Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1249: family

All the GN particles that surround the Xiaoran are using the quantum shock technique in Xiaoran. It is like being instantly rejected by a powerful force, forming a ring that spreads from Xiaoran’s body, and is completely condensed by brain quantum waves. The spiritual energy that has been brought into the mind of Ingram is carried by the special forces that exist in the void.

This force entered Ingram's brain, but directly invaded the spirit of Youzes because of pointing to the target, with an inexhaustible amount of unresolved information rushing across the void into the spirit of Youzes, making Youze The soul of Sis was like being pierced into the brain by countless flying needles, and suddenly the head of Ingram’s body was screaming in pain.

Somewhere on the earth, the body of Youzes also performed exactly the same action as the body of Ingram in the Burning Legion. In such a moment, the pain of the spirit sea and the soul made Yuzus produce The illusion of time stagnation, and then suddenly a strong physical force split into two at the same time in the body of Ingram and Youzes, the pain of the spiritual sea and the impact of physical power suddenly let Youzes read The power then ran away, forming a repulsive force that bounced everything around Youzes.

The mask he wore on his face also split, revealing a rosy look and a rosy look at the corners of his mouth.

On the Burning Legion, Ingram’s mouth slammed into the ground after a touch of red, but as Ingram regained control of his body, a rune that had never been seen before appeared in Ingram. Around, the powerful repulsive field generated by the reading power will also play Xiaoran.

Suddenly, the power that appeared between Xiaoran was caught off guard. Xiaoran’s hands flying in the air only had time to wave forward, and the GN particles scattered throughout the warehouse returned to normal again, and then fell heavily on the ground. A loud bang.

All the changes were just a moment, which led to the three major protagonists of this drama being attacked differently. Ingram vomited blood to the end, and Juss, who was far away from the Earth, was also injured, and Xiao Ran was more and more degraded. Land, but after this moment, it has returned to calm, except for three people of different status, just like nothing happened.

It wasn't until a minute or two passed, Xiao Ran just bite his teeth and climbed up with an incomparably empty head. He didn't even think that using Quantum's impact to deal with the body in Ingram would be so big. The consumption, so that his spirit of more than two hundred points instantly took the time, leaving only less than 30 points.

Perhaps this also coincides with Xiao Ran’s ability to use the changer at that time, to read the power of the motivator, and to combine the power of the dynamism with Ingram, and also directly affect the Earth from where the Burning Legion is located. Youzes, the huge mental power consumption is justified.

After seeing some empty heads, Xiao Ran glanced at Ingram, who was still on the ground, and gently exhaled a breath, dragging some weak steps to the front door and pressing the communication button: "Come a few people ""

In less than a minute, a dozen people rushed into the warehouse from the outside. When they saw the weak Xiaoran and saw Ingram falling to the ground, many people took the weapons in their hands and aimed at the ground. Ingram.

"Let the gun down." Xiao Ran quickly stopped the movements of these people and said: "I will immediately check his current situation and take care of him. When he wakes up, let people tell me immediately."

Soon, Xiao Ran was sent to a large room in the Burning Legion. Shirley Lu, hey, Shana Mia, three girls were in this room at the moment, after seeing Xiao Ran, who was helped by a pale face. The three girls all looked a little panicked.

When the three people knew that Xiao Ran was only because the spirit was too expensive, Shirley Lu and the squatting were relieved, and Xiaoran was put on the bed. Shirley Lu held the hand of Xiao Ran gently. I started to sing.

For Shirley's move, Shana Mia appears to be somewhat inexplicable, including Xiaoran's mental consumption is too large to understand completely, obviously looks like a very tired look, but Shirley Lu is not allowed to Xiaoran Resting and giving Xiaoran a sing, it made Shana Mia, who looked at it all, feel very puzzled.

It wasn’t until Shannamia told her that Shirley’s singing had a very good healing and healing effect on the spirit, and Shana Mia suddenly realized that as time passed, Shirley’s face became more and more tired. On the contrary, the spirit of Xiaoran is getting better and better, so the obvious difference makes Xia Mia once again understand the speciality of Shirley.

"Yes." Xiaoran jumped out of bed and took Shirley's face to the bed. After gently touching the face of Shirley's face, he smiled softly: "Fortunately, you are."

"Hey, I know that I am looking for me at this time." Shirley dew snorted with a little bit of tiredness, and Xiaoran said after the conversation and slowly fell asleep under the comfort of Xiao Ran until Shirley completely fell asleep. Only stood up and whispered to the front of the two men: "Let's take care of Shirley, hey, let Barsak stare at Ingram, I have to go to White Star now, what's the matter? Notify me immediately."

"Okay, I will be optimistic about Shirley's Highness." He and Shirley Lu did not ask why Xiao Ran just turned out to be like that, but gave Xiao Ran unlimited support.

Shana Mia opened her mouth, but the alienation that she did not understand and caused other people to make her only say two words: "Be careful."

"Do not worry." Xiao Ran reached out and touched the head of Shana Mia, clearly feeling the girl's emotions. Although this is already harmonious, Shirley is familiar, but it is not really integrated. The girl in this group is also a gentle smile: "I know that you may not feel used to it now, but you must remember that we are all family, any secrets do not exist, 咲 and Shirley, and Malang They are all very good girls. After waiting for this time, we will tell you whatever you want to know."

He also smiled aside and said to Shana Mia: "My little princess, I don't tell you now because of some very special reasons, but we have already treated you as a family, don't feel anything. I can't get into our thoughts."

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