Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1161: Federal struggle

Rebiel gave the federal three hours to let the federal choose to surrender or completely defeat the enemy until they were completely destroyed. The investment can be seen in Xiaoran for three hours, although it is actually thirty minutes and There is no difference in three hours, but in the case that the demon team led by El Elf has been mixed into the federation, it is better to solve the federal problem with a slap in the face.

With the power of El Elf and those magical agents, maybe some of the important rights in the federation have been controlled at this time. Who can think that there will be life in possession of the possession of Xiaoran’s men, with these magical The push, thirty minutes is actually not possible.

Moreover, three hours is enough for the federal group of old guys to mobilize a lot of troops. Maybe there is still a big killer to release. Xiao Ran is not willing to end up with the federation before accepting those who have been hit. The scattered army, in vain, consumes the troops that are not necessary to be consumed, and directly suppresses the squatting and saves the federal high-level executives in the three hours.

It can be turned into thirty minutes in three hours. Not only is Kyliam’s face horrified, but even Jeffrey’s frowning slightly: “Is it too urgent, maybe it will force I got the other person’s fish to die."

"The urgency is anxious." Xiaoran heard a slight sigh of Captain Jeffrey and said: "I am afraid that the guys in the Federation will not move their minds, forget it, anyway, Ayr. Elf, they stared, the federal guys really had something to do with the mess, and El Elf wouldn’t sit back and let Rebiel look at it."

When Jeffrey heard Xiaoran’s words, he nodded. Indeed, as Xiaoran said, the federation of the world has a very rich heritage. It’s not long in three hours, short and short, one can’t Well, maybe a minute can make a big change, and Xiao Ran’s worry is not without reason.

However, Jeffrey also knows that Xiao Ran is not really trying to create a myriad of contradictions in the Union and then completely confronted them. More people still have to give some psychological pressure to those who can make decisions, so that they can make decisions without delay. The United States is now in the most serious situation, calming down the situation in one fell swoop, otherwise it will be a real war once the Federation has slowed down.

Even if Xiaoran is not afraid to launch a war, it is as good as he can guarantee that a part of the skilled arms will be a great thing for the future.

"Accelerate the speed of returning, there are still guests waiting for the satellite integration, Kiliam, Veretta, you have something to do with me to ask you."

Xiao Ran put his head and decided not to deal with the federal side. There is a real qualification of Rebir and Al Ehr's cooperation. It is also a matter of time to win the Confederacy. In addition, there is no need to worry about Pluto Island.

Don't say that Xiao Ran sent so many people to go down, that is, Baihe, who is still hiding his strength, really wants to be serious, and I am afraid that it can also cooperate with Zeng Jia, Bian and Zheng Shu to kill the meteorite.

At a time when Xiao Ran didn’t know, the federal headquarters was also in chaos, regardless of whether the top of the political army gathered in the military headquarters of Paris, and the intense round table was being held around the huge round table, and outside the conference room, it was not eligible to enter. There were more officers and senior officials, and all of them were anxiously standing outside the conference room waiting for the final result of the conference.

Those who can stand here are not all of the people in the entire federation who are eligible to come here. Apart from those who are far from Paris, the people who should stand here in the federal capital of Paris should actually be more Under the unusual raid of the Void Messenger, many people have left the world forever.

Among these people, a young silver-haired man wearing a military uniform on the captain is a lot more conspicuous. There is no one standing alone on the side, just like the high-ranking officials who follow the general, just stand Look at the messy crowd without saying a word at the nearest place to the gate.

In the conference room, the table that could have sat down for more than a dozen people was also not full. There were a few people who joined the conference by projection, but they were three or five fewer.

The person sitting in the first place is not the president of the Federation, but an elder who wears military uniforms to reveal a strong military atmosphere. It looks like he is in his fifties, but he looks like a healthy and energetic person. He glances at the beginning of the meeting. A circle of people or projections appeared on all the tables and chairs, then slowly shook his head.

"It seems that people who can come are like us. Those who have not come will never come." The first elder sighed and patted the table and said with some angry voice: "d The emptiness messenger, as well as the satellite integration and the immigration fleet, a raid in the chaos caused the federation to fall into such a situation, the sky of the headquarters was occupied by the enemy, and we can only hide in the ground and wait for the last time to come. This is simply an insult. They have forgotten that there is no federal where there will be them today."

After the elders finished speaking, they looked at other faces with different expressions. The various people just pinched their fists, but they finally sighed and said: "The situation is clear now. The high-end team that has given high hopes has been all suppressed, and the strength demonstrated by the vanity messenger is difficult to cope with even the federal government, as well as the abnormal situation on the island of Pluto."

"There is a meteorite on the island of Pluto. There are also meteorites and meteorites in the territory of the Confederacy. Even though the two meteorites have not had any abnormal conditions, no one can guarantee that these two meteorites will It also becomes the same thing as Meteorite III. Without high-end power, we have no way to resist that kind of thing."

"The other party’s request has already told us that surrendering and disbanding the current government, re-establishing a new government and surrendering all military power is not enough for us who have struggled for the Federation for a lifetime, and once established Everyone in the new government knows that the new government will inevitably fall into the control of satellite integration, and then we should go where and how.

A middle-aged man in a suit lowered his head slightly, and a green light flashed in his eyes. After the elders finished speaking, he raised his head and said seriously: "The current meeting is not to discuss where we are going, but to discuss whether we should Accept the request of the other party within a limited time, dissolve the current government to form a new government and hand over all military power."

"According to the other party's meaning, even if we are in the government after the dissolution of the government, we will have our own position. In addition to military power, government affairs will not be inserted, but only need to maintain the necessary support and help for them. In terms of the strength of the other side, it is easy to destroy the vanity messenger, and giving us three hours of time can also be regarded as a sincere expression in my opinion."

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