Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1104: Understand the proposal

Bian looked at Xiaoran with amazement, and Baihe also looked at Xiaoran with the same look, while the other DCs did not react until now, and they whispered and whispered their heads.

Bian said, "Maybe I understand some of the threats you have encountered, and why they end up with peace."

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "This is not my own merit. I am not the main reason. In addition, the evolutionary people like me have a lot in my army. If you have the same The ability to mentally, such as the words of the motivator, should be able to make direct contact with the spirit, just like calling, but certainly not the same as calling."

Bian nodded. "But you don't think that you show me like this, but it will make me deeper doubts about you being aliens?"

Xiaoran spread his hand and said: "You will have your own judgment. I will say that I am not human and I don't need others to judge. I know that I am that, I am, I represent a force, one hopes to get here. A force that rests on its own site, in order to achieve this goal, although we are not willing to have more twists and turns, because we have experienced enough wars, but this does not mean that I will fear the inevitable war."

Bian is silent. According to the current power of Xiao Ran, only a few people have completely destroyed the real power of the entire steel dragon team. If he and Bian and Baihe are serious, they may be able to do the same. However, Xiao Ran can be said to have defeated all members of the Iron and Steel by relying on the strength of one body to fully cover half of the defensive power of Pluto Island.

In this process, it is even more incredible that Xiao Ran just broke through so many bodies without hurting anyone driving the body. Even if the luck is bad, the injured person appears, but it does not appear. The kind of person whose injury is so serious that it is necessary to save.

This point is that both Bi An and Bai Hejun know that they can't do it. In other words, Xiao Ran is so slashing that so many bodies have not hurt one person, and that the control of the body and his own attack is absolutely far. Far more than them, they are also stronger than them.

This is just the power of Xiao Ran alone. Even if Xiao Ran is the most powerful person in his so-called immigration team, his men have experienced repeated battles with him. He is certainly a group of fighters with rich combat experience and super driving skills. Look at the two warships that appeared in their eyes.

Bian also estimated that the two warships alone would be enough to completely suppress the island of Pluto, and it would be enough to destroy the ruinous destruction of the entire federation. Such a force does have the confidence to make Xiaoran fearless of war, not to mention that Bian can’t Determine how much combat power Xiaoran has in hand.

Bian, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, simply and directly said: "purpose, proof, condition."

Bian’s direct let Xiao Ran also stunned, and then said with a serious look: “I said, my purpose is just to find a place that allows us to inhabit. After so many wars, we are tired of war, I am not Denying my sense of guilt about the Federation is the reason why I chose DC. When they did what they did, there were hundreds of thousands of people who sacrificed it. They must be responsible for it."

"I don't have any thoughts on the earth, but the resources of the earth are indispensable for us to live. The air, water, special elements and population supplements can't leave the earth's support, the moon is good, or let me renew. Returning to the satellite integration, we have been satisfied that we have been able to return to the home of the earth for many years."

"So I don't want to use any means of warfare on this matter. If we didn't find the war between the federation and DC when we came back, let's be honest, I will adopt another way to slowly integrate into the earth. The time may be long. It is more insurance."

"But I actually found that there is an organization like DC on the earth to stand up against the federation, and it is still a situation where you are in danger. I have to stand up and help you in advance. I think the situation in the universe should be clear too. It is because of our help that we will preserve the residual power of satellite integration."

"As for proof, I don't know what proof you want, but from the past experience, it is indeed a matter of a few words that you can get your understanding and recognition. You can do this later. Get in touch with us to understand."

Said, Xiao Ran smiled and looked at Bian: "Of course you want to have a spiritual contact with me, although I am very disgusted with this, but I will not object, but by that time, Dr. Bian Will you feel that what is presented to you is also just a fake thing? And that huge amount of information has hit the spirit, can you afford Dr. Bian?"

Xiao Ran is not afraid to use the ability of the changer to make spiritual contact with the other party. Originally, this is also the main ability of the purely changer. What the spiritual entanglement of the soul touches is Xiaoran’s, but actually it is not Then it’s going on.

This is a kind of information transmission, mood, thought, hope, pursuit, dream, picture, etc., the past memory is completely controlled by oneself, but the huge information transmission is not the spiritual to the blood can afford it. It’s completely open, and it’s a slap in the face. Xiao Ran has the ability to control what he wants to pass.

In general, it is an attitude, and this attitude cannot be deceived, because it is a sense of the soul, malicious goodwill or something else can make the other party understand at once, very simple but complicated. To sum up, it is two words, understanding.

Baihe smiled and said with a smile: "If it is mental strength, I have some experience. If I don't mind, let me conduct an exchange. I am also very curious about how you use this under the battle." Ability to reach peace with each other."

Baihe Yi just finished saying this, the door of the conference room was pushed up at once, the two men came in from the outside, a blonde and a silver hair, the blonde man looked a sense of aristocratic Temperament, while the feeling of another person gives people a sense of urgency like a sword.

Even Kane consciously turned to look at the silver-haired man, and Xiao Ran picked up his eyebrows slightly after seeing the two, and smiled lightly.

The blond man bent slightly to Bian: "General, I am bothered."

"It doesn't matter." Bian's generous hand waved and looked at the two and asked: "Is there anything?"

The silver-haired man stepped forward and said with a deep voice: "Master, I hope that I will carry out this exchange."

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