Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1091: information

The light from the muzzle rushed directly toward the dark sky, facing the attack of the white knight, and the nearby beam was still not operating on the body.

It’s not that Xiao Ran didn’t notice the attack of the White Knight. Under the cover of the GN particles, all the actions of the body could not escape Xiaoran’s control. Even those scattered GN particles shrouded the steel number, making the steel number between Everything is also unobtrusive in the perception of Xiao Ran.

Nor is it that Xiao Ran feels that the attack of the White Knight does not pose any threat to him. Of course, the attack of the White Knight before the GN Shield is not opened before the GN Shield is hit, it will also cause certain damage on the dark sky.

But Xiao Ran felt that there was no need to have any action at all, because one person already had an action, and the pure silver body appeared in the darkness of the sky, and immediately greeted the open arms under the gaze of the white knight. White Knight's attack.

"How could this be... I used my own life to stop my attack, why can I do this?" Axelin flashed the thought in her mind and saw her attack attacked straight. On the silver body, the picture that appeared in an instant made Axelin’s brain blind.

The new child who was driven by the energy beam of the white knight’s unimpeded hit by the Yula Birds was as high as the night, but the light beam hit the moment of the newborn’s night, but it disappeared like the newborn’s night. There is no trace, just like the attack has never happened before.

In the next moment, the external appearance of the new child's night flashes, and an identical beam emerges from the body of the newborn child. It moves directly toward the white knight's flight and uses a faster speed to reflect, let the white knight's pilot Ai Katherine hurriedly took control of her body and escaped the space that appeared out of thin air. Her mind was slightly faint, and her heart said: "What is going on? My attack was absorbed by the body!"

Mayou sat in his own cockpit and looked at the white knight who kept changing the flight. He said with a soft voice: "The lady who drives a white body, you have to choose to surrender, if you If you want to resist, my technique may not be like that of an adult and a brother. If you accidentally hurt you, adults will probably blame me."

When Axeline heard Maou’s words, she felt that she was full of black lines. With her slightly frivolous character, she heard the voice of Mayo’s girl, how could she not give a counterattack, she said: “We How about a discussion, you advise your brother and the adult to surrender, otherwise I will feel very difficult for a little girl like you."

"Then my answer I already understand, and I am not a little girl, I am almost twenty years old, big sister!"

After several years of growth, Mayo has grown a lot, but more is still growing in mind, and people are much more stable. As for the appearance, it still maintains the situation three years ago. After all, it has been taking life since that time. The directional agent temporarily solidified in the original state.

And when she heard that Axelin said that she was a little girl, Mayou also showed an annoyed expression. It is not what she wants now, but she also accepts taking medicine, in order to maintain her youthfulness. And energy is also a no-brainer, otherwise it can keep up with the pace of Xiaoran.

The annoyed Mayou was raised a little because of Axelin’s words. The slightly bulging eyes also showed a serious expression. The left hand released the operating lever and gently pressed it on the control panel a few times, then opened again: Shooting to a mobile body, let me see how much you can do."

When Mayou’s voice fell, eight GN dragon cavalry moments popped out of the newborn night, and Axeline’s surprise spread like a lightning, but only half of the number rushed to the white knight. With the incomparably flexible movements and the speed at which the eyes are difficult to capture, it quickly appears in all directions of the White Knight.

Luo, Kane, the body of the real three-person driving at this time also began to exchange fire with the people of the steel number, the enemy facing them is several times their number, almost everyone will suffer from all aspects at the same time attack.

However, the actions of the three people were not restricted because of this. They were flexibly interspersed between countless attacks and the body, showing their solid technical operations. Only three people took over all other attacks.


Camilla’s attack and Sebasta, who became a flying bird, slammed together. After a brief stalemate, a roar of the sky’s roaring sound finally broke out. Different magical energy began to spread and the sea surface was blown out. The scattered ripples, compared to the way Camilla used weapons, Sebasta turned itself into a weapon to attack, and also made Sebasta a big influence after the explosion. The explosion was pushed again.

Everyone who came down with Xiao Ran started his own battle. The DC army, who was originally assisted, chose to retire at the beginning of the battle and left the battlefield to the people of Xiao Ran and others, but Xiaoran There is no dissatisfaction. Since Bian wants to see how their strength is, Xiao Ran does not care about showing his strength.

The reason why Xiaoran has not been moving just now, in addition to the absolute confidence of the strength of his teammates and subordinates, but also the entire information of the body of the people will be treated again.

After the use of investigative skills, the grade information of these bodies was obtained. The undead is a C-class body, the ancient iron is a C-class body, and the R-1, white knight, raptor, wild boar, etc. are C+, no one at all. The platform reached the B-class body, and the Gulang Gast elite ranks superior. Only Sebasta has reached an epic level, but it is an epic body that does not exert all its abilities at all. The real power of this body.

After getting all the information, I also saw the purpose of the DC army retreating. Xiao Ran also began to re-control his own body. His eyes swept across the screen, and his face was cold and indifferent, but his left hand was lifted. Pushing forward, the right hand pushes the main operating rod at the same time, and the two feet are stepped on, and the action directly causes the body to explode the fastest speed and flies straight toward the higher sky.

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