Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1245: Arrange

Many people who participated in this meeting have the idea that the current situation of the earth is not good, but they are not as meticulous as Xiaoran said. One point is the threat that the earth is currently facing, Zorwock, Balma, native. Kind, super-computer, the other side of the world, etc., so many people have discovered that the earth does not know when it becomes so dangerous, it feels like the rhythm of being exploded in minutes.

However, although there are so many threats in Xiaoran's mouth, the expression on his face is as calm as ever, which also makes the hearts of the participants in the video conference safe.

"But everyone doesn't have to worry too much. Among these threats, Zorwalk, Balma, Shadow Mirror, Lone Wolf are not impossible to solve. A fleet of Zowok is captured by us, and there are many battles in today's battle. The loss has also been arrested by two commanders. I believe they should reconsider our strength, so if you can talk to each other well, I believe that it is impossible for the other party to understand that they want to control the earth. And Zavok's technology is indeed much higher than the Earth, so if you can cooperate with the other side in some aspects, it must be a good thing for us."

"But today's battle is definitely not happening in vain. It is absolutely useless to sacrifice so many people. It is because of these battles that Zavok can understand that we are definitely not the existence of the enemy they want to become, so that we can use equality. Or treat them above their identity, so what happens today is heartbreaking but worthwhile."

"The rebel army may be the best solution. After all, we are all human beings. In the face of common threats, we believe that we as human beings will also stand together and tell the rebel army in my name. No, to the earth. One member told the rebel army, I hope they can decide which line they will stand in within three days. I am absolutely not allowed to continue the internal friction in the current situation of the earth. I hope they can make the right choice, otherwise I will lead the fleet personally. Kill them thoroughly."

"As for the shadow mirror and the lone wolf, we must first understand what trades and connections between the shadow mirror and the rebel army, whether we can also strive to become our strength, and the lone wolves must be eliminated. They represent not themselves. It is another federation, and the commander has been controlled by the native species and does not have the conditions to fight for it."

"Supercomputers and native species have emerged, but from the previous situation, the two sides should be opposites. Therefore, we can also fight for the Dragon King and Tiger King machines to see if we can make more supercomputers. People have become the power to guard the earth. Although the original species has only appeared once, there are no more information about the original species, but we can't carelessly."

"The current situation is probably like this. Although it seems dangerous, we are not without opportunities. I believe that as long as we can unite all useful forces, we believe that no matter what threats we can safely spend, everyone, in the next time. Everyone has to unite and cooperate. Now we are the first line of defense of the earth and will be the last line of defense of the earth."


The messy but neat sound rang in the bridge of the Burning Legion, and Xiaoran nodded and said loudly: "So I announced that the Earth will fully enter the combat state."

"Xiaia, all the damaged warships and bodies will be sent to their homes. The homes will be repaired at the fastest speed. The body will be fully replenished in the first time. The captured Zavok fleet will be replenished in the shortest time. Among the White Star defense forces, the rest of the Jeffrey Fleet, the Kruze Fleet, the Malang Fleet, and the Rebir Fleet mobilized the appropriate force as a supplementary defense until all the battleships were repaired."

“There are military enterprises such as Shidong Heavy Industry and Mao’s Enterprise, which will let them immediately mass-produce the new type of machines that have passed the test. It is necessary to take out a batch of body configuration to each unit in the shortest time.”

"All Earth Defense Forces are not encircling the rebel army from today. The overall military command of the Earth is under the responsibility of General Rebir. While ensuring the core of Paris, DC, Far East and Handong, the rest of the region must also ensure normal staffing and defense. Zowok, the emergence of native species."

Rebir nodded: "Understand."

"Kruze, your fleet mission is to help Rebir to be responsible for the stability of the Earth, stationed in Handong, Rebiel is mainly responsible for maintaining stability, but you are responsible for dealing with the unstable factors."

"Yeah." Kruze smiled slightly and nodded gently.

"The Steel Dragon team will be directly directed by me as the offensive core of future operations. Wherever you need to be, wherever you go, wherever you go, the native species, the lone wolf, the super-machine, and Zorwock are your enemies. In the future, you will encounter various dangerous situations, and you will also encounter battles without any reinforcements and help. The railway commander has no problems."

The big iron station on the screen got up and went to Xiaoran to respect a military ceremony: "Reporting commander, the Steel Dragon team is willing to accept any task."

"Very good." Xiaoran nodded with satisfaction, and then made some arrangements for various aspects. A video conference was a lot of people who had their own opinions. It took five or six hours to finish, and there were people in the middle. Some problems have withdrawn, but the overall arrangement for some time in the future has been arranged in this meeting.

Under Xiaoran’s private orders, the Steel Dragon team was also completed in the fastest time. The Dragon, Steel, Platinum, and Black Gold began to travel to the universe for new missions, and White Star was also due to this Xia’s move. For the time being, all the evacuated personnel sent a thorough inspection of the white star.

On the surface, the situation of white stars needs to be rested, but in fact it is because Xiao Ran is ready to completely annihilate the danger of sealing inside the white star, so the steel dragon team will be transferred to the universe, as long as Xiao Ran and a few people are clear, the Xia Fleet The reason for staying near the white star is to monitor the white star in addition to the defense of the white star.

The time after Ingram was awakened, he told Xiaoran and the core of Veretta’s white star to seal something extremely dangerous, so that Xiao Ran would never try to open that seal, and that kind of thing would even be Ingram It is impossible to say exactly what it is, and the existence of the sealed seal of the actual white star core is what Juesus really is the last resort.

Xiaoran knows what the seal inside the white star is. In the original plot, the key reason for the soy sauce after the occupation of the white star by Zowick’s troops is this. Just before Zorwak’s occupation of the white star, the human being who has nothing to look for is the deepest star of the white star. The door opened, and the original species sealed inside was released, and the strong-looking Zawak became a soy sauce.

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