Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1304: Three requirements

Juzes suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiaoran, who was intimately introduced by his own λ-driver. He was a little bit confused by Xiao Ran. He didn’t quite understand why Xiao Ran would take him to see such things.

As for what Xiao Ran said is true and false, Youzes still doubts. If, as Xiaoran said, λ-driver has reached the level of causal weapons, how can he show his identity like this? The awkward person knows that it is possible to achieve all the desired goals with a certain price. Is it possible to rule the world, and if everything that Xiaoran said is false, why should Xiaoran tell him deliberately? These ones.

"I can feel that you are doubting." Xiaoran turned and looked at Yuzes. The staller said casually: "As before, believe it or not, the reason why you know λ-driver is not without worry in my heart." But I would like to tell you through this matter that λ-driver is indeed our hole card, but it does not mean that I have no other cards besides this thing."

"No matter what you are thinking, no matter how powerful your strength is, even if there is any super body in your hands that can suppress the whole earth's combat power, as long as I am willing to pay enough price, then you will definitely die. In the hands of this system, as far as cost is soul, life or energy."

"I don't worry about energy. There are countless people who are willing to pay for their lives in order to protect this planet. As for the soul, this kind of thing linked to life is naturally not lacking. I should also thank you for creating those who copied it. Under our technology, I can completely set the memories and thoughts of thousands of copy people according to what I need. Basically, the things I least want to pay for you are prepared for me."

"The Balma Empire, the native species, the Zowok Star Alliance, as long as I have such a thing at hand, even if it really triggered a full-scale war, but I want to win the final victory is not difficult, I also said that my card is more than one. Even if the war fails, as long as there are so few warships slipping away, Zovork or Balma, the only result is to destroy this road."

"Leonard." Xiaoran looked at Yuzes and said something like this. He nodded slightly to Leonard. The latter directly took out a lighter-sized instrument from his arms. On the top, Youzes saw two parked ten-meter-high bodies flashing like sparks, and a burst of smoke instantly appeared. The two bodies fell like they lost bones on the ground. The sound of jingle.

"Well, now the only worry is gone. The two bodies are destroyed. Now there is no λ-driver in the whole earth, and there is no information and record about λ-driver." Xiao Ran looked at Youzes. Suddenly smiled and said: "But with our technology and production capacity, we can make λ-driver in about 24 hours, and we can make about a thousand or so, but where is the complete technology of the sample hidden? I think You can also guess."

Youzes was silent, and he said: "I think the purpose of bringing you to me is to shock me, warning me that your purpose has been reached and you don't need to continue to tease me. I have decided to surrender and have become like this. The situation, what I need to do is straightforward."

"Just show you the strength slightly, and remind you not to do anything that doesn't make sense." Xiao Ran walked straight out of the demonstration venue, and Yusson turned and followed, until Leonard came out to close the demo again. At the venue, Xiao Ran said: "There are three things you need to do now."

"The first one, the fleet you promised, I hope that you can cash it out as soon as possible, and really control the fleet, so that there is no opposition in the fleet for me."

"Secondly, I need all the technology of the quantum wave engine, the real application of Zffield crystal, the method that can be copied, which is handled by Leonard."

"Third, I know that you are an excellent genetic researcher, author of genetics, ergonomics. After completing the second thing, you need to assist my genetic research institute to conduct a special experiment. Something that allows ordinary people to have special blood abilities."

"The first thing can be done at the end. I am not in a hurry about this."

Juzes replied indifferently: "As you said, I am authoritative about genetics and ergonomics, but I don't know much about industrial technology. I can know how the quantum wave engine is used. Apart from the idea of ​​how to solve, design and manufacture, I don't have the technical information of the quantum wave engine. If I want to get the quantum wave engine, the first thing must be done first."

"I can do the third thing first, and then hand over the technical information of the quantum wave engine after completing the first thing. Now I can get it out. I don't think the earth has the ability to make the quantum wave engine. ”

"If you can make it, you don't need to worry about it. I also know that the entire Seventh Fleet is the one you control. The complete control is not a problem for you. In this case, you are free to choose three tasks. In order, I still recommend that you hand over the technology to Leonard as soon as possible and then invest in human research."

"If you can do these three things and satisfy me, I can promise you a request, except for you, as long as it is not a threat to the earth, it threatens any reasonable request for the stability of the entire galaxy. This is a Commitment, as time goes by, you will find out what my commitment represents to you."

Xiao Ran stopped and turned to look at the masked Youzes. His eyes revealed an inexplicable meaning. He even said in a very confusing tone: "Trust me, the world you think you understand." It's not as simple as you think. You think you are a omniscient person, but in my eyes you are just a frog trapped in a deep well. In the future, you will know what kind of things I have mastered. These are me. What is in control of what is represented, there is an infinite possible final card."

Youzes was silent, and Leonard didn't say a word. It was only a few minutes after Iases looked up and looked at Xiao Ran, and looked through the mask deeply. "I need to work with my fleet." contact."

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