Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 112: Meet the president

An hour later, Xiao Ran sat in a chair in the presidential office of the presidential palace, seemingly calm and closed, but in his heart was really surprised and happy.

The joy is that after this battle, there were only more than 2,800 battle points left to break through 10,000 points, killing 3 red bugs at the leader level, each with a battle point of 3000, in battle. Started to kill 4 bugs at the level of the soldiers, killing 3 on the main island, killing 8 in the process of the universe battle, each rewarding 500, a total of fifteen yellow bugs of the mixed army level, With 7500 points of combat, the remaining Xiao Ran has more than 13,300 points of combat, and this is a bit easier.

Although I received so many rewards, the authority has not been improved. At this time, it is already the sergeant's authority that needs to get a total of 50,000 martial arts points to be promoted to the privilege, and it is still about 10,000 points.

It was shocked that after killing the last three soldiers of the worms that ran into the main island, the attack of the worm stopped and then retreated. Xiao Ran also quickly received the news that the top commander of the unified army would meet him, perhaps the corps It is also strange that without any notice, the Earth has sent a investigation team to the remote immigration fleet.

After parking the lightning shield in a hangar in the military area of ​​the main island, the person who arrived in Xiaoran did not take him to the headquarters of the military area, but changed his direction to the presidential palace. Xiao Ran also responded. The highest command of the original 25th Fleet Integrated Defense Force was actually in the hands of the President. Can it be clearly considered that the family’s defense army and the government are two camps? At this time, Xiao Ran also triggered his first main task in the world.

"The main line task 1 has been opened: the enemy is investigated, the mission rewards 1000 points, and the mission failure deducts the warfare point 2000. According to the task completion degree, the evaluation reward after the end of the mission is determined."

“Investigating lurking enemies?” Xiao Ran was a bit stunned when he received this mission: “Who is this lurking enemy talking about, is it a bug hidden under the hull? Or the conspirators from the galaxy fleet. Or is it a betrayal of the twenty-five regiments?"

Xiaoran’s hand was gently tilted on the chair, and did not make a sound: “Wait a minute, if I don’t know the development of the plot. After the battle of the bug, the first reaction should be near the fleet or maybe there are enemies. Hidden, or it may be hiding on the ship. After all, the worm is now an enemy."

"And the enemy in the mission did not specify who it is, just to investigate the enemy who is lurking. This enemy may have designated the bug without knowing it." Xiao Ran opened his eyes and touched the work. He said: "For In my case, it seems that this is not the case. If you want to achieve high task completion, you should consider this aspect."

At this time, the door of the president's office suddenly opened, a young blue-haired man wearing uniforms and military uniforms. But wearing it on his body, but I can't feel the meaning of the military, only a kind of fancy feeling.

The man put his hand behind his back and smiled and walked to Xiao Ran's body. Xiao Ran also stood up and bowed to the other side.

The man smiled and nodded, but he said, "I am the chief assistant of the presidential palace, Lyon. Mishima. I will cooperate with some of your investigations from today, but I hope you remember that this is not the earth, I hope you don't want it. Make something that makes me feel embarrassed."

Xiao Ran looked at Lyon. The three islands smiled slightly, this guy is a traitor hidden in the twenty-five fleet. With the actions of the conspirators of galaxy, the president of the twenty-five regiments was assassinated and he took the position of the president. In other words, this is also a goal in the mission of Xiaoran.

Xiao Ran said: "I will keep in mind the instructions of the sergeant. What else needs to be embarrassed. If not, I would like to know when the President of the corps can meet with me."

Lyon looked at Xiao Ran and nodded a step. After reaching out and pointing at it, he turned and left. Xiao Ran looked at his back and smiled coldly and walked into the president's office.

At this time, the old president, who was already a little older, was waiting for Xiaoran to come in with a big cigar. After seeing Xiaoran, he directly supported the hand on the table. From top to bottom, he looked at Xiaoran wearing a black mechanic suit: "You said you are from the earth?"

Xiao Ran nodded: "Yes."

The president asked a little frowning: "So why didn't we receive a message that someone from the investigation team came back?"

Xiao Ran stood up and said: "This is a secret mission. The investigation team was divided into two teams and each went to a different place. My team and I went to the galaxy ship group first. But I have another task and the superior gave me freedom. The right to act so I came here and my mission is related to this fleet."

The president frowned and looked at Xiaoran. Nodded. "What is your mission? Of course, if it is confidential, you don't have to say it. I have already let my assistants try to cooperate with you."

