Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1155: This is the super department

The actions of Zhen, Mu, Mayou, and the squad are like whistling in a chaotic whistle, and suddenly let the DC troops who have been blinded by the cover attack of the meteorite three suddenly Like finding a banner, they began to move closer to the DC headquarters, and began to defend around the DC headquarters. With the various defenses distributed at the headquarters, the defense firepower of the DC headquarters was increased several times. .

The increase in defensive firepower is in exchange for countless beams, live ammunition, crystal flying and collisions in the sky. It also represents the DC attack pressure on the DC headquarters facing the Rock III, but it has no more effort to launch towards the Rock III. Attack, in the sky above the DC headquarters, the attack and defense firepower of Meteorite III seems to be deadlocked.

But the stalemate also has the advantage of stalemate. The laborious defense will at least reduce the loss and loss of the DC headquarters to a minimum, and also make the speed of DC personnel who are evacuating all important materials faster and unconsciously. A few points.

It can only be a Meteorite III, but it has dragged all the high-level combat forces sent by Xiao Ran except Kruze. It completely limits these combat forces to the position above the DC headquarters. Distracted him.

At this time, several more bodies rushed out again. A blue body rushed from the ground and rushed directly to the front of all the defensive forces. At this time, Baihe finally drove his Gulansen from The underground space of the DC headquarters flew out, and when it came out, it released a big move in the direction of Meteorite III.

The black energy began to condense in front of Gulson, like a very deep whirlpool with a strange arc gradually getting bigger and bigger, at first glance it seems that even the spirit will be attracted into it, then gradually Exudes mysterious purple.

When the ball of light became big enough, Gulson’s huge arm that was holding the ball of light suddenly waved forward, letting the ball of light fly toward the direction of the Rock III, and in the ball of light. During the flight, all the crystals around the path were crushed and absorbed, and the huge power was used to make the sky change color.

At the same time, there was a tweet in the sky that pierced the sky. A blue phoenix appeared along the sky above Pluto Island with this tweet, turning into a ray that followed the black purple ball. Above the path, a wing suddenly rushed into the sky.

Between the vagueness, a young voice seems to sound in the sky: "White River! Even if I helped you this time, I will never let you go!"

"Oh." Baihe, who heard the sound, laughed uncontrollably, and was not scared by the threat conveyed by the voice. Instead, Gulanson, who controlled himself, suddenly rushed toward the ground, and Extending the huge steel arm across the ground, grabbed another body standing on the ground, rushed to the Meteorite III at full speed, and then forced the body that was captured by Gulson. Flying in the direction of Meteorite III.

A flame-like airflow emerged from the long sword held by the body that was thrown by Gulson, and the airflow around the blink of an eye swallowed the long sword that was held, in just a moment, the airflow Compressed and then burned instantly and burst into a red sword with a length of hundreds of meters.

Under the flight of Gulson, the horror speed of the body's own propeller is fully ignited, so that the body's swordsman will be directly slashed in the first three times. On top of the white shield that appeared, the sword light crossed the sky and there seemed to be only one color left, even if it was a landslide.

Everything in the place where the great swords were spread was turned into nothingness. Everything on the ground was opened, and the earth was broken, and the whole ground was burning with a blazing flame.

After a knife was thrown out, the body that was thrown out of the sky also fell heavily on the ground and kept the posture of the sword unresponsive, and the blue phoenix in the sky brought a spiral of waves to follow the sword. Directly hitting the shield of the Rock III, the collision of energy and energy is as complete as the collision between the entities. The ring begins to appear on the shield of the Rock III, with the blue phoenix. The position of the front end begins to spread at the center of the circle.

As the blue phoenix gradually shrinks, the speed of the ring's diffusion also accelerates, and the shield of Meteorite III begins to violently flicker, until the blue phoenix disappears completely, and a small shadow does not know how many machine shadows suddenly Retired and then rushed to the sky again.

Until this time, the black energy ball thrown out by Gurson was slow and fell in the position that the blue phoenix hit. Although it is slow, it is also compared with the sword attack. In terms of the speed of the blue phoenix, in fact, the flying speed of this black-purple energy ball is actually quite fast, and the flight path is elusive, and suddenly it is not a straight line. It is quite strange to say that you can finally hit the location designated by Baihe.

After the black ball of light fell on the flashing white shield, the space in the interlaced space seemed to be distorted as well. The white shield was pulled down and collapsed like a piece of debris. Disappeared, the black and purple light ball also fell smoothly on the Meteorite III, and turned into a one-shaped light flashing away, the next second burst into a roar, and set off an endless wind.


At the moment when the explosion sounded, Kruze also began to mutter: "This is the true strength of the super department? Sebasta, Balsion, Gurson, Valkyrie, Da Zengjia."

All of this was seen in Kruze's eyes. Balthion's previous attacks, Gulson, Sebasta, and Valkyrie's three combos of three bodies, each attacking the body Outburst has unimaginable power. The four bodies in the normal state have such problems in Kruze. The most obvious problems are the hit rate, the interval of high-energy attacks, continuity and mobility.

But now the combination of these three sets of attacks, but Kruze really feels the powerful side of the super-system, especially in the face of the enemy like the meteorite three, in the real system is weak, the opposite is shown one side.

Speed, mobility, or hit rate or persistence, suddenly let Kruze find that under such an attack, inevitably, all this has no meaning at all. And even if the four did not reach the level of the A-level pilot, it was able to create an attack that only needed to change the situation and change the environment.

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