Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1191: example

Carolan’s words made Gurland’s dark face unnaturally appear a little bit weaker than humanity, but it was only a matter of moments. I saw that Gullan waved his hand and said: “I’m going to Free has abandoned everything. I can do anything for Free, to ensure that the blood of the royal family is a must, and that the only person who can become a king is me."

"Carollan, since you have chosen to betray, then don't blame me." Cranton's face suddenly appeared a hot expression, and looked at the unspoken Isairda, said: "As for Huon You, I think you should know your consequences. There is no need for people like you in my kingdom. You can now express your last loyalty to your king. I will give you the most decent death."

"Oh." Isaida sighed. The performance of Cullan made him lose his last confidence in this man. He didn't expect Gullan to be so mad and not only wanted to rebel, but even Wanting to occupy the princess, the things that Carolan did were really negligible, not to mention the fact that Carolan’s series of preparations seemed to really help Fry at this time.

Isaida did not expect that the conversation between the three of them in the main hall would be known to Gulton, which shows that Gulton had already monitored the three of them, or made other arrangements in the main hall. And preparation, and after Cullan entered the hall, there was no member of a royal family, and the ordinary soldiers who surrounded him seemed to indicate that Gulton had already mastered most of Free. Rights, and still in case they don't know.

"What else do you have to say?" Gullen looked at Isaidda and seemed to feel that he had taken advantage of it and gave Eselleda the last time he was about to die.

And Isaidda looked at Cullan with incomparable eyes and said: "I have never thought that you will do such a thing for many years, yes, I will express to my loyal Friwang. The last loyalty, but you, Gulanton, are not likely to have the chance to realize your wild vision."

Gulangton is like something unbelievable: "Haha, do you think that you still have a chance to turn over? The whole Knights, the banquet group are all controlled by me. There are also my people among the slayers. The old guy chose to surrender to me, and the whole Fri fell into my control. What do you want to do?"

"Of course." A voice suddenly sounded in the hall. For everyone in the hall, the voice was so strange, and the undisguised ridicule and indifference in the tone made it laugh. Cullenton suppressed his face and turned his head to look at the direction of the sound.

A one-eyed young man with a blond hair, a silver-haired indifferent teenager walked into the hall from the door, and another young man who was originally watched by his men, also broke free from the **** and looked incredulously. Everything that happened in the hall.

There was a sarcasm on the youth's face, and the teenager's face was indifferent with no expression. The appearance of the two also suddenly turned some of them to point their guns at them, only to listen to the young man slowly opening: " Sure enough, a sad person will never understand where he is sad. Usually, the anti-death will die in words. I am sure that it will also be reflected in you. El Elf, is this what he said? ”

The young man nodded indifferently, even with so many muzzles aiming to maintain absolute calm: "Yes, he said this."

"It seems that we have to learn the lesson, but I remember that his words seem to be a lot." Blonde one-eyed youth is Kane, and the silver-haired teenager is naturally El Eyre no doubt, but Kane said After finishing this sentence, I put my hand under my arm and frowned. "But I also want to say something in such a situation."

El Elf turned to look at Kane and looked up at Cullan's feet. The figure between the figure appeared in front of Cullen, and Gulton saw Ayr. After Elf's action, he was shocked and pulled out the long sword hanging around his waist.

I can just touch the long sword with one hand. I haven’t had time to completely squirt the sword. A powerful force that Gulangton can’t resist is directly pressed on his right hand, pushing the sword directly back to the scabbard. A dagger also appeared between his neck.

"It’s over, killing you when you move."

The voice of indifference sounded in the ear of Cullan, feeling the sharpness between the neck and the chill of the bones. The whole person of Cranton suddenly became stiff and looked at El Elf and Kane. Road: "Who are you, why are you here!"

In the blink of an eye, tremendous changes have taken place. The original victory of Cranton turned into a prisoner at such an instant, and life was directly threatened, and the entire hall was replaced by Kane and Carolan. The people all stunned, and then the knights rushed directly around El Elf, completely encircling El Elf.

Each muzzle is also aimed at El Elf's head, as long as El Elf has any slap in the face, it will be directly killed.

In the next second, there are more than a dozen people in the hall. Everyone shows the horrible physical quality and skills. One by one, like a non-human, rushes into the hall, only a few seconds will be the hall. All the people holding the weapon slammed on the ground, and then picked up the fallen weapons at the people who were beaten.

Until this moment, Princess Xia Mia seemed to react, and suddenly stood up from her throne and walked down the stairs, watching Kane, El Elf, Carolan and Isaiah without saying a word. Da, wrinkled a little and frowned, and whispered, "You are the people of satellite integration?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." Kane made a perfect and impeccable aristocratic ritual towards Princess Shana Mia, and then bent down and said: "Follow the orders of adults to solve the crisis of Freedom and the Earth."

Looking at Kane's movement, Shana Mia nodded and said: "You are a real aristocrat. Fry is also very grateful for your help, but can you hand these people to us to deal with it?" Continued.)

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