Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1158: Rhythm control

On the island of Pluto, Kruze and others sent by Xiao Ran swept toward the Judika, which was produced by the three generations of the meteorite. The real bird that opened the seed state also rushed to the forefront and pulled out the organism behind the foot. The length of the huge knives, a sharp wave of long edge of the blade at the front end of the knives. The fastest update

I saw that I really drove my body to move left and right, and even brought up the image of the road, red, purple, blue, green, under the embellishment of the wings of the light and the green particles, it makes people look like dreams. If you can't capture the real figure of the body.

I saw only a trace of the shadows rushing to the front of a mass-produced Judika, even if the real body is compared to Judika, even the children can not count, from the top of the heavy knife Straight through the cracks from the beginning to the end of Judika's body.

This really controls the body's hands and the sword is pulled down. At this end, a turn is turned, and a folding cannon on the left side pops up instantly. A black-purple beam suddenly ejects, and the precision is extremely smooth. The huge cracks that came out were poured into it, and finally it was ejected from the head of this mass-produced Judika, which brought up a space-like distortion like a spiral, and Judika was broken in the blink of an eye.

The mass-produced Judika was smashed and a huge bright ball of light broke out in the sky, and it really controlled the body to rush toward the second mass-produced Judika.

Compared with the one-stop and one-shot killing, the two silver and gold bodies that Mayou and Mu are driving are full of tacit understanding. In the face of the mass-produced Judika attack, Mu took the lead in controlling. The gn dragon cavalry flew out in front of the body of the Mayo and erected a beam of light.

The body itself climbed up to the sky, lifting the beam gun in the hand from top to bottom, and the beam of light on both sides of the waist emitted countless beams, putting all the attacks in Judika. Above a few arms, a spark that bursts out.

And Mayo's body also released all the gn dragon cavalry, bypassing the front light curtain barrier from below to match Mu's attack. At this time, Judika, who suffered the attack, also paused forever. The attack also paused, while Mu controlled his own gn dragon cavalry divided into two, half protecting Mayou and half attacking.

Just as Mu changed the state of the gn dragon cavalry, Mayou drove his body and slammed in, pulling out two beams of sabers directly to Judika, and left a huge in the middle of Judika’s body. The melt marks, and then the two-handed beam sabers are inserted into the body of Judika at the same time.

Until this time, Mu’s golden body also controlled the combined beam saber to create a huge gap in Judika’s head, which was inserted into the beam saber, let Judika The head of the cockroach shot a myriad of electric sparks and received it with Mayou and flashed back.

And Kruze alone dealt with two Judika, compared to the real violent breakthrough, the perfect cooperation between Mayu and Mu, Kruze's attack is full of a special feeling, a very The feeling of rhythm.

In the battle, all the rhythms seem to be completely controlled by Kruze. Often, Judika's arm moves, and Kruze is as simple and relaxed as the unpredicted prophet, moving the least to avoid the two Judika attacks. It seems that when Judika attacked, what kind of attack, when to move, and how to move completely under his control, and his own attack was shot and then fired. Every time I can hit the key to Judika, I can interrupt Judika every time.

This rhythm control is not just the rhythm of the gn dragon cavalry controlled by God and Kruze, but the rhythm of the two Judika on his pair is also completely controlled by Kruze, bringing the enemy into In his own rhythm, he created an area that allowed Kruze to take complete control.

This rhythm control is not only aimed at hostile targets and their own actions, but if Kruzer’s two Judikas are actually driven by a pilot rather than drone, then Kruze’s control The effect is definitely not the only way, and this is the characteristic that Kruze has realized, and it is absolutely controlled.

Controlling the movements, controlling the mind, blocking the movements, interfering with the mind, and matching the special skills of Kruzer personally are simply powerful.

The final team of five people, perhaps also know that they have no way to compare with the previous metamorphosis, directly with the team's combination to fight with the mass-produced Judika.

The mass-produced Judika, which was built from the Meteorite III, has the same appearance, size and armature as the Judeka of the Ancient Forest Dance, but it does not have the most difficult shield to deal with, perhaps because of that. The kind of shield needs the power of the pilot to support it, or it may be because the mass-produced Judika has abandoned those things because of the speed of construction, or both.

Moreover, the armor strength can not be compared with the genuine Judika, so this kind of body does not reach the level of the a-level body at all, and the people will naturally have no pressure to deal with it.

But Kruze, the actions of Man and others fell in the eyes of Bian, Baihe, Zengjia, Zhengshu, etc., but they did not know how much their fighting gave them the great shock and excellent operational ability. The meticulous control of micro-manipulation, the horrific hit rate, the diversified fighting style, and the mature tactical system, no matter which one is far beyond what the current earth pilot can achieve.

In the cockpit of Sebasta, the black cat and the white cat looked at the fighting body on the screen, and looked at the stunned Zheng tree. The black cat suddenly shook his head like a human and said: "Look at other people's battles, I really feel that the battle of Zhengshu is like a child fighting, even the silver body that the little girl drives is better than the Zhengshu."

The white cat also agreed to nod. "If you don't rely on the ability of magic, there is an inexplicable state outburst. Let the positive tree driving Sebasta and the little girl fight will not be the opponent of the little girl. The driving style is really too rough."

"Oh." Zheng Shu muttered with a black face and dissatisfaction, but he also had to admit that he was technically not their opponent. Then the tree shouted: "I’m sick, I will definitely exceed it anyway. Theirs! I am going to start attacking!"

At this time, Shishi San took out a few large crystals and rushed to the sky. The crystal blasted and four Zhu Dikang were in front of each other. It was also a sudden stagnation of the positive tree. It is incredible: "How could this be so? fast!"

At this time, several fighters suddenly came from afar and released a wave of missiles to the newly appeared Judika. Then these fighters rushed directly into the sky with one head up, with three One component became two groups and formed a one-word queue.

In the next moment, the two sets of six fighters began to undergo some deformation. The fighters that led the countless people began to slow down. The second fighter directly slammed into the first one. The third fighter directly slammed into the second. The two sets of fighters seemed to be in contact with each other in a collision. It was a dramatic change. The arms, footsteps, head and backpack suddenly popped up. In just one moment, the six fighters became two huge ones. robot.

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