Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1318: Person selection

Bai Hezhen proposed a deal to Xiaoran, a deal about the underground world of Lakias. The conditions for the transaction were only to let Xiaoran have no trace of letting the tree know that he had already traveled to Lakias and then sent a few The individual is with the Zhengshu, and Xiaoran gets what he has always wanted to get the technology to destroy the engine, and the magic provided by Baihe. .

Speaking of such a transaction, you don’t have to do it yourself. You only need to say a few words to complete it. It can be said that the cost is simply zero, even if you don’t let the people in your team go because of fear of threats, just let The guys of the steel dragon team's protagonist aura can also get what he wants with Xiaoran.

Relatively destroying the engine, an engine made from the black hole engine improved by Baihe, and added with the alchemy and magic of Lakias. Compared with the black hole engine, it is not clear, but it is not good. It seems that the relative elimination of the engine should be greater than the black hole engine. As for the larger, there is no way to judge.

After all, the black hole engine is acting on the real robot, and the relative elimination engine that Baihe has made is the super robot. The output is naturally larger, but it cannot be said that the relative elimination is higher than the black hole engine. How many.

In fact, after having the European steel extractor and closing the back door of the black hole engine, the relative elimination engine is not as attractive as Xiaoran. However, the real magic that Xiaoran can’t refuse is the magic of Lakias. With the alchemy, it is possible to upgrade the body of the Miyuki.

Nowadays, Liu Muye is quite special among the team. It is not that her identity is special, but that she is in terms of strength. The limitation of the body has caused the flow of wood to be stuck in this stage, and it is not allowed to enter for a long time, although it is based on the real system. The evaluation is just a pilot with a +-level peak, but in fact the real strength can not be inferior to the b-level pilot, and the strength is quite terrible.

The most critical problem is that the body can't be upgraded. Even if the revolutionary machine world has become a camp territory, the rune engine can also be copied after mastering the city, but the upgrade to this piece has been caught in a bottleneck. The same is true with the vvv body. The real core personnel who made the vvv body have long since died. The strange connection between the bodies is also inexplicable in Kane’s view. Although it can explain it, Luo has no way to The rune engine is upgraded. It seems that the highest level of the magic system has reached the level that cannot be broken.

So even if it is just for the upgrade of the body of Miyuki, as soon as possible, the level will be raised. Xiaoran will never see the magic system and alchemy of Lakias. There is no suitable opportunity and no time before, but now Baihe愁 Take the initiative to bring the opportunity up, Xiao Ran naturally wants to grasp.

Regarding the situation of Lakias, what does Baihe want to make something out of the way? Xiaoran only knows something that is plausible, probably knowing what is going on, but the specific situation is not understood, it is a revenge. Whether it is for the sake of freedom or not, it is probably that Bai Hezhen took the initiative to seek death and seek new life.

The danger is definitely there, but Baihe must have a complete plan. Some accidents should be avoided and they can be avoided. Others have to look at the development and luck of things.

It is a more important question to let anyone follow. It is related to magic and is for the sake of Liu Muye. Of course, it is one of the most suitable candidates. If the strength is really worse or worse, then you have to send someone to follow. And in order to prevent Zhengshu from seeing that all this is just a plan, the candidate must also pick someone who is familiar with the tree.

Originally it seems that Zhengshu and Jenny went together, but now the situation of Jenny is completely different from the original plot, which makes Xiao Ran feel a little embarrassed, especially when Bian is sitting in front of himself.

Looking at Bian, who was sitting in front of himself without saying a word, Xiao Ran thought and said: "I am very interested in the alchemy and magic of Lakias. You also know that the magic that I waved is a The magical race, my assistant, Izuno, also thought of the magic, and because their system of elbows has been seeking new breakthroughs."

"But although I am not willing to manage Baihe's plan and calculations, I believe that you and you believe that this is another reason why I promised this transaction. I believe it is believed, but I must also ensure that the personnel are sent. Safety."

Bian looked at Xiao Ran and looked at Xiaoran with a slight frown: "Do you want your assistant to follow along?"

"This is inevitable." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "After all, this thing is about herself, and for the magic, only the people who use magic can understand, only she can go down to get the biggest growth and breakthrough, other If people can't replace it, although there may be some danger, it is also the tempering that she has to go through."

"But for the sake of safety, I feel that I still need to know some of his ideas and I need to do more preparations. I don't mind what Baihe wants to do, as long as the purpose is not the earth, not the people we are willing to help him, then here. I can give him more help in things."

"When the Steel Dragon team is going to go, I won't interfere. Even if everyone has a good relationship, it's the same. But the leader must understand that this is just a plan to make the cooperation between the two parties the most perfect and tacit. I will also send it here. Some people assisted Baihe, so that the purpose of his planning can be ensured, and of course the safety of those who follow the Zhengshu."

Bian nodded: "I will tell him, he should not refuse. After all, from his point of view, he can see both sides, and in my opinion, he really needs some help. In fact, I am also worried. This kid, everything is hidden in the heart, if you can, it is good to help him."

"Well, then that's the way to say it. You arrange my people to meet with him directly."

Xiao Ran has already thought about who will follow Lakias in the end. Liu Muye is definitely going to go. If you can, Xiao Ran even wants to go down and see, but this is not the case, except to stare at the earth. In addition, his identity is too special. Going to Lakias is nothing to look for.

For the safety of Liu Muye, one or two powerful pilots need to be arranged, and those who communicate directly with Baihe is not more suitable than Kane.

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