Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1369: a group of waste

The requirements put forward by the ancient defenders are also considered to be legitimate requirements. They will also do the same thing when they enter the Burning Legion. Xiao Ran will only do the same thing, but only need to send Al Elf alone. Going to Gnaku to greet is, in any case, quite compatible with the requirements of ancient guards.

For the inspection of Xiaoran and Malang, it is natural for men to check men, women to check women, and also to do too much, just use the instrument to shake the search and the short time is all over, and there is no more in the middle. What caused Xiaoran to feel dissatisfied.

After the inspection, the ancient defenders did not waste time. They took the two directly to the Captain's room of the Yamato. Xiaoran and Malang also saw the Okada 13 who was waiting for them in the captain's room.

When Malang saw Tsukida Thirteen, she sipped a little. When she saw this first sight, she let her see the shadows of several familiar people from Akita Thirteen, Rebir, Big Iron, Jeff. In the case, although Oda Thirteen is not like three people, there are similarities in both manners and habits.

However, Xiao Ran has already felt that he is very accustomed to it. In short, the bearded captain is basically like this, and he does not think there is anything strange.

After the two entered the captain's room, Oda Thirteen stood up directly from his position, bypassing the table and friendlyly opening his hand toward Xiaoran. This is certainly not a hug, but a handshake and guidance: I welcome the two, the hangar thing I have heard, let me represent my subordinates to apologize to both."

The attitude of Oda Thirteen is very friendly. Although the current Chongtian 13 is not sure that Xiaoran’s group is an enemy or a friend, according to the present performance, Xiaoran’s group has not shown any hostility, and Because the Yamato number itself has some relationship, Okinda does not have much doubt about Xiaoran’s identity. All that is needed is just confirmation.

And if Xiaoran’s identity is true, then the colonel commander of a special independent force, a captain of a warship that does not seem to be simple, is indeed worthy of being politely treated by Oda.

Xiaoran’s conversation with Oda Thirteen did not behave as ridiculously as in the hangar. He smiled and waved his hand gently: “It’s okay, although it’s just some young people, but it’s still very regulated, and they’re Nothing is wrong, but it still needs to be polished."

At this time, the appearance of Xiao Ran seems to have a very special temperament. The style of a long-time high is suddenly put out, calm and indifferent, and they can see the two of them entering the captain’s room but have not left yet. The ancient guards also stunned, but to speak young, Xiao Ran and Malang seem to be quite young.

"Please sit down." Ancient things that can be felt in the Chongtian thirteen can also be felt. Xiao Ran’s unconcealed gesture also makes Chong Tian 13 feel a little bit, that is, Xiao Ran’s status and identity are definitely not simple, otherwise ordinary Where people have such imposing manners and postures, even if they are themselves in Okada, they can feel the momentum of the other side.

"Please." Xiao Ran also replied with a word, and then sat with the Malang on the opposite side of Chongtian, and the ancient guard stood directly behind Chongtian.

Chongtian thirteen has not yet opened, Xiao Ran took the initiative to say: "There is no need to talk about unnecessary nonsense. I will talk about our situation here first. My Burning Legion number came to this position after the space jump. As for the original purpose, it is actually too boring to want to walk around. After the jump is completed, it is found that it is impossible to get in touch with the federal headquarters in the earth. Just when we are ready to return to Earth, you will be here."

"For us, your appearance will of course become even more strange. In my memory, such a warship is probably something that will appear a hundred years ago. The inexplicable battleship and the inexplicable situation, we naturally I will send out the body to warn you, but it seems that it is not you, but what we look like?"

"I understand." Oda nodded at 13 o'clock, gestured to the ancient guard and then said to Xiao Ran: "Please Colonel Xiao Ran and Captain Ramias look at this first."

As the voice of Oda Thirteen fell, the ancient guards turned and left and did not know what to do. The lights in the entire captain's room suddenly darkened, and a virtual projection appeared in the eyes of Xiaoran and Malang. .

The picture on the projection shows a large and a small two planets. The big planet presents a withered orange color. There is almost no other color except this color. A very depressed feeling, while a small planet rotates around a large planet, but it still has a more normal silvery white.

Although the colors are different, Xiaoran and Malang recognized the two planets at the first sight of the two planets. The face of Ma Lan suddenly appeared a horrified expression, and Xiao Ran was also slightly wrinkled. I started my own brow.

Xiao Ran looked up and frowned and looked at Oda Thirteen: "This is the earth and the moon? What is this?"

"Yes, this is the earth of this world." Chong Tian thirteen faces a serious face, and can not help but sigh with a voice: "I probably know that you should come from another world, because of unknown reasons. When it comes to our world, I don't know what your earth looks like, but our planet didn't do the same a year ago."

With the words of Oda Thirteen, the displayed picture changes again, and this time in the eyes of Malang and Xiaoran is a normal blue earth.

"Another world?" Xiao Ran's brow pick and pick, revealing a thoughtful expression: "That means we entered our world from our world because of a jump, oh, this is really some meaning. You I just said that the earth was still normal a year ago, but why is it now like this?"

"Approximately a year ago, the Earth suddenly suffered an attack from the unknown life, Gamilas. The other party did not declare war and used a weapon with terrible destructive power. The star bomb attacked the earth and bombarded it on a large scale. In the absence of any preparations from human beings, the entire planet has suffered tremendous damage in just a short period of time, and the star bombs have the ability to change the Earth's environment."

"The weather, geology and environment of the earth have completely changed into another appearance in this year. Countless people have died in this attack, leaving only a small number of people to survive."

Xiao Ran waved his hand, his eyes instantly became very fierce, and saw the sharpness revealed by Xiao Ran’s eyes. The ancient defenders were not consciously stiffened, and Oda Thirteen seemed to feel like he was stared by something horrible. What I said.

And then I just heard Xiaoran’s indifferent voice ringing in the ears of both of them: “That is to say, the federation on your side is defeated without resilience, and it has caused countless civilians to sacrifice, and even let a group of people not Knowing where the **** has turned the homeland into what it is today? Waste is really a bunch of waste."

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