Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1229: capture

Barran Schiner’s attack intensity is quite horrible. A concentrated attack directly crosses the entire battlefield and flies in front of the Burning Legion. If it is placed in the universe near the Earth, it is definitely visually the horror that runs through the entire sky. attack.


On the Burning Legion, cic yelled, but the entire bridge faced the oncoming attack, but no one showed a panicked expression. Ma Lan looked at the closer beam and also issued his own Command: "Bobie!"

"Okay!" Bobby replied loudly. A sissy showed the majesty of a man than a man when he took the ship's steering wheel. He pushed his hands toward the steering wheel, and the entire Burning Legion Under his control, he slammed, accelerated, and rushed to the attack launched by Barran Schiner.

In the process, the bridge of the Burning Legion began to rise slowly, the deck began to separate and then rotated, revealing a huge barrel, the rear of the battleship began to turn down, and soon the Burning Legion became a Gundam The existence of a huge robot style of more than a kilometer.

Just a deflection, let Barran Schiner's shelling pass by the side of the head, and the strong light of the bridge also began to whiten, but Ma Ma and Bobby were not because of this dazzling light. Close your eyes and stare at the distant fleet, especially the Balan Schoner.

"The macos main gun is fully charged and the attack path is calculated."

"Send it to everyone, Bobby, waiting for the order to launch an attack."

"Roger that."

A message was sent from the Burning Legion to all of its own bodies. After receiving this information, all the troops stopped and moved on, but they were free to attack and suppress on both sides of the Zovak fleet.

After seeing a variant of the Burning Legion and lifting the seemingly horrible weapon, everyone in the fleet of the Zovak fleet was shocked by the changes in the Burning Legion. The song that I didn’t know what to use to deliver, suddenly made some people in the heart of the Zowok feel a hair, but also rose out of the absurd thoughts that do not want to continue fighting.

The pilot sitting on Barran Schiner was also shocked. He calculated that the path-launched attack was to count the burning corps and Xiao Ran’s dark tactical armor, and guessed that even if one could avoid one, he could not escape. Two, I did not expect the fact that the black body suddenly disappeared, and the warship also deformed a terrorist bomb that was bigger than his body and did not know how many times. The energy reaction of the front end of the cannon Let the alarms of the body begin to ring endlessly.

And in the next second, the disappearing dark sky tactical armor appeared under the cohesiveness of countless light spots, and it appeared behind Barran Schiner, the huge beam saber slammed down, Baran Schiner though In time to avoid, but also the dark scorpion tactical armor cut off two sharp corners, after equipped with tactical armor, the dark sky at this time is definitely not much smaller than Balan Schnell.

Just at the moment when Balan Schoner escaped, Xiao Ran directly controlled the tactical armored robotic arm and seized the head of Balan Schoner. All the gn dragon cavalry all popped into the city. All the mussels of Schnell are so attached to the inner wall of the muzzle. As long as Balaughnell dares to attack, the detonation of the next gn dragon cavalry will lead to the loss of control of the muzzle of Baran Schiner. It is not impossible to go to the body and even let the energy of the body run out of control.

"Innocent?" Xiaoran's voice passed unimpeded into the cockpit of Baran Schiner, and the indifference can be formed into ice: "The Earth is not innocent, even if you are in the whole Zovak army, I can do it. If you can't stop with you, even if you can't destroy them all, I can let you never get lost. Really innocent is not us, but you."

"The earth is not a bargaining chip for your Zavok faction. It is a hedgehog that you have to be careful about whether you will die or not. We have no intention of provoking any power, but we are absolutely not afraid of any threat. Now you are accepting your failure. Still stubborn until it dies."

"Hey, I didn't expect you to have such a strength. These are far beyond my expectations. I originally estimated your strength, but I didn't expect to underestimate your strength. It is full of energy. The race that has no end of struggle, showing such strength, even the entire Zavok will be afraid, then you will face the entire Zovak attack."

"You shouldn't think that it would solve me. It would be over to destroy this fleet. I can tell you that we are just an advance fleet. It is impossible to represent the real power of Zowick. Today will not be the end but just a beginning. Zavok’s army will surely be on the ground and will destroy all of you who have endless struggles.”

Xiao Ran did not have any emotional fluctuations because of what the other party said, and the expression on his face did not change at all. He just asked: "Your name."

"Ha ha ha, I am Dinick Sessen, you will remember my name! Because I reported everything on the earth, I led the attack of Zorwak and destroyed the earth."

"Of course I will remember you, but not because of the reasons you said, but because you will become the first prisoner of Zowok on the earth." Xiao Ran finished, controlling the body to cut off Balaam. In the head of Schneier, several consecutive red lights brought out countless swords with blue light, and all of them broke the arm of Baran Schnell and punched it with his arm. With a blue glow, Balan Schoner’s chest was also directly crushed.

Then he controlled two huge robotic arms and lifted Barran Schiner, who had become disabled, and sent his own voice to Zarwock with the voice of Shirley Luke: "Notice Zavok Advance The fleet immediately surrendered, and my satellite integration President Xiao Ran will guarantee that you will receive the best prisoner treatment without any threat to life. If you resist resolutely, we will not have any mercy."

An assault, a surprise, let Balan Schiner fall into the hands of Xiao Ran and break. After strengthening the motivation, every attack can use the power to increase, and in the strength of Xiao Ran, a sword is thrown at It is not difficult to cut off the opponent's arm without opening any shields, and Xiao Ran cut off Balan Schoner's head because the head is the position of the Balan Schoner cockpit.

Nowadays, the dark sky has already appeared in front of the other's fleet. Once the attack on the fleet is not that these warships want to hide, they can hide. In addition, the burning corps of the weapon that raises the weapon can be said to be completely eliminated without any accident. This fleet did not have any problems at all, and directly seized the opportunity that the other party did not disperse the geographical advantage.

The reason why they surrendered is because Zavok is not everyone who wants to rule the earth. At least from the original story, there is a possibility that the two sides can have peace talks. For this reason, Xiao Ran is willing to leave these people’s lives in exchange for the life. An opportunity to talk to Zavok, of course, if the other party does not cherish, Xiao Ran does not mind to kill all these people here, wait until the so-called second army arrives and then kill them again.

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