Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1263: transfer

"The key... is a soul with a strong desire to destroy, fear, destruction, death, chaos. On the contrary, clean, pure soul with powerful spiritual power is the same, but there should be a special soul in the middle that can also be the key. For example, the soul of the power?"

"The native species hates chaos and destruction. He feels that humanity has affected the peace of the whole world, so he wants to swallow the world and turn the world into the purest existence. For them, it is pure death, nothingness, when Everything is turned into nothingness, and after everything is converted into native species, they can be purely satisfied."

"Pure thoughts, that is, pure spiritual bodies, the source of all life sprouts, is the coexistence of the opposite of material life in the world. As long as there is a native species of life, it can never be destroyed, responsible for supervising the whole world and observing the whole world. There is no maliciousness to the world, but pure neutrality, monitoring but not interfering, just balancing the whole world like a program, once it reaches a certain threshold, it will start up?"

"So, as long as they can understand that we will not become the root of chaos, but will become the basis for guaranteeing peace in this world. All the chaos, war is only the hope of a few people and the self-protection of human beings. It is possible to talk about it. Native species, els, worms, and how similar races may even find the biggest backing for the planet."

Xiao Ran's eyes are bright, and countless information is directly shared with Alufimi through consciousness, which makes Alufimi's mind also flash a different picture, life, growth and evolution, between humans. Friendship, affection and love, in order to protect the courage, resoluteness and conviction of the same people, the one-sidedness of the els in the different worlds, the one-sidedness of the fusion with the worms, and the hope that the humans hope for peace, through this information to Alufimi It means that human beings are not willing to be confused. What is more needed is peace. The war between races will only lead to greater chaos. Only mutual understanding and integration is the only choice for life to go higher.

Telling Alufimi, these are also preparing to use Alufimi as an intermediary to tell the boss who wants to destroy human beings. Humans need an opportunity, a chance to truly grow up from a young child to an adult. Earth humans will not take the initiative. Others, but they will not be willing to swallow their voices.

After the information was delivered, Xiao Ran took the initiative to retreat from the link. Xiao Ran directly controlled the dark sky and quickly separated from the soul seat. This time, Xiao Ran did not intend to control the seat of the soul, but gave it to the seat of the soul. And the freedom of Alefimi allows the information that Alefimi gets to be passed on to the boss of the native species.

And after leaving the seat of the soul, Xiao Ran sent a command to everyone with the highest authority to fully remove the Zovak army and let the native species leave.

The large units that got the order turned to the first time to focus on attacking the native species. The Steel Dragon team may not understand what the command of Xiao Ran meant. Why should they let the native species leave or attack, but they don’t understand that it belongs to burning. The people of the Legion are absolutely clear.

The special ability of the changer who guides the integration of humans and other tribes is sure to allow Xiao Ran to communicate with the native species. Although these people do not know what the result of the communication is, they do not prevent them from following the command of Xiao Ran. Attack on native species.

Among the Burning Legion, Xiao Ran, a purebred changer, has the ability to guide the understanding between the races, but it is not the only one who has this ability. The songs of Shirley and Orchid are the same. With such ability, but also to dig out the goodness of the individual's heart, hope, can be said to be somewhat horrible to the fusion of the two races than the Xiaoran, the ability of the three to match as long as it is not the kind of brain In addition to destruction, the killing madman can almost be influenced by three people.

After the darkness left, Alufimi in the seat of the soul woke up, with an incredible expression on her small face, so she stared at the dark sky that quickly left. She did not expect that she had perceived Xiaoran. Pure, but unthinkable, is purely to this extent, a special life that is born out of human beings but higher than human beings, and has the ability to share the mood and consciousness to achieve mutual understanding.

Alufimi is really feeling the feeling of Xiaoran’s hope that the earth can be safe and stable, and that everyone can live a good life, and feel the growth of life from Xiaoran’s will. And reluctant to fear the threat.

After reaching an exchange, Alfami’s mood has been unconsciously affected. He feels that human beings are not so useless. They also saw human and alien races, and els, from the information that Xiao Ran passed to her. Coexistence and integration with insects.

"The pure breed of change, this kind of existence is really special." Alufimi stunned his head and gave all the natives an order to help the Earth's humans defeat Zavok's army, and suddenly let those all over the battlefield. Countless native species reacted in an instant, directly attacking the Zavok army. The original three-way melee suddenly became a two-on-one. The Zovak side almost missed the head and quickly began to re-enact. Then start to retreat.

A Lufimi looked deeply at Xiao Ran’s black sky, and controlled the soul seat into the void and disappeared into the universe completely: “Since I received your thoughts, there is no new order before the boss. I will help you once in a while."

Ten minutes later, the battle outside the white star has become sporadic. The big troops are carrying out the final clearing and inspection of the Zavok drone after the break, but the battle can be said to have completely ended, and the battle inside the white star is completely stopped. All the native species left the white star directly under the command of Xiao Ran and did not have any conflicts, nor did they show any intention to attack.

After all the native species left, the entire white star returned to calm again. Except for the numerous wreckages other than white stars, the battle was fierce, and it suddenly became much more deserted.

Xiaoran in the cockpit looked at the large army that was cleaning the battlefield. He also gasped a few breaths, glaring at the empty and tired head: "I hope that Alufimi can pass all my information to There is a boss of the original species, otherwise even if this problem is solved, there will always be such a life-like body that has existed since the ancient times, and the earth can never be separated from the threat of native species."

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