the operation of Xiaoran. Dye the front of the Lightning Shield into a touch of red.

"Drip, drop!" The alarm sounded again. The new enemy appeared on the radar and the locked prompt flashed in Xiaoran's eyes. I quickly glanced at the four new light spots on the radar. Xiaoran again deformed the body into ma. The anti-inward rushed toward the newly emerging four light spots and shouted in the Tonghe Army's public communication channel: "You are not running fast!"

Some unsettled voices came over: "This is the twenty-five ship regiment and the army reconnaissance machine re8. Thank you for your help. I will immediately leave the interference area and ask for help from the headquarters. Please inform your belongings."

"Hey, it’s really fast." Looking at the vf-171 that has become a fighter plane and running farther and farther away, Xiao Ran screamed: "The Earth's new regiment and military headquarters, special investigation team member Xiao Ran, rank sergeant. ”

"Ah! Is it from the earth?" The screaming voice screamed, and then firmly suppressed with a trembling voice: "I am standing here, you have to retreat! You must not let you have an accident here!"

Xiao Ran glanced at the vf-171 that stopped in the picture and slammed it. He quickly said, "Hurry up, I can handle it here!"

More than a dozen missiles appeared on the screen, and the enemies on the radar also appeared on the screen. Three yellow worms and a red worm appeared on it. The dozens of missiles with long red trails were also shot from the red worms. The other three yellow worms turned toward lightning. The direction of the Holy Shield fired an attack similar to the machine gun Green Cannon.

Xiao Ran did not have time to consider whether the reconnaissance plane had left. Operating a roundabout of the body to avoid the shooting of three worms, several consecutive directions of flight made the lightning shield to wear from more than a dozen missiles, or because of the first time facing such a scale and the ability to change direction The extremely fast missile, Xiao Ran is still hit by a missile even if he is careful. The direct explosion at close range makes the lightning shield tremble and the whole body trembles.

Listening to the sound of the ear, Xiao Ran gripped the joy of his face with his hands tightly, just glanced at the real-time feedback of the body with his eyes, and found that the body was completely damaged after being attacked. Both hands pressed the trigger of the weapon at the same time.

The Green's machine gun under the Lightning Shield suddenly spewed a series of barrage, and the two combined beam guns of the armed propulsion module also continuously emitted several beams. The combination of live ammunition and beam of green guns has a very fast rate of fire, and pure beam attacks are not slow. The dense attack erupted from the smoke generated by the explosion, and the two beam shots rolled the smoke directly toward a yellow bug.

As the attack spewed out, the intact Lightning Shield also rushed out of the smoke generated by the explosion. Although I have seen the Macross f, I still don’t understand it, and the electromagnetic energy beam is emitted. How to generate these bullets and missiles in the body of the worm is a huge puzzle.

The two beams emitted by the Lightning Shield first passed through the target chosen by Xiao Ran. The penetrating beam hit two large holes in the worm, and suddenly the worm stopped, followed by a series of greens. The gun attack directly smashed the bug into pieces.

After killing a bug, Xiao Ran also refused to appear the prompt, just staring at the two remaining insects. Because Xiaoran’s attack was effective, the insects that originally formed the array were scattered in three directions, and Xiaoran’s red-headed worms turned out to be nothing.

Operating the St. Shield up to a deformation, the long high-energy beam cannon is lifted, the aiming device in the cockpit instantly pops up, and the second yellow miscellaneous bug is locked. With c-class driving technology and Xiao Ran with quick locking skills. It didn't take too long to lock the target again. When the eyes were pressed, the trigger was pressed again. The yellow energy beam suddenly spewed from the muzzle and flew to the target.

Xiao Ran is after shooting. Even if you don't even see if you hit the enemy, you will operate the holy shield again to form ma. One acceleration will chase toward the last yellow bug, and a reminder will sound again in his ear.

It circumvented the missile with a long trail. In the inevitable, the Green cannon was used to break all the missiles in front of the road, and flew out from the smoke and light of the broken missile. The Lightning Shield slammed tightly behind the yellow worm, and the Green Cannon and the Joint Beam Gun continued to attack several times, then the yellow bugs were easily handled.