Xiao Ran stopped and glanced over the room deliberately. He shook his head and blinked at the president. The meaning inside was very obvious, but he said, "I am sorry, I think I can't tell you."

The president saw Xiaoran and the words that said the words completely stunned. He glanced at his office and nodded. "Well, since I don’t ask much, we haven’t been a long time since the ship’s regiment. Earth is coming, earth, I was born there too. From your deformation fighter, the earth may have changed a lot. If it is okay today, I want to talk to you, you too Tell me about the current situation on Earth."

"That is my honor." Xiaoran smiled and nodded.

The president smiled and stood up and walked out. Xiao Ran took the lead to open the door of the office and followed the president. The two men walked directly out of the presidential palace and walked slowly without a goal, and behind them, a group Obviously the task of bodyguards is also closely followed.

It was not until ten minutes later that the president smiled and said: "Now it is out, there is something you can say."

Xiao Ran nodded. While admiring the beautiful scenery on the main island, he said: "Our investigation mission was caused by the destruction of the 117 investigation team."

The president frowned: "The investigation team No. 117? The investigation team destroyed by vajra eleven years ago?"

Xiao Ran said: "Yes, that event can be said to be the first appearance of vajra, and the Earth is also secretly investigating the incident. The results of the investigation are somewhat unexpected. All the research results are considered to be a torch. And those who have already thought to be dead have appeared in the galaxy fleet, which has caused us a lot of doubts."

"And as the investigation deepened, we found that some people in the galaxy fleet seemed to be secretly conducting conspiracy. Since then we have been exploring their news. Although the real situation has not been investigated, the galaxy fleet began. Daxie's promotion of human transformation technology also allowed the founding team's predecessors to discover some clues, among those who were transformed. There are very few people who can connect with thoughts, and those people are each in the galaxy fleet. Senior staff, things have become more complicated since then."

“Then the Earth Army headquarters captured a vajra and studied it. They found that these insects also share the information of ethnic groups similar to the thinking link, and they also found a material crystal in the body of the insect. We found that the crystal actually has The ability to link across barriers also has the ability to fold hop marks."

"We began to wonder what the relationship between these bugs and the galaxy fleet, and what relationship with the 117 investigation team, so the Earth Corps headquarters sent an investigation team directly to the galaxy fleet, while at the same time a galaxy fleet The mysterious figure also came to this group. I followed her to come here, but I was immediately attacked by bugs. I have to consider whether there is any connection between them."

“In addition, I also found it in this fleet during the investigation. There are also a few people who have a very deep relationship with the 117 investigation team. Even in the feedback of intelligence, a major character is watching people The survivors of the 117th investigation team, and it seems to be related to the galaxy side."

"In this way, the fleet may have fallen into a conspiracy, and it is a very dangerous conspiracy, and may even lead to the destruction of the entire fleet."

“Hmm?” The president frowned and looked at Xiao Ran: “Who is that person?”

"Your assistant, Lyon. Mishima." Xiaoran slowly said a name to make the president's eyes instantly become fierce. But then I resumed the normal state and lowered my voice and said, "What are you talking about?"

Xiao Ran asked: "Does the President think that I will be bored and run away from the earth. Just to find someone who I don't know at all?"

The President took out a cigar from his arms: "I will let people investigate him."

"Sorry, according to some information feedback. Your Excellency President seems to have been monitored by him, and under him, there seems to be a group of people who only listen to his orders." Xiao Ran licked his mouth and looked at the president with a smile. : "So for your safety, you still don't know what to do."

At the same time as the President’s cigarette, the teeth also bite tightly, and his hands tightly pinched on the lighter and his eyes had already angered: "That **** bastard."

"Lord President, please relax. Who knows if there are people in these bodyguards behind you." Xiao Ran said with a smile, "If the President believes me, it will take long before I will put the evidence on you." In front of me, of course, after all, I am alone. I hope to get a small team that is completely loyal to you. After all, the results of the investigation will be good for you."

The president took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "I will send you a few people, and I will sign a warrant for you to fully cooperate with you."

Xiao Ran nodded: "I also need to include some interference rights of s.m.s, because for me, only they are clean."

"I will help you solve this problem." The president nodded and glanced at Xiaoran and said: "Although it was sent by the Earth and Army headquarters, your rank is too low, I will let you temporarily join the defense and peace. In the establishment of the military, there are sufficient rights to investigate."

"Yes, Lord President." Xiao Ran saluted a military ceremony to the president and said: "If I can, I hope to start monitoring the two people from galaxy tonight." (To be continued)

Ps: The previous neutron disturber part has been changed

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