Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1306: Gradually on the right track

As long as you can complete the third phase of the mission and leave the world, if you can ensure that the world becomes a camp territory, no matter what kind of threat the earth encounters, Xiao Ran can adjust the power of the new unified army from the World of Macross to help himself. Not to mention the worms that are enough to dominate the Galaxy, or even to cooperate directly with other legions, so that the top legion of Prometheus can help him lift the threat.

However, if it is impossible to ensure that the world will become a camp territory, then the threat does not threaten and there is not much relationship with Xiao Ran. It is only that Xiao Ran hopes to turn this world into his own camp territory. After all, the reality of the world. Too special, if you can master such a world, the real system, the fantasy department, and the super system all exist, it is of great benefit to all aspects of the development of the Burning Legion. Compared to other super robot wars, the world of the og series is difficult. It is also low, and Xiao Ran wants to grasp this opportunity.

Up to the present position, everything on the satellite integration side is developing at a predetermined pace, becoming the president of the satellite integration under the approval of the real successor of the satellite integration, Alsam, and taking over the satellite system in a positive way to gradually improve him. In the satellite integration, the degree of control is naturally 100%. Needless to say, it is not a problem to continue to develop satellite integration into a camp territory according to this rhythm. Xiaoran’s experience in this regard is sufficient.

In the following period of time, the native species rarely appeared. I don’t know if the communication between Xiaoran and Alufimi had the effect, or for other reasons. In short, there was almost no emergence of the native species. In all cases, everything seems to be more stable and peaceful. All the plans of Yuzes are destroyed. It is only a series of problems in the home park to cooperate with Leonard to solve the quantum wave engine. In general, it is seen by ordinary people. The war should be over now.

However, the Steel Dragon team has been busy on the earth in order to trace the monsters and Axelin. The original species did not appear in other places, but it was like staring at the steel dragon team, and the two sides will be small. The exchange of gunfire, a pair of good-looking look, made the steel dragon team simply do not dare to go to densely populated areas, they are worried that they will affect innocent civilians because of their fighting.

In addition to the native species, the Steel Dragon team has repeatedly fought with the monsters who have appeared around the world. If the monsters appear to be able to shrink to the size of the dolls, then some supercomputers still look quite cute. It would be disgusting if it became a lot big and vandalism.

No beauty, no eyes, six groups from the yellow sac, with four wings, looks like a yellow plastic bag tied with two pairs of wings of the emperor, looks like a hedgehog, with needle hair and can be shot, fierce and violent dream Hey, like a goldfish, his head is full of ten-tailed Heluo fish, and there are two babies (iao), which are like a Chinese cabbage, a bitter princess like a Chinese cabbage. It’s so weird enough to explain the guys who made these monsters, how terrible their aesthetics are.

Xiao Ran did not join the Steel Dragon team and they acted together, but they knew everything about the Steel Dragon team. Not only did the big iron report to Xiaoran every day, but also Graham, hey, Luo, who stayed in the Steel Dragon team. Bassack’s report on their situation can be said that the Steel Dragon team could not survive Xiaoran no matter what happened.

In a battle with the monsters, it suddenly appeared on the battlefield. It was funny that Baihe was not joined to the Steel Dragon team. Instead, it was spent in the Steel Dragon team for a while. Baihe 愁, the result of Baihe 愁 just took a head and Zhengshu both disappeared, making the Steel Dragon team's task of finding someone else, and let Xiaoran, who heard the news, laugh and laugh, finally finally saw Baihe He sneaked his head, and the result was that he lost the news of Baihe.

As the Steel Dragon team traced the more things about the monsters, the word Balar or a group gradually began to unravel the mysterious veil. This is a place called Taoyuan Township. It is also a dream Utopia, where the legendary immortal lived, and then the word Eden of steel came out soon.

The more information the Steel Dragon team got about the monsters, the more resistance the Steel Dragon team encountered when pursuing the monsters. When the Steel Dragon team chased the Arabian Peninsula, it can be said that every day Suffered from the attack of the monsters, even more advanced monsters appeared.

Time has passed quickly for more than a month in the busy situation of the Steel Dragon team. The ordinary residents of Freedom have all awakened and lived in the earth on the Fry, and also organized some people to fill in Help the people of Free who have just woke up from a long sleep.

The huge Friss ship left behind, precisely the fortress is also filled into the Earth Defense Forces, as a supplement to the cosmic defense force, although the owner is still Fry, but will listen to the Earth Defense Forces General Command, especially Xiaoran’s command and arrangement.

The mood of Shana Mia after awakening the sleeping nationals has not been very good. There are many people who have been sleeping forever in the long sleep, unable to open their eyes, those who are hard to escape from the disaster of Freedom. Those who fled to sleep for a better future will never be able to see the goodness that has come, and let her, the Princess of Free, add a little sadness to the heart of Free.

In order to take care of those who have just woke up from Freedom and re-establish a new **** and knight, Xiao Ran and Shana Mia have not met again for more than half a month, from the beginning to wake up those sleeping in the Fortress of Freedom. At the beginning, Shana Mia had been busy at both the Earth and the fortress, but in order to ensure the safety of Shana Mia, Xiao Ran also sent Moses and Billy to Shana Mia with the permission of Shirley.

As for Shirley Lu, the combat power that he can play out is actually more powerful than the combination of Moses and Billy, and he has to stay in the satellite integration without worrying about security issues.

Just in such a situation that everything seems to be good, the satellite integration alarm suddenly sounded, and a notice from Malang made Xiao Ran rush to the Burning Legion.

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