Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1334: Simple stage three

Xiao Ran seemed to be somewhat forced when he saw the task of the third stage. He did not expect that the third stage mission would be like this. After the first stage of integration and exploration, the second stage of protection and elimination, successive experience The rebel army, Zorok, the lone wolf, the shadow mirror, the native species, the demon machine, the Fry, the Nether Envoy, the enemies of this series, finally ushered in such an incredible task.

This task is almost incomparable compared to the second phase of the second phase, not because it is too difficult, but because it is too simple, it is a task that can be completed without fighting at all, and for Xiao Ran It is even simpler to complete the degree, so even if there are all kinds of conjectures on the task of Stage 3, perhaps it is to deal with the dark brain, perhaps against the Shura, or to deal with the destruction, or to kill the Balma Empire. But I did not expect that the task would be like this at the end.

“The second phase of the mission is completed, and the third phase of the mission is opened: the earth that has experienced two years of war is now in need of stable development, normal order, and strong force to protect itself under any threat. The stability of the earth, with the aboriginal people to build a strong force to protect the earth ... the current completion rate of 75%."

The third stage of the task is such a task that is so simple in Xiaoran's view that it is so simple that it feels incredible.

It’s really amazing to have such a task Xiaoran, but it’s just as ridiculous to think about it seriously. After all, the second stage has experienced too many battles, and the conflicts once and for all have erupted again and again. If you don't handle it well, it will bring the result of destroying the world. The two threats you encounter will be taken out in other tasks and you can treat it as the final task. But this task is only the second stage. A component of the task.

In this way, it is simply to solve all the battles in the second stage, and to fight for the rest of the battle after the battle.

For Xiaoran, the third stage of the task is just like sending it to him, but there is no way to do this. Who makes Xiaoran familiar with the world, the Steel Dragon team is more than the original story. It was formally established earlier and was leaped.

Free's misunderstanding was dug up in advance, and then Zorwak completely solved the problem of not knowing how many times more than the original plot. The original species also temporarily reached an understanding, the Balma Empire side Yoze Even the Seventh Fleet he controlled was all attributed to the Earth Defense Forces and commanded.

Perhaps it is necessary to count the door of the seal that was strictly guarded at this time. So far, the problem of Ding has not appeared. What kind of enemy is likely to appear is the dark brain and the Shura, but it is definitely the steel dragon team. The role that continues to be fixed, and as long as it does not appear, will not be counted as a threat, and naturally cannot be counted in the second phase of the mission.

This way, unless Prometheus will increase the difficulty, it is really unlikely that there will be enough guys to be the ultimate boss.

It now appears that the first phase of the task is to be familiar with the situation, the second phase of the task is the collision, and the third phase of the task is to recover. This rhythm makes Xiao Ran suddenly have the same feeling of playing a game. First, complete the task to find a place to build a city. After the city is built, the monster is siege. After the siege, it is a peace of mind.

And Xiao Ran took the lead in setting up the Earth Defense Force in the second stage. With the steel dragon team and the sword of the earth formed in the back, the defense force required by the third task can be said to be basically satisfied, and the so-called earth stability. At present, the overall view should not be too low.

After all, after resolving the rebel army a long time ago, there was no real large-scale chaos on the earth. All the battles that occurred were limited to a certain extent. The two-two comprehensive can also achieve 75% completion. Not surprising.

The remaining 25 percent seems to be done casually in Xiao Ran. In fact, to this degree of completion, Xiao Ran can also submit the task directly and then leave the world, but Xiao Ran is sure to complete the degree. To a higher level, it is natural that the task selection will not be submitted directly at this time.

However, Xiao Ran also has to consider the fact that there are no dark brain forces and Shura’s forces in the second stage. As long as these two forces reappear, even if there is a problem at the door of the seal, the completion of the stage III will definitely be straight. The catastrophe, by that time, has to be thoroughly resolved to complete the third phase of the task.

Xiao Ran knows that what he has to do now is to race against time. As long as the task completion rate is increased to more than 90% with the fastest speed, what kind of threat will appear after him will have nothing to do with him. Xiao Ran also needs to start preparing for a bigger goal.

As for how to improve the task completion degree, Xiao Ran has thought about it in less than 30 minutes. First of all, of course, it is necessary to take all the members of the Burning Legion of the Earth Defense Force out of the mission. Well, including himself, he must also completely mate with the Earth Defense Forces.

The second thing is to dispel all the forces on the earth, such as the federal, dc, such as the self-defense forces of Shi Dong Heavy Industry, etc., to include all these armed forces into the Earth Defense Force, and all kinds of people are temperate together. In this way, it is possible to avoid the unnecessary conflicts again due to the ambition between the forces.

Third, that is to restore all the cities on the earth to a normal order of life. This has actually been done long ago, and the most crucial thing is to compensate and resettle the people who suffered losses during the war. What is difficult is that the people who have been affected by the war are really terrible. Although they have been dealing with this aspect, they have not yet been completely resolved.

With the idea, the rest is action, speeding up the evacuation of members of the Burning Legion from the Earth Guard, and then filling it with the aboriginal soldiers of the satellite integration, Kane, Luo, Graham, Pelican, Bassack, etc. All of them resigned from their posts and military positions at the Earth Defence Force in the first place. All but the Xiaoran had a relationship with the Earth Defence Force in the shortest possible time.

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