Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1261: Forced link

In fact, in the battle with Alufimi, Xiao Ran has always had a mercy, although he treated the battle with Alufimi with a very serious attitude, but did not really explode all the strength directly to the soul of Alufimi. The seat is killed, even if Alufimi reaches the a level, there is a huge gap between the a level and the a level. .

Perhaps because of the relationship between the collection and the shackles, Xiao Ran hopes that the members of the steel dragon team in the original plot will be able to join the team, and then continue to strengthen the steel dragon team. Greatly play the powerful role of this protagonist team.

A two-lead aura may not be able to play the horror of the steel dragon team's combat power, but a group of protagonists play the role of the protagonist's aura together and think that it is cold, it is simply to see God. Killing the gods and killing ghosts, there is a general existence. At that time, then a steel dragon team is in the world. What threats can make the steel dragon team go completely, and at that time, what the dark brain, the original species, is shattered. It’s just awkward things.

The darkness of the sky suddenly changed direction and launched an attack on the seat of the soul, and the seat of the soul only escaped the entire attack of the dark sky with another space transfer. The performance of the space transfer that you want to do is suddenly seen. I feel a little envious, that is, I don’t know what kind of conditions and consumption are needed for continuous space transfer.

And the consumption of quantization is not too small, which leads to Xiao Ran not using quantization at any time in a battle, only using quantization to achieve his purpose when necessary and necessary, it seems that the soul The consumption of space transfer seems to be much smaller than quantization.

“What?” Xiao Ran suddenly pulled the operating lever and then reversed it, causing the dark sky to stop and then begin to retire. The powerful inertia did not bring too much discomfort to Xiao Ran, and continued to control the dark sky and raised his hand. I don’t want to fire a beam of light directly.

When the light beam flew out at the most right time, it hit the space door. The light beam flew directly into the node where the soul seat had not been able to transfer successfully. Then what happened inside Xiaoran could not be known. .

However, when the seat of the soul reappeared, there was a long knife in the hand, and finally he took the weapon seriously, and the mask floating around him also burned the blue and the wild, really true. I am ready to launch my own attack on the dark sky.

The two ghost faces disappeared directly into the eyes of Xiao Ran, and they also disappeared into the perception of Xiao Ran. Even under the cover of gn particles, it was impossible to detect where the two ghost faces ran, and the seat of the soul. Then the double-handed knives were quickly slashed, which made countless crescent-shaped knives rushing toward the darkness.

The Crescent Moon Knife released by the Soul Seat has the powerful power of a large beam weapon. The cutting ability is very good. When cutting a piece of debris in the universe, the knife will directly give the piece of gravel. Cut into two halves, the cut surface is as smooth as a mirror.

And Xiao Ran naturally does not let his body attack the seat of the hard-resisting soul. He also evades the back and forth and also raises the weapon to gather energy. After a short gathering of energy, three beams of full-bodied power are continuously emitted. At the same time, the hand-held beam saber guards against the two disappearing ghost faces.

But when the ghost face reappears, the ghost face is not just a ghost face, but becomes a huge half-length monster with more than 50 meters. The upper body is completely armored by the skeleton, and it burns like a black flame. Appeared on both sides of the dark sky, holding a long knife that is equal to the height, and slashing toward the dark sky with the speed of seeing only the afterimage.

The two monsters appeared without warning and were difficult to guard against, so suddenly appeared and then slashed, so that Xiao Ran also slightly wrinkled his brow, and made several operations in succession to control the body to blast, just from the blade of two monsters. It flashed open, but the two monsters stretched out their giant claws and slammed into the dark sky.

"I just want to catch me." Xiao Ran's mouth is slightly tilted, his eyes instantly stunned and locked the soul seat using quantum shock, a special force directly affects Alufimi's mind, I do not know where The amount of information was poured in at the same time, and the physical effect of carrying it suddenly made Alfredmi’s expression stiff, and then showed a painful expression.

But in just one second, Alefimi was freed from the effects of quantum shock, showing a strong physical quality as a native species, and it seems that it has not been affected too much.

But what is strange is that the movements of the two monsters with all the original species in the battlefield have fallen into a strange stiffness after the restoration of Alufimi. However, the short-term rigid process makes Xiao Ran keenly aware. Zi also let Xiao Ran understand what happened.

Alufimi was not affected by the quantum shock, but because she shared the effects of quantum shocks with the special connections between the original species, which caused all the native species to be affected by the quantum shock. But it should be because of the large number of native species, so that the impact of each native species is very short, completely digested the impact that should have been to a target, but the physical impact is completely Acted on Alfredi's body, but because of the special physical qualities of the original species, she let the impact of this.

Regardless of what the surrounding native species and Alufimi did to reduce the impact, Xiao Ran’s movement did not stop at all. After using the quantum shock, the body was controlled to be quantized, and the moment appeared. The front of the Soul Block completely opened the two monsters that were turned into ghost faces. The arms of the body controlled the head of the Soul Block and the chest like a jewel, and a pair of eyes burst into a glare. Purpose brilliance.

The communication ability of the original changer needs to be matched by the two parties in order to achieve a true understanding of the purpose, but it can also be as compulsory as the beginning of els, and Xiaoran is doing such a mandatory connection. The seat has always wanted to seize the darkness of the sky, and Xiao Ran simply grabbed the seat of the soul in turn, relying on the ability of the purebred changer to force contact with Alefimi.

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