Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1358: Leaping Shield

From the place where he met with the Overlord Corps, the three people who had gone there only had Xiao Ran and Kruze slowly returning to the shipping group territory.

On the way, Xiao Ran suddenly asked Kruze: "Do you think they will agree?"

"Should be." Kruzer thought for a moment and nodded gently: "After all, their situation is already in a very dangerous situation, our help is very important to them, no one will not necessarily die, but Someone will definitely live, I think they should not refuse."

"In fact, even if they don't accept the commanding power, they can play different games. The problem is that they have no way to play their own games. They are just commanding powers, although they may lead to a gap in the future contact status of the two sides, but they are more important. It should be clearly divided."

"From their performance, even if it is a s-class pilot, I am afraid it is not a panacea. There should be a possibility of being killed by a certain number of a-class pilots. After all, there is no real perfection in this world."

"And where are you going to find a dozen a-class pilots? We are now full of people who are full of people."

Xiaoran smiled and listened to Kruze's analysis, and nodded lightly: "That doesn't need to find a dozen a-class pilots. It is enough for us to have these. The a-class pilot of the Overlord Corps is also quite a lot. There is also a s-class pilot who is almost the same. As for the low-level pilot, the meaning is not great. Excluding Leonard to carry out the newcomer's task, Al Elf may not follow the original plan. It is."

Kruze also nodded in agreement: "His intelligence processing capabilities are indeed indispensable, have you already thought about it?"

"Anyway, I can quit the task at any time. It is also a good thing to look at it." Xiao Ran glanced at Kruze and smiled with a wink. "In fact, there is another thing I hope to be able to do in this mission of the Legion." I’m sure that every time I get back after I get the camp’s territory, I’m curious about the associated identity of the camp’s territory.”

Kruze smiled lightly: "It is gambling luck."

Xiaoran spread his hand: "A game that will never lose, but not every time there is such a good opportunity to gamble on luck."

Kruze did not know what he thought of, and suddenly he laughed: "Whether it is related to the other mission worlds that are related to the territorial powers, it sounds a bit interesting."

Xiao Ran took a hand: "That's so decided. Now that I have already made arrangements, I will start preparing in advance. The number of people is less and it is impossible to share a warship with the Overlord Corps. Um... with the Burning Legion, But I am afraid I have to prepare something that I can use."

Kruze suddenly said: "This overlord army is a bit interesting, but I don't think you are trying to annex their ideas."

"The bosses behind the scenes have to have a target that is pushed to the front desk?" Xiao Ran smiled and glanced at Kruze and said: "But if this target is not suitable, you need to touch it. It is."

The two went back to the territory of the boat group in a gossip, and Luo was left in the Fades and Nazi, preparing for the receiver body. This matter can be done by one person, but also Still contacted Leonard to catch up, the two people to do the action together faster, after all, it is necessary to clearly ask each pilot's different needs.

In the past, Reynolds can also learn more about the situation of the Overlord Legion in contact with the members of the opposing legions. After all, Leonard is also a big boss of the power. This point is at least better than Luo. Awesome.

The contact with the Overlord Corps was quite enjoyable. The Overlord Regiment got what they wanted, and Xiao Ran felt that he was still a bit of a gain. Compared to the combat points, the warehouse of the Overlord Corps was actually more interested. There is no good thing, then it is really a matter of heart, but the other party really does not come up with a few good things, I am afraid it is not so easy to deal with Xiaoran.

Moreover, it is also determined that in the next mission, Xiao Ran will follow the army of the Overlord Corps to carry out the army battle. During this time, Xiao Ran will never throw Nazi to the side, regardless of whether or not he is a s-class pilot. It is only necessary to use it to enable a s-class pilot to perform sparring. This kind of thing is more valuable for Xiaoran than a warship.

On the second day, the third day, Xiao Ran took Kruze and Luo to participate in the meeting with the other two legions. The first one was called the Leaping Legion, five a-class pilots, and the b-level pilots over one hundred. , has a camp territory.

The Leaping Legion’s removal of the camp’s territory at this time is actually bigger than the Burning Legion. After all, the number of veteran legions is enough, and the number of b-level pilots is quite large.

The head of the Leaping Legion should look like a young man in his thirties. The name is Ai Wu. From the observation of Kruze, the work is full of energy and passion. It is a normal and well-oriented army. After all, There is such a dynamic and passionate army leader, and the entire army is almost like this atmosphere.

The second legion with an a+ class division, the heavy shield legion, is also a man as the head of the army, and it is almost in its early thirties, but it looks very calm, to some like the big brother of Zengga. Feeling, the name is Wism, but the head of the army, Wism, is not the strongest a+ level pilot in the legion, but an iceberg man in the name of the deputy head. The relationship between the two looks very Well, the iceberg male a+ level pilot Cluj is clearly able to see that he is very respectful to the head of the army, Wism.

The Leaping Legion and the Heavy Shield Corps are all interested in establishing a true communication relationship with Xiaoran’s Burning Legion. Therefore, when they meet, both sides appear to be more harmonious and harmonious. Basically, they exchanged information about the legions of the two sides, but they are only basic information. For example, regarding the situation of the camp territory, it is only said that there is something special, and it does not involve a deeper level.

Different communication with the two legions, the Burning Legion also established a preliminary communication relationship with the two legions. If there is more cooperation, more exchanges are needed to determine it, but the Shield Corps has spent two Thousands of million points of merit have purchased a new macros level from Xiaoran.

During the three days, I contacted and contacted the three legions respectively, but only had the most relationship with the Overlord Corps. The rest was to know each other, take a photo, and cooperate with us in the future.

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