Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1239: Stand-alone support

From the one of the Burning Legion, several unmanned dark clouds appeared together in the battlefield, and a dark dark sky burst into a red light, under the control of Xiaoran. At the same time, the body of the Taiwanese machine was turned on at the same time. The body that was driven by Xiaoran turned into a few red meteors and brought countless beams to tear the attacking forces of Zorwock out of several cracks.

Waiting until the darkness of the driving of Xiaoran combined with the tactical armor released from the Burning Legion, the same four-red system was also turned on when the same frequency was turned on. The two huge beam sabers instantly popped up, and one gn dragon cavalry also flew. Surrounded by the surrounding, it turned into a meteor that directly rushed into the grotesque shape of Zovok, which was not in the body cluster that had never appeared in the former Zowerk fleet.

The meteor rushed past Zorwock's fleet, and countless beams flew out of the meteor. With the circular light bursting around the road, the dark tactical armor rushed directly to the earth without stopping.

After Xiaoran drove the body into a light spot and disappeared, leaving only a long trail, a battleship was in the Bassic, and Luo and others also opened the forced jump that would be used in critical situations, and it was covered with real The darkness disappeared instantly in the same place, and once again, it has arrived at the moon-faced city of Mao’s company that was being suppressed.

At this time, the battles that erupted over the Mao’s corporate moon-faced city looked even more thrilling. The number of Zavok enemies appearing here is also very large. The center of the battle is a shuttleless combat shuttle, one There are a lot of armed ma, and there is a special robot that Luo has never seen if a girl wears armor.

As for the division fleet sent by Jeffrey, it just just joined the battle. At the same time as Jeffrey ordered the priority to protect the Mao’s enterprise, he also sent a deformation fighter and a ms force to join the battle, but because of joining the battle. The relationship of time is being covered by fire from the side of Zorwalk's fleet.

"The opponent's goal is the shuttle, Bassack to protect the shuttle, Luo to support the girl-type body, Jigus with his own side flaps, Nalo remote support." Graham driving his body Pushing the lever and squirting countless particles directly rushed to the Zowok fleet after the words were finished, directly placing the target on a body that looked like a commander aircraft that was flying in the direction of the fleet. There is a high fighting desire and fighting spirit in the eyes.

After seeing the movement of Graham's body, Bassack shouted madly, but Graham did not care to directly rush forward, controlling the hands of the body, and the two beams of the boomerang were toward that. The commander plane flew over.

The opponent's commanding machine is a blue right-handed shield. The left-handed gun has a pair of flying wing bodies. When the two beams of the boomerang fly to the left and right, the commander's machine also flips instantly. Stopped the action of continuing to spur and shoot the battleship. The right hand lifted a shield and turned a beam of the boomerang far away, and then a backflip kicked another beam of the boomerang with his foot.

Graham then took out the beam of the boomerang, and controlled his body and instantly pulled out two physical swords. The red light speed suddenly increased by three times, and the flight suddenly reached the blue commander. machine.

"I want to circumvent me!" The two long-handed swords turned into a lightning bolt and slammed on the shield of the blue commander's plane. The two bodies suddenly slammed together and spread out a circle of red. The light slowly dissipated in the universe.

Under Graham's fierce fighting desire, the blue commander's plane was turned off with a shield, but with the propeller behind the commander's fuselage, Graham was suddenly The body pushed back, and Graham’s body flew away. He just had to raise his left hand’s weapon to shoot. He could have a few meters thick beam and flew from a distance, so he had to give up the attack. Dodge.

When Graham rushed to the commander's plane, Luo looked at the girl's eyes as the girl's eyes instantly lit up, directly controlling his body to fly to the front of the Bassac: "Quick, Basque sent me." ”


Luo’s body and the body of the Basque were covered with a golden light in tandem, and the blazing flame began to burn outside the body of Luo, and Basque also controlled the body’s action of raising one foot off the ground. .

"Super ~ Overlord ~ ​​Movie bomb!"

As Bassak's body hands pushed forward, Luo's body instantly changed into a huge fireball and rushed toward the girl's body direction, and Basquek controlled the body after the Luo was sent away. The wings turned into a streamer and flew to the position of the shuttle.

After Jangus also followed, only Naro was left. After the armed forces were opened, there appeared a lock box in the display screen of Naluo’s body, and Graham was always placed in the focus of the target. It happened to see Graham’s loss, and immediately a shelling attacked the commander’s plane.

“A class body...” Graham’s face became more excited after re-controlling the body, controlling the body to rush toward the commander’s plane and laughing in the cockpit: “a Level body, you are qualified to be my opponent, but even if the body is more advanced than me, technology is the basis for determining the outcome! I have already felt that I can beat you!"

On the side of Xiao Ran, when he arrived at the base of South America, the entire core base of South America has almost become a ruin. Except for a few buildings that are still intact, most buildings have not collapsed or burned. In the base is the wreckage of the Earth Defence Force, which is dominated by the weird drones of diamond-shaped variability.

On the front of the body, one arm is like a dagger, the shoulders are propellers, and there are no feet at the waist. The sharp and sharp green body floats in the air.

Xiaoran, who saw this scene, blinked his eyes gently: "Is the defensive forces completely destroyed... the living people... and! Then you will break all of you first!"

Both eyes instantly illuminate the light of the changer, but there is a touch of faint blue in the golden disc eye. This is originally the color that should not exist in Xiaoran’s eyes. After the blood, it can also be expressed in Xiaoran's eyes in this way.

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