Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1342: Intensive completion

"Is it all grown to this level, and people who can become teammates with you are not ordinary people." Lao Luo sighed and uttered his voice, and associated with the situation in Xiaoran’s camp, he was also amazed. Shake his head.

As the other party who cooperated with the Burning Legion earlier, Lao Luo did understand the situation of Xiaoran’s territory. He did not see too many a-level pilots. There are not many excellent talents. The most important thing is that every The development potential of a territory is quite horrible, and there are too many special ethnic groups.

New humans, adjusters, magicians, and the first acquired territory has a very high level of science and technology, giving the Burning Legion a rapid expansion of the foundation, and now with a real system, super department, fantasy coexistence The chaotic world, the future development of the Burning Legion can be expected.

The benefits that a good camp territory can bring to the Legion are enormous, and when the Legion has several top-ranking camps, the starting line is completely different from other legions. It has a direct access. The shortcut of the summit.

Ten a-level pilots, whether it is true a or pseudo-a, it is not difficult to make up this amount. It can really raise the strength of the Burning Legion to a very terrible level. Just think about it at full scale. In the mission of the Legion, Xiaoran’s army can carry the combat power, and the number of a-class pilots, even Lao Luo, feels terrible.

I really want to have an open-minded army and a Burning Legion to launch a regiment. I want to bully this seemingly a small army. The final result will probably make people’s eyes burst, and if the battlefield is put into the fleet. The words of the world will definitely make anyone feel the deep malice of the world.

Lao Luo asked: "What is your next arrangement?"

Xiao Ran said: "When Kruze is all upgraded, I think it is an opportunity to formally contact other legions. Although there is no difference in the camp territory for a day or two or a week, I still hope that after a week with the legions. Start contact, preferably with separate contact."

Lao Luo probably understands the meaning of Xiao Ran. It is nothing more than to appear in a stronger posture when he comes into contact with other legions. He nods. "Oh, time, I will give you coordination. I will inform you after the result." ""


Old Luohaha smiled and patted Xiaoran’s shoulder: “You don’t want to bother me to do business here, why should you go.”

Xiaoran smiled and left the store of Lao Luo. Kruze’s reinforcement on the other side of Xiao Ran has already been prompted. All of them started the formal promotion of the a-class pilot, but they did not know how much time it took to strengthen. So, after leaving the old Luo, Xiao Ran went directly to the world of the ship and began to prepare for entering the og world again.

It is worth mentioning that after the og world was converted into camp territory, the ultimate mission card lost its function and disappeared into Xiaoran's props column in an expired way, because the og world has become a camp territory. The so-called ultimate task will no longer exist in form.

After going directly to the boat group, Xiao Ran asked people to find Kane, Xia, and Rebir, and told them to prepare them to lead the fleet to the og world, but of course they must first let Kay Go to the og world to see what is going on there.

Although they only returned to Prometheus in less than two days, for the og world before the conversion, even if it was only two days for Prometheus, it was not allowed to pass. For a month or two, it is of course necessary for Kane to prioritize the investigation of the situation there.

After Kane left, Rebir also left to convene the fleet, and Xiao Ran left Shaya to tell him about the recommendations of the territorial participants, and as Xiaoran thought, Xia does not make any sense.

As for the number of referrals, Xiao Ran also learned from Winnie that when there are multiple territories, the number of people elected will not be superimposed by ten, but on the basis of ten people, each one has a camp. However, the number of people in the territory that Xiaoran can recommend is only fifteen.

There are no such horrible numbers of fifty places, but they have reached fifteen people. Xiao Ran thought about it. There are almost five places in the og world. The 0079 world has the same core as Xiaya. The number of places is around, and the remaining places are temporarily uncertain.

After the og world became a territory, the time there began to synchronize with Prometheus. Kane went to the og world and did not return. Kruze they had already completed the reinforcement and came to the place where Xiao Ran was.

Seeing these ones are full of energy, people have not changed much, but they have a very special feeling. It seems to be self-confidence, or something else. Of course, these guys never lack confidence.

Xiao Ran nodded to a few people and smiled and asked: "How?"

Kruze spread his hand and said: "I feel very good. There is a feeling that it is not the same as before but I don't know what it is. Maybe this is the illusion of being a true a-class pilot."

Graham squeezed his fist and felt his strength. "I can obviously feel that I am much stronger than before. If I am on the gray antelope, I think I can In the face of a face to solve the other side."

To say that the biggest change is of course Kruze and Graham, but Barsac, Luo, and Nalo have also reached the level of a level of proficiency, but that is only technically achieved a level, other In particular, the characteristics can not be matched, but can not be regarded as a true a-level pilot, although there are some improvement in their own ability, but definitely not as big as Graham and Kruze.

Bassac looked at Kruze and Graham and felt a little annoyed. He was annoyed that he didn’t fully realize the characteristics of being promoted to a true a-class pilot. Now he is still being crushed by the horrible guy of Kruze.

Luo and Naluo are very open, and they have either mastered the characteristics or have a clue. It is only a matter of time before the development of the department is completed, and Luo used it in this reinforcement. It is also different from the previous ones.

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