Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1199: Princess, you boldly go forward.

The whole meeting room was silent after Shanna Mia finished. It can be said that except for Xiao Ran and Shana Mia, the rest of the people are here to join in the crowd and have no chance to speak. And qualifications, because this will certainly be a negotiation that will be reached. The only difference is that the conditions proposed by the two sides can be accepted by both sides in a more reasonable way. .

The other details are the things that people who are attending the meeting have to deal with. Once Xiaoran and Shana Mia have determined the general direction, they will start to argue with others about the time of the game.

After nodding, Xiao Ran opened his own palm toward Shana Mia: "Five hundred, I can give you the limit of 500 Knights, and officially recognize the establishment of the Royal Knights of the Fr., of course. Hundreds of places are only for the number of the body. I think that 500 sets of machines are enough to ensure the safety of your Fry. Others I believe that the Earth Defense Forces that will be established must have the strength to ensure your safety."

"Not enough." Shana Mia shook her head gently, her attitude soft and soft: "It is not enough to just say five hundred words. The strength of the entire Earth Defense Force is not counted. The armed forces maintained by the Federation and D are not only five hundred. It is several times more than us. If everyone is treated the same, it is not fair to Fri."

"I can promise the president to disband the regular military forces, but the Knights are the face and persistence of the Fry Royal. In the future, they may also become the guardian force of the whole Fry, and in addition to the Knights, as the royal direct guards The squad also needs to exist, and the amount of five hundred is impossible to surround the entire FRY and Royal security."

"This question can be discussed slowly, what else?" Xiao Ran looked at his weak face but his eyes showed a firm Shana Mia, and did not want to continue to entangle on this issue, speaking of the local guards retained by the Federation, The self-protection power retained by d is indeed not only as few as five hundred, so at this point, Xiao Ran can make a little concession. After all, Xiao Ran has promised Isaidda. It can be aligned according to the federal and d. As for how to align it. Can be discussed slowly.

"We need a fertile land belonging to Freedom to establish our own country. At the same time, the Earth must recognize the sovereign independence of Freedom, not interfere by any other people and other forces, and does not allow any military organization to step freely into Freedom. The scope of the territory, while the rest of the economy is equal, not subject to material, economic blockades, etc. This is our detailed entry."

After Charma Mia finished, Xiao Ran got a detailed introduction in his hand, not only Xiao Ran, but everyone in the room got the same thing.

When Xiao Ran opened it and looked at it, the requirements of one item, the conditions or the things related to cooperation were all on the document. Although I didn’t look at it carefully, I only looked at a small part and let Xiao Ran feel that Fry had come out. The things really do take into account all aspects. It seems that they have made such preparations very early, and conscience, the things sorted out in these items are indeed full of sincerity, and there is basically no excessive demand.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Xiao Ran took a look at the people who came to the conference from the federal and d sides. He also asked them what they thought. As for the satellite integration, anyway, as long as he agrees, it would be fine.

The people on the d side don't have much opinion. It is an approval to gently nod, and the people sent by the federal government are not so easy to deal with. Perhaps because of the permission of Xiaoran, it may have been seriously read. The item data that Fry took out, grabbed several of them and began to object, and then one by one, it took about five minutes to stop and drink.

The reason for the opposition of the federal officials is also well-founded, and in the case of grasping the really important place, Xiao Ran listened to it and compared it. Finally, he had to admit that as long as he took the federal word, he could Can be regarded as an expert in this regard.

A few points raised, such as whether the technical problems that Freedom has mastered, whether they are shared, or can ensure that there is no threat to human beings on the earth. For example, on the site of Freeland’s land, where is the choice? Exchange of interests, how large the area of ​​the land can be, how the military armed configuration needs to be restricted, the issue of the Earth Defense Forces stationed in the army, etc. are considered to be more important, and less important items are more important.

Freedom needs to take on the responsibility, what is the number of Free Army personnel to join in the Earth Defense Forces, whether the Kruis machinery is divided into royal assets, whether it has the right to enter the arms industry and so on.

On the side of Free's side, there was a chance to be published, and they stood up and started to start. They basically revolved around a core. Free was weak, and Fri was not threatened. Fry needs help, and Fry needs to make sure that Fry needs to make money...

After almost half an hour of quarreling, Xiao Ran listened at the peace of mind. He only felt that the two sides were getting more and more outrageous. They couldn’t help but frown and tapped the table gently. Xiaoran’s action came out and the whole meeting room was again. Quiet.

"Some things are acceptable, some things need to be changed, some things I will choose to refuse, specifically here today, I will give you a specific entry later, the two sides will be based on two entries Let's renegotiate, and the second meeting is going on the day after tomorrow."

When Xia Mia heard Xiao Ran’s words, she sighed softly. The weak and gentle taste of the text became rich again, but for a short time, Shana Mia once again looked up and looked at Xiao Ran, weak. It reveals the firmness of reluctance to retreat: "President, Fry is sincerely willing to integrate into the earth. We are not unable to make concessions on issues that do not involve sovereignty and security, but what we lack is the most firm guarantee. ”

"If Xiaoran is willing to give us such a guarantee, then the question that the gentleman said just now can be concession, including taking out the technology belonging to Free, and let the soldiers of Freedom join the Earth Defense Force. thing."

Xiao Ran’s brow slightly picked up and felt that the princess’s heart seemed to be very embarrassing. Even the face of Bai Zhe’s face was a bit more rosy and embarrassed. It’s incomprehensible: “Please say, what does the Princess’s Royal Highness need? Kind of guarantee."

"Marriage!" Princess Xia Mia said that when she said these two words, she lowered her head and could not see her expression. She only listened to her with a slightly trembling voice and said firmly: "Only marriage is the best guarantee." By my marriage with Xiaoran, so that we become a family, then Fry naturally becomes the real person with the earth, and only then can I safely hand over the technology unique to Fry. Let the soldiers of Freedom join the Earth Defense Forces and let the Earth Defence Forces stay on the territory of Freedom."

All of a sudden, all the people looked at Xiaoran with a sigh of relief. Standing in the back of Xiaoran, Liu Muye suddenly looked at Shana Mia with a sly look, and snorted and then turned his head away.

And Xiao Ran, the whole person also made the whole person sluggish because of the bold words of Shana Mia, not only sluggish but completely stiff, even sucking seems to be rushing. At this time, there are several different places that do not know how far away from the satellite integration. At the same time, many people laughed with different expressions and movements.

Kruze looked at the rare expression on the screen in front of him. He also took a sip of red wine with a smile on his face. He said to himself: "You think that we are not responsible, let us not participate." What a naive thing." (To be continued...)

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