Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1363: S-class is not absolutely invincible

Faced with six a-class pilots, Nazi did not dare to wait as big as when she was facing Xiaoran. She gently exhaled a breath: "I will let you witness the power of the s-class pilot. The distortion of the position is not limited to the surroundings of the body."

The light belt flying wing of the knight machine appeared again, and the shoulder armor of the body suddenly opened. It relied on the distortion of the space to extend the unknown equipment of the size of the two foot organisms. It was only that the device suddenly started to move quickly. The vibration, just around the body of the body, the space visible to the naked eye began to distort with the appearance of this device.

The distorted space also makes the body of Nazi followed by blurring and distortion, not just that. The distorted positions also appear randomly in the range of at least tens of kilometers with the body of the Nazi as the core, suddenly and even even I couldn’t feel the movement of the three people of Basque, Ronaldo, and Graham, just as they entered another world.

On the Kruze side, a lot of gn dragon cavalry were also involved in this special position and directly exploded. The gn dragon cavalry that broke open did not make Kruze feel too much wrong. It was also a light pick and raised a brow to reveal a thoughtful expression.

However, soon, Kruze directly controlled the body to raise the weapon in his hand. A large med warhead did not want to go to the place that was created by the position of Nazi, and put it in the past. Detonation was carried out directly before devouring.

The huge black hole appeared on the edge of the position after the med warhead was detonated. Then the rapid expansion reversed the position created by Nazi, and the space was torn, which affected the distortion created by Nazi. The position also allowed the body of Nazi, Barsac, Graham, and Luo to appear again in Xiaoran's eyes, and was also continuously swallowed by the black holes created by the med warhead.

At the moment when the four bodies appeared, Xiao Ran clearly saw that the attack of Nazi almost hit the front of the body of the Basque, or was kicked by Luo and kicked into the position of Nazi. The knight machine, and Xiao Ran also chose to pull the trigger without hesitation at this time. Under the precise aiming, a huge beam of light was instantly ejected, turning into dozens of rays and flying to the line with a curved path.

And Nazi’s left palm was in a virtual grip, and a purple stand-up light ball appeared in an instant, and quickly swung the golden-colored palm of the hand toward the Luo Natai. The golden light and the purple light ball collided together. Xiao Ran seems to feel that the space is being torn.

Then there was an explosion. Whether it was Luo’s body or Nazi’s body, it was all blown up because of this explosion, but it was more obvious that Luo’s body arm was broken and Nazi’s body arm was broken. However, only a few currents flashed, and from this point, the gap between the a-class body and the s-class body can be seen slightly.

With the help of the power of the explosion, the knight’s arms were directly in front of him, and his hands were combined to create a more distorted position. When the arms were lifted, the twisted position that was created was already full. The diameter of a hundred meters, and then just a wave of direct toward Luo, Basque, Graham three people's body smashed.

Suddenly there was a sense of sight that Xiao Ran saw the true Gulansen, because there is a trick in this way.

At the time of Nazi's attack, Xiao Ran also seized the opportunity to directly control the body's quantization and teleport to the body of Nazi. A sword stabbed clearly to see that the other side was stabbed, but the touch from the body told Xiaoran. I didn't hit the target at all.

"The length of your weapon's blade is 30 meters, but it has exceeded this length for my distorted space. It's just that there is no way to hit me." Nazi's voice is in Xiaoran's ear. It sounded: "In fact, I can still do this."

Nazi's body waved with one hand, and the special twisted position reappeared. At this time, when the attack before Xiaoran arrived, I saw countless beams disappearing in the moment of hitting the body of Nazi, and Xiaoran suddenly felt it. A threat of terror, I did not want to directly choose the quantization to leave immediately.

In the next moment, countless beams of light emerged from the place where Xiaoran originally was. Nazi turned out to be distorted and guided, so that Xiaoran’s attack turned to Xiaoran, and this level of things can be done. It is just like the existence of a solution.

The melee is ineffective, the long-range attack will be guided, and it seems that there is no way to solve the other party.

"There is no way to deal with it. In fact, when I use the distorted position, I have no way to really touch your body. The attack methods that can be used are also just distorted. The sword used in the body can be specially manufactured. To some extent, as much as possible, it is also because of the ability to match the body."

"And once you have the means to restrain my distorted position, I can only fight hard like the situation just now, or the energy intensity you use can break my position, and it can also effectively treat me. Attack."

"I can feel that the six of you are really strong. If you are caught by an opportunity, it may be the end of failure. I can also be sure that you can definitely think of restraint. The threat to the fighter is the biggest." She has the characteristics of a sense of intuition, and she can do something absolutely like this. Even if it is delayed, as long as the five of you can create opportunities for her and protect her, then I will be attacked."

"And you, there is a strong strength beyond the ordinary a-class pilot, I will be defeated in your hands if you are not careful. Although the s-class pilot is the strongest, it is not invincible, if there are ten a The level pilots fight with me, and the final result should be both loses, but if you are six, the final battle will be that I will flee, and you will end up with heavy damage."

"Yes." Xiaoran's eyes sparkled with golden blue light, and the absolute reason in the state of changer made him also incomparably indifferent: "I don't know what the situation might be, but if I know what happened. Maybe you can't really break you, but the six final results you face are definitely you fleeing, and the six of us are safe and sound."

"The distortion of position is nothing but a physical interference, which extends the distance of space. I have a gap with you in terms of pure technology. I don't understand the special system of the s-class pilot, but whether it is the so-called breath or you. The more powerful firepower, even the interference of your position, is exactly what we can do."

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