Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1187: Let me promote the marriage with me.

Hugh stopped with two entourages and looked at the two followers behind him. He was also a member of the banquet group who was a Guardian of the Wang family. He said: "The things I just heard must not be leaked out. Do you know? ""

Isaidda Huon, the royal family knight, but also has another identity, that is, the head of the banned priest who led the Guardian of the Wang family.

The expressions on the faces of the two banters were the same. I also knew how important things I heard in the reception room were to Fri, and nodded and replied: "Understand."

Isaida nodded but did not speak, and did not walk away but stood outside the door. He had to wait for the Caroline spy who had betrayed in behavior, although he was in the current environment and situation. Isaidda couldn't do anything about Caroline, who had already made a betrayal, but Hughes still wanted to know the real purpose of Caroline.

Then, for the sake of the earth and Freedom of Peace, Isaidda would not believe it at the mouth of Carolan. If this is the case, then Caroline would not oppose the integration plan proposed by Isaida.

Isaida waited for half an hour outside the door, watching it as if it was a blue sky, green, windy, sunny, sunny and beautiful, and Isaida could not I don’t sigh: "If the original Fry had such a fortress, and how it became what it is today, instead of hiding in the moon that is not seen in the sun, this is what the Earthman has become a Dyson ball."

A follower saw Carolan coming out of the building and quickly reminded Isaidda: "Adults, spies have grown."

Isaida, who heard the court star, turned around and looked at Carolan’s face as he approached him. It became a bit ugly. When Carolan stood in front of himself, Isaiah Da finally couldn’t help but whispered: "Why are you doing this?"

"Well?" Carolan looked at Isaidda strangely and didn't seem to understand what the other was saying: "I don't understand what you mean."

"Follow me." Isaidda took a deep breath and turned away. Carollan naturally followed up and walked. Isaida also said: "Why don't you tell the story of Cullen? Your Highness, how many things about Free are revealed, don't tell me that you are the ridiculous reason why Earth and Free can live together peacefully, otherwise you will not be so determined against what I did, if It’s yours, absolutely has its own purpose.”

Carollan silenced and said: "To tell you the truth, because I still don't want to die, because the strength of the earth is stronger and the fris is not an opponent, because I saw that only Fry really integrates into the earth to let me, let We live better, yes, I do have other purposes for myself. At least I can tell you that we are now on the side, and our common enemy is Cullan."

"I have introduced the adult about Fry. If you don't let the grown-up know the real Fry, then you think that once the people sent by Cullan are caught in the South Pole and they have confirmed their identity, you think that The adult will really not do it to us? You really think that the adult is not paying attention to the Antarctic. As far as I know, the adult has arranged a lot of people to arrange in the South Pole, but did not find the seal door accurately. The location is gone."

"And all I have to do is to understand the relationship between Gulangton and Freedom when I am confused. As for why the Princess did not report on the lower side of the Princess, why should I report it again? What good is this for me? Anyway Whoever is the master will not affect me, why should I intervene in the work of Cullan and the royal family? My loyal minister is only the throne. As for who is sitting on the throne, I have nothing to do with me. After all, the princess is only a princess, not a emperor."

"Before Cullan Strong, he became a king or a spy chief, but he will have more credit, but now it is different from Huon, Xiao Ran is stronger than Gulang, and after the fusion of the world and the earth, the princess still It will be a princess, but I will have more credit. Why do I not do such a good thing."

Isaida took a look at Carolan and asked in a deep voice: "Is it true that the matter of Cullan is true?"

"Do you think that I will come up with some fake things to deceive the adult?" Carolan disdainfully said, "Don't say that adult, that is, the other person I contacted is not using false information to lie." Those who have passed, their power cannot be measured by common sense. They want us to die. We have no possibility of resistance. Can you see it with people who are free to move in the universe? One person only uses a sword to get rid of it. Have you seen someone with a body arm?"

"You can also know that the girl who just took me in, who seems to be only 16 or 17 years old, has the ability to kill us directly in a flash. In front of such people, there is no spying or assassination. The use, but they will seize the opportunity to sneak into the Freedom and directly kill us all. This is no longer a problem of war between the two races, but as long as they think, they can launch a massacre against us. ”

"In such a situation, there are more bodies, and what is the use of powerful armed forces. No one uses them but it is just a pile of scrap iron."

Wherein it is ok to get in the squarish of the people, but also you can see that there are a few more people when you are back to Fry, but you The adult’s men captured it. The more I know the more information about them, the more I feel that this adult is not the one we can deal with, not to mention the adult is willing to accept us and willing to give it on the earth. A piece of land that belongs to us, so that those who have been sleeping should not have to worry about dying in sleep, but really live in this world."

Said that Carollan stopped, and Isaida also stopped. The two face-to-face Carolan suddenly said in a somewhat excited tone: "Who doesn't want to live, who doesn't want to live longer and longer, That adult has this ability to bring me all this, Huon, this is our chance for Freedom, and also the luck of His Royal Highness. If you really worry that the adult can't believe it, then ask me. My Royal Highness and the adult are married, believe me, this will definitely be the biggest opportunity for all of us."

"As long as you follow the grown-up, everything is at your fingertips, and immortality will never be a dream!"

Isaida looked at Carolan, who suddenly became fanatical, and instantly stunned. I didn’t expect this guy who had always been gloomy to show such a face, but after hearing Carolan’s words, I suddenly let Ace Erda’s face changed several times, and at the same time two opposite thoughts emerged.

"Is this guy crazy? Is it controlled or brainwashed?"

"Longevity...not dead! How is this possible!"

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