Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1279: Hard work

Moreover, Xiao Ran also knows that the power-holders of Wendero Mausa simply did not use their full strength to cope with themselves, but suppressed the anger in their hearts, groaning, and resisting not knowing what is waiting, Xiao Ran will not be stupid. I drilled into the trap of the other party. No matter what the other party is paying attention to, the purpose of Xiao Ran is to try to clear the living force on the island of Pluto as much as possible. The support of the perimeter will gradually consume the strength of the other party and find out whether Zorwalk is really mirrored. Get on.

Wendrew doesn't even know that his mood changes are in the hands of Xiao Ran. It may not be unfamiliar to Wendrew, but gn particles, the special ability of changers, is not something Wendrew can understand. I don't even know that my expression has completely fallen into Xiao Ran's perception, oh, anger, but for some reason I have to suppress my heart, everything is seen in the eyes of Xiaoran.

Xiao Ran is also very clear that the powers are actually not without long-range attacks. As a special machine, it is a super-robot. The basics of Feiquan are essential, not to mention that the power-sellers also have the function of transmitting energy waves. It is possible to let the avatars send out the same attack, but now Wenduru is so blindly watching Xiaoran attack everywhere, even if the heart is angry again, it is still as stable as Taishan, there is no ghost Xiaoran does not believe.

However, the more you like this, the more you want to slap Windrew. Of course, it is not stupid to rush up. Seeing that the gn dragon cavalry continues to be clear about the surrounding soldiers, Xiao Ran controls all the gn dragon cavalry. The power-takers rushed over, and each gn dragon cavalry used a completely different trajectory and route, flying a number of beams while flying, forming a network of beams of light facing the powers.

Perhaps Wendrew did not expect that Xiao Ran would even slap himself. In the face of the gn dragon cavalry suddenly turned to the attack is also a little faint, resulting in a slow shot between the action, although eventually escaped the gn dragon The net of beams made by the cavalry, but also by several beams of light on the armor of the body.

It is a pity that the attack strength of the gn dragon cavalry is quite good when it deals with the b level, including the b level, especially the real system. It can be a little weak when faced with a special machine that cannot be measured by common sense. It was only a few shallow white traces left on the armored armor.

But what really made Wendrew feel threatened was not the gn dragon cavalry, but the beam that was launched by the gn dragon cavalry with the main weapon of the body, which was completely attacked by the beam of the energy of the euro, and a luminous beam The diameter of about ten meters, and at the forefront of the beam is a very sharp nail head, the green energy is wrapped in the nail head, and the wind blows directly to the chest of the power-seeker.

The red alarm in the cockpit of the powersman sounded, and the harsh sound made Wendrew’s eyes a little red, and the crazy color on his face became more and more with the attack of Xiao Ran. Against this wave of attacks with the gn dragon cavalry and the body, Wendrew, who has been slowing down, can't keep up with Xiaoran's rhythm. He can only watch the attack fly to himself.

At the last moment, Wendlow controlled the body and raised his arms to the front of the big sword in front of him. The body suddenly burst into a red light and became a little fuzzy. One by one, the phantoms that rushed out of the powers were connected. An attack that is as active as a life has hit the past with a 10-meter-diameter attack.

One by one, the big swords were directly slammed into the attack by Xiaoran's body, but one after another, the phantoms were also attacked by this attack. Even if it was just a non-existent phantom, there might be a collision between the amount and the energy. It is also a small explosion that is repeated again and again, just like the explosions caused by numerous balloons connected by bullets.

Perhaps just a short moment, the attack from Xiaoran’s body ran through countless phantoms and hit the power-takers. Suddenly, there was a huge explosion in the position of the power-holders. Countless smoke and smoke flew, and the powers would be seized. Give it a complete envelope.

The smoke rises and the energy is pleasant. In a short time, it is impossible to detect what is going on under the thick smoke. Xiaoran’s eyes are indeed flashing. Then, “It’s actually blocked. When hit, it’s already consumed because of those avatars. Half of the energy was then opened by the big sword, and the final impact was only trivial."

But in the next moment, Xiao Ran’s brows were slightly picked up. When he blinked his eyes, his hands suddenly pulled, directly controlling the body to suddenly stagnate and then slammed, and instantly rushed into the sky, and a red streamer rose directly from the ground. In a flash, a crescent was taken from the original place of the Xiaoran body.

Careful look at the red light is clearly the red light emitted by the body of the powers, because of the horror of the power of the horror of the aftermath of the formation of the aftermath.

Xiao Ran can feel the distorted expression and tyrannical mood of Wendlow because of the body being hit by gn particles.

"Because the Holy Spirit xn system is loaded onto the powers, the capture of the powers may threaten the most important thing for the mirror and finally can't help but break out." Xiao Ran's eyes suddenly became fierce. The heart is indifferent: "It is precisely because of this that either the power of the power is in my hand or it is completely destroyed by me. This will bring threats to the world and will bring instability to the mission. It must not fall. In the hands of anyone other than me."

Suddenly, Xiao Ran made a series of operations on the body, and also used one of his own skills. The specific performance is that the body is turned into a myriad of light particles in a moment, and the moment the body dissipates, Dozens of red avatars don't know where they suddenly popped up and brought countless flails to the body that had become a light spot.

Xiao Ran has already controlled the quantization of the body. It can be said that it is already at a different latitude. The burst of the power of the powers is naturally endless, and the body has been far away from the powers.

"Damn, hateful, hateful!" Wendlow was like a crazy rabid dog, roaring and shouting: "I must kill you, I must kill you! You and your satellite are integrated, still The Earth Defense Forces will surely step into destruction together."

There was no communication between the two, and Wendrew did not open any external contacts. One sentence seemed to be just venting the general discourse but was received by Xiao Ran without Wendru’s knowledge. The brow was slightly picked. I immediately sent a message to the steel number.

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