The remaining red bug leader, after stopping for a long time, began to attack again against the lightning shield. The electromagnetic energy beam of the road cooperated with a large number of missiles from the body of the insect. Attacking on the Holy Shield, just a bug, let Xiao Ran rise to a feeling of walking through the barrage, which is the feeling he could not feel in the seed world.

For a while. Lightning Divine Shield and Red Worm Leaders are chasing each other and attacking each other. Under such chasing, the red bugs fully showed more strength than the yellow bugs, and the flight movements were more flexible and faster.

Xiao Ran has not had such a battle in the seed world. Many times, you are shooting from me to dodge, or to carry out high-speed raids, or to pull out the beam sword to cut, never tried to move in high speed. You bite me and I bite your battle. Such a pursuit battle is a kind of battle that must be familiar to Xiaoran. Of course, he can stop immediately. Become a familiar ms form to fight, and it is not too difficult to solve this bug.

However, Xiao Ran is familiar with this new way of fighting and has accumulated his own combat experience. Since the selection of the assault-type specialization, the body is also a deformable body, of course, also need to be familiar with the current enemy is not much, familiar with the battle method under the ma form.

When the Shield Shield once again escaped the electromagnetic energy beam attack, the screen was again filled with the missile marked by the red mark, facing the attack of the worm several times in a row, Xiao Ran already had a lot of how to dodge these things. The experience is nothing more than a point shot to detonate, or suddenly change direction to something. Of course, it would be better if the Lightning Shield had a launcher with a hot bait.

A few rounds of revolving plus rapid change, Lightning Shield evaded the lock of most of the missiles. The remaining missiles were again smashed by the Green's cannons that changed direction. Xiao Ran just wanted a deformation to end the battle. Suddenly there were dozens of light spots appearing on the radar behind the lightning shield, and more new spots appeared in these spots.

Looking through the rear monitor, Xiao Ran suddenly appeared a few drops of cold sweat, the dense bombs on the screen are flying towards him, and the simultaneous shooting of dozens of bugs also formed a real barrage for Xiao Ran, and this There are still four or five red worm heads in dozens of worms, and they have also shot a beam of electromagnetic energy to him.

The front is a battle point that is almost pinched in the hand, followed by a fierce and chasing soldier. Xiao Ran’s eyes flashed with a glimmer of light: “No way, quick battle!”

In a moment of Xiaoran’s world, time has become full. It should be said that his thinking, reflection and action are getting faster. Xiaoran has stopped the movement to prepare for deformation. All the propellers of the holy shield are illuminated. Suddenly, the rapid increase in speed brought a long stream of light behind him, rushing toward the red bugs that had been practiced for several rounds, circling back and avoiding countless bullets coming from behind, leading the countless missiles flying around, hiding All the bugs that opened the front rushed to the front of the red bug.

This time, Xiao Ran did not continue to maintain the form of ma to attack, and then watched the worm escape, and the ma form pursued, but a deformation inserted the shield of the left arm directly into the body of the red worm, the right arm toward Pulling behind him, he took a big sword that was similar to the body and waved it straight down, drawing a nice arc to split the bug into two halves.

After killing the worms in front of him, Xiao Ran's eyes returned to normal, and the body was once again deformed into a detachment of ma from the direction of the twenty-fifth fleet.

Although Xiao Ran is retreating, in the eyes of many pilots of the twenty-five corps that came to support, the black seems to be the body of the new machine showing superior combat power in front of them, avoiding countless attacks from the rear. The attack, swirling in the barrage, and dancing with countless missiles, the direction of the advancement has not been changed, and has been moving toward the goal until it is close to the target, only a deformation of the red bug into two half. All the movements are so direct and full of beauty, even the movements of the deformation escape are so decisive.

Far away, the pilot pilots who were driving the deformation fighters saw Xiaoran’s battle clearly under the broadcast of the scouting body with long-distance exploration function, and sent a message to Xiaoran.

"Thank you for your help, fortunately. The next battle will be taken over by us, you can go directly to the fleet."

Xiao Ran rolled his head and rolled his eyes, his heart said: "Give it to you? Don't cry for me for a while." (To be continued)

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