Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1360: second round

(Chapter 2 is late, friends ask for help to pick up the individual. Before anyone said that I was being chased, and talking about it, obviously it was a blind date, oh, the result is not very good, haha)

Although Kruze, Bassac, Graham, Luo, Naluo and others did not participate in the training, but they also saw everything that happened in the training battle in their eyes, which also led to seeing Xiao Ran and Nazi. The people in the battle all wrinkled their brows.

Kruze did not pay attention to the battle madness Bassac, but turned to look at the more rational Graham and asked: "What do you think?"

"It's very strong." Graham looked solemn, his brow furry expression showed that his mood at this time was absolutely quite complicated: "It's really strong, now I have a long distance from him, he may be I can't break me, but I can definitely suppress me all the time. The two sides really have to be serious and they can only decide the victory or defeat, and most of them are my defeat. I can face this woman named Nazi, even if it is full force. I can only insist on five minutes."

"Even if it is a complete coverage attack, completely control all the GN particles in the area, and force all the GN particles in the GN particle coverage to attack. There is no way to take this Nazi. From the beginning to the end, he has been avoiding making Direct and positive contact is completely in the process of containment. If it weren’t for him, it would be impossible for five minutes to survive.

"Unless... if you turn on quantum assimilation, you might be able to fight for it, but you can't make sure that the opponent doesn't have any cards."

Kruze heard Graham's words and gently nodded and said: "From the performance of the body alone, the other's body is not strong enough to surpass Xiaoran's dawn, speed, strength, mobility. The firepower is the same. Except that the armor and the shield seem to be somewhat special, it is impossible to see the extent of the S-class body. Can you say that the other party actually only uses its own body to perform the performance of the A-class body, and then The technology of the S-class pilot solved Xiao Ran in five minutes?"

Graham thought and said: "There is not much difference in the pure technology. After all, we can do it by the other side. From the performance point of view, the other party's ease is not fake. It is very horrible to be sensitive to danger. It is often prepared for evasion in advance when an adult starts attacking, launching an attack, and completing an attack."

"The grasp of the rules of action of adults cannot be said to be complete, but it is more predictable than us, a simple boundary difference? A level gap?"

"It seems that only the S-class pilot called Nazi personally came to explain it to us."

Kruze nodded and patted Graham's shoulder to indicate that Graham could return to God: "The second game started."

Xiao Ran sat in his cockpit and squinted and gasped out. He had already done his best for the first battle. All the tools that could be used except the quantum assimilation were not used, although they have been Avoiding positive contact with Nazi, but still caught the opportunity of the opponent to hit the body of an attack.

In the fight against Nazi, Xiao Ran has a feeling that it seems that he can't really control the action of Nazi in his own perception, instead of relying on powerful perception, feedback from GN particles, like when fighting other people. To familiarize yourself with everything on the battlefield, you can only perceive at most one point.

This kind of situation is something he has never met in the past battles. He can only rely on his own skills and experience to fight with each other. Xiao Ran also admits that the pressure is really great when facing Nazi. A very special kind of momentum seems to be able to directly press on the void across the void, each attack carries a special thing.

Xiao Ran can feel it because he can do the same thing. It seems that using attack power to strengthen his attack is very similar, but one is passive but it is essential. What Nazi does is essence, just like Xian Among the heroic novels, the peerless powers have a special charm.

But now that Xiao Ran can feel a little, he can't grasp what it is.

"This time I will really use all my strength." After Xiao Ran finished this sentence, his eyes suddenly burst into flames, once again opened his own state of change in the training space, while the power of the mind also broke out, more directly The quantum assimilation is turned on. The four solar furnaces are directly co-frequency under the catalysis of quantum assimilation, and the same frequency is constantly increasing at an extremely high speed. The degree of growth is extremely terrifying.

In an instant, the body is surrounded by countless green particles, and the endless GN particles also give the entire training environment a complete denseness. Similarly, in the sense of Xiao Ran, the body of Nazi is still vaguely vague. .

"If you can't feel it, then look at it with your eyes!" Xiao Ran suddenly pushed down his hands, and the two feet completely stepped on the pedals, controlling the body to turn into a light and rushing straight toward the body of Nazi.

The last time Xiao Ran chose to hold the war in the confrontation training, but only lasted for five minutes, and this time Xiao Ran not only had to take the containment to the extreme, but also to confront the S-class pilot with a positive attitude. posture.

Four small bodies flew out of the dawning body, each of which smashed the red light and scattered from different directions toward the direction of the body of the Nazi. All the GN dragon cavalry also flew out at the same time. The body of Nazi pours out countless beams.

Among the dense beams, Xiao Ran’s body suddenly disappeared. Once again, it appeared in the body of the Nazi body. The weapons held by the hand have been closed together at the moment, wrapped in green crystals. The body of Nazi smashed in the past, and the chest was also lit at the same time. At any time, it was possible to send a deadly beam to the body of Nazi.

There were countless dragon cavalry launching beams, four sides of the small body launched by the storm, and the rear is Xiao Ran's two consecutive attacks. It can be said that only a blink of an eye has completely shrouded the body of the body. Under the murder.

Ke Nazi did not have too much reaction after Xiao Ran made so many moves.

The body of Nazi is not like Xiaoran, it is more than 50 meters in size, but at most it is less than 30 meters. The whole body is like a paladin wearing armor. Bright and glamorous reveals a kind of holy. feel.

In the face of Xiao Ran's attack, a few light strips suddenly appeared behind him. The left hand stretched forward and the Shield was like this. The right hand pulled it and pulled out a golden sword directly from the void.

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