Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1182: Unstoppable temptation

I heard Kane said that Xiao Ran would personally come over to meet with the princess. The spoiler’s heart also played his own abacus: “The guy in Gulton is going to personally go to the meeting, I’m afraid I’ll be in the South Pole. It is also the thought of madness. Once there is chaos, with the personality style of Huen and the princess, it is sure to choose to resist at the front line and then help humanity."

"At that time, as long as Cullen is properly arranged, it is not difficult to cause some accidents for Hugh and the princess to happen in the human territory. Even if there is a policy chief here, it will inevitably be controlled by the guy of Cullan, so that One will cause a complete confrontation between humans and us, but because of the relationship between the humans, humans will not have the spare power to deal with us. This is really good, and it may also cause humans. The leader, the man named Xiao Ran, also had an accident there."

"The guy from Cullan didn't think about it. What did we pay in order to seal the door? What kind of confidence does he have? He feels that he can solve the threat that the door will bring. If you can find this secret. Maybe it will become my chance."

"But these people are not so simple, so I clearly told me that it is absolutely impossible to change the venue. If I am not sure about dealing with the door, I am afraid that even I will not escape. So stand firm." On one side, I should do it. Gulangton, since you are thinking of the idea of ​​putting all of us into your **** and putting us in danger, don’t blame me for choosing to protect myself. I am dealing with you."

The eyes turned and the spy chief grinned and said to Kane: "Since the presidential adult will come over personally, it would be too impolite for us to be polite if we don't play, even if it is safe, we need to choose. One of the most suitable locations, I am very supportive of the location of the meeting on the moon, and will certainly convince the princess to arrange this, and the fifteen days are too long. I think the three days are more appropriate, and a result will be discussed as soon as possible. It will be beneficial for both of us."

"Then I will wait and see, three days later, the spy will grow up to be my colleague." Kane smiled and said: "While Fry does have a history behind him, history is just history, now Fry, especially the spy department of Free, in my opinion, I am afraid I can't completely smash the ability of the spy to grow up. I believe that once we become a family, the spy will grow up to get the best ability. The position of the job."

"And our President, you will certainly retain the custom of the nobility because of the smooth integration of the two communities, to ensure the existence of the royal family and to give the corresponding territory, more suitable for the site of your life as a new country of Freedom, so that With the gradual exhibition of Freedom and integration into the earth, I believe that there will also be a group of real Fri nobles, and will certainly become the true high-level people of the Earth."

Kane smiled faintly and did not hesitate to promise his own bad cheque to the spy chief. Of course, the empty cheques he promised did not become a real possibility. If the spy chief could really use it, There is nothing wrong with these things promised to him. It is said that once the Legion has established a firm foothold in this world, the spy chief knows the truth of the Legion, and will never have the courage to be a wall, just like him. Like Kane.

Because betrayal at that time has no meaning, rights, wealth, women, eternal life at your fingertips, the Burning Legion that occupies several worlds has countless resources, what do you want to get? Even if you occupy a planet alone and become the supreme planet, there is no use. The only thing that is lacking is the really useful person, the continuation of a single race, and the power of the Burning Legion itself.

If the spy chief is really a usable talent, even if he will hand over the whole earth to him in the future, it will have no effect on the Burning Legion. Instead, he will work harder and harder to burn the Legion. Going to govern the world, especially after understanding the truth of the world.

The spymaster’s eyes flashed a few times after hearing Kane’s promise, and he showed his heartless expression without disguise. After Kane saw the other’s expression, his mouth was slightly tilted and he couldn’t tell the smile. In the end, it contains several meanings.

Kane once again said: "You also know that our immigration fleet is made up of multiple races, but what you don't know is what we have experienced. In view of your current situation, you need to keep an endless sleep to maintain your life or The continuation of race, we have the means to maintain your life in a sober situation, time will never be the biggest enemy, I think you should understand what I mean, if you can be my colleague And if you really make a contribution, I think you will definitely come into contact with this means."

"Boom!" The spy grows up after Kane’s words are finished and he feels that he has blown up a bomb. The bang makes his whole person become sluggish. He certainly understands Kane’s meaning, although there is no The clear explanation is that immortality is not old, but the meaning of the spy can be heard.

All the Frisians have had a long sleep experience, even if it is the Princess's Highness. This race may live longer than normal humans, but it will never grow to a few times or more, wake up for decades, then Into the endless sleep, if not for the emergence of the immigration fleet, these high-level executives will not wake up.

And the experience of sleeping in the unknown, the spymaster, he never wants to bear the kind of taste, the kind of taste that may not be known in the death of sleep, can live in waking every day. It has become the extravagant hope of all the people of Freedom. Whoever does not want to live in such a world in peace and stability, but for the continuation of race, but must fall into sleep is also helpless.

The hand of the spymaster suddenly trembled, the breathing became short, his eyes were a little red, and he stared at Kane: "How is this possible, how can you have this ability? Why do humans like this? Ability?"

Kane poured a drink into himself without hesitation, and said while drinking: "Why not, although I am not human, I have to admire what humans can do, and for some people. It’s not that difficult to live forever."

"Call...call..." The spy was breathing heavily and calming his emotions. Until a long time passed, the spy chief said: "I am abrupt, and I will not lie to me as Kane’s identity. Such people, I also believe that we will be able to become a real family and then live together."

"If Kane doesn't mind, I think I might be able to tell Kane about the Antarctic, and I hope that Kane can help us to get real peace."8

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