Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1259: Alufimi

Perhaps the pilot of the Grey Antelope also found the gap between himself and Xiaoran. After grabbing the game several times, he seized the opportunity and relapsed. However, the surrounding Zowoc drone was madly rushing toward Xiaoran. There are more than two hundred UAVs in the sky and they are thrown into the dark sky. There are also more than two hundred beams per second that regard the dark sky as the target. .

More than two hundred in one second, two thousand in ten seconds, countless attacks that threaten the body with b-level defensive strength, like the rain, sprinkled over the darkness, often relying on firepower and quantity bullying Xiaoran this time I finally enjoyed the same taste.

In the face of the dense enemy, Xiao Ran is not without it. In the face of the dense beam of Xiaoran, I have experienced it. However, the overwhelming rain of the beam still makes Xiao Ran’s brow slightly wrinkled, plus the gray antelope and soul. The seat of the original species, even if it is a grade a body, it may not be a result of eating a big loss.

However, it is impossible to give Xiaoran a hard time to live in this way. Countless attacks are densely packed. Although Xiaoran is confident in driving the darkness and the sky, it is a very stupid thing to shuttle back and forth among these countless beams. The direct darkness suddenly accelerates and greets the direction of the beams.

Just as countless beams of light came on the scene, densely blocking all the space around the dark sky, the moment of darkness and darkness, the darkness of the sky became so many particles disappeared in the eyes of everyone, making those All of the drone attacks lost their targets.

Seeing the darkness disappeared suddenly, the face of the gray antelope's pilot suddenly showed a blank expression, but even if he was vigilant, he stopped his body and surrounded dozens of drones to show himself very much. Excellent coping ability.

The other side of the soul seat originally saw the battle of the dark sky and the gray antelope stopped and sat down on the mountain. After seeing the darkness disappeared, Alufimi in the seat of the soul also stunned, but then the piece The little face reveals a very interesting look, and also searches the screen for the location of the dark sky.

Soon, countless particles began to condense behind the gray antelope, and in less than a second, the darkness of the sky once again showed its figure, and holding a long beam of sabers instantly slashed to the head of the gray antelope, but in At the moment when the darkness appeared, the gray antelope seemed to know that it was rushed but moved. The propeller was blasted and the body flew out and began to turn quickly.

The move of the Grey Antelope can be said to be in the control of Xiao Ran. The Grey Antelope has a movement and a snarl, and the beam knives that are also slashed out are accompanied by one time. A red light flashes the darkness of the sky. A few meters, and the action of waving is a lightning bolt.

For a moment, the left arm of the gray antelope holding the weapon was directly cut down by Xiao Ran, and the dark sky also raised a knee and lifted it up so that the pointed horn hit the side of the gray antelope, making the grey antelope completely Lost balance and control rolled up in the universe, and countless armor fragments also flew into the distance as the Grey Antelope tumbling.

Only a few gn dragon cavalry were flying out at this time, surrounded by the gray antelope at a speed faster than the dark sky, and then burst out a few beams, the head, the feet, the shoulders of the right hand all at once. After several attacks, the ash antelope appeared several times in an explosion. The white smoke lost all the fighting ability and turned into a human stick.

And Xiao Ran controlled the dark sky and reached out and grabbed the dark sky. The dark sky flew to the steel and also caught a Haro. A teleport appeared in another dark cockpit, with Xiaoran’s action to control the float. And the combat power did not know how many times it was upgraded. After a sweep swept all the native species around it, it turned into a place where the soul seated.

Alufimi saw the darkness of the driving of Xiao Ran flying in his direction, and his face was also showing a smile: "Hey, use the powerful power to move directly to the moment, now I will change my goal to me." What a really interesting thing, I didn’t expect to encounter such a pure existence."

Under the control of Alefimi, the twelve souls of the blue are reappearing and form a circle in front of the seat of the soul. A deep purple with a little mysterious passage appears in the soul. In front of the seat, and the seat of the soul just disappeared into the universe, leaving twelve ghosts slowly disappearing.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ran’s brow slightly picks up. This kind of body with special ability can be more difficult to deal with than the Grey Antelope. Now the ability of the Soul Seat is similar to the feeling of being similar to the quantization. Disappear and then appear again.

In the next second, the twelve wildfires appeared again in the position of dozens of meters in front of the dark sky. In the universe, tens of meters can be said to be a very short distance, but in a moment, the darkness is stopped in the wildfire channel. In front, and controlling the darkness of the sky, the weapon in the hand was lifted, and the seat of the soul slowly flew out of the passage.

Alufimi, Axelin's replica, senior native, but because of some kind of shackles eventually became a member of the steel dragon team, in the original plot, even betrayed the original species to save the southern ring of a life, Now, Xiao Ran also wants to put Alufimi into the steel dragon team, so he did not fire at the first time, but waited for the seat of the soul to aim at the other side with weapons.

The seat of the soul appeared in the way of the wind in the darkness of the sky, and there was no movement. The Alfifi in the cockpit just looked at Xiaoran with his head: "You shouldn’t be human, why? So pure?"

The tone is very cute and the voice is a bit tender, but the meaning in the discourse is to question whether Xiao Ran is human. Native species is a mysterious creature that emerges from the war of the earth and wants to reinvent life on earth as pure, but that pure is a change of assimilation, turning human beings into them. The same monster, in ancient times, has also done a game with the super-machine, and for the super-person, it can be regarded as a kind of evil.

Alufimi’s voice seems to be transmitted to Xiao Ran’s ear in a special way, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the power of the mind, and Xiao Ran’s voice also sounds directly in the mind of Alufimi, the same and There is no relationship between motivation: "Yes, I am human."

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