Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1372: Celebration

A ceremonies and dinners are to reinforce the confidence of the members of the Yamato team. They are encouraged and screened. Xiao Ran can also feel the ease, smile, and fear and fear hidden in the hearts of every member of the Yamato. .

But the only thing that is the same is the determination to treat this unknown journey and to save the planet and humanity.

And at the beginning of the ceremonies and dinners, Kruzer, Bassack, Luo, Graham, El Elf, Shirley, 咲, Nalo, and Leonard all ran over, Bobby. Moses, Billy three people want to stay on the Burning Legion, and Jigus is not willing to participate in such activities, so all but the four people have come to the Yamato.

When everyone entered the banquet place, that is, the cafeteria, it was obvious that all the members of the entire Yamato had their own eyes on the group of Xiao Ran, the beauty of the handsome man, everyone has their own The unique temperament, no matter where you go, will give people who belong to their own light.

Xiao Ran’s posture in the middle like a star-studded moon also made the whole Dahe’s people curious. After a brief understanding of the slogan of the important person of the Yamato led by Okita Thirteen, it was also considered to be the Yamato. The personnel had more understanding, and then Oda Thirteen announced to everyone that the Burning Legion headed by Xiao Ran would act with them next.

After sitting down, Oda Thirteen smiled at Xiao Ran. No matter how laughter the old man smiled, Xiao Ran looked like he had a serious feeling: "Church Xiaoran, aren't you going to say a few words?"

"Alright." Xiao Ran slowly stood up, picked up the glass in his left hand and lifted it toward the entire Dahe No. in the canteen. After waiting for the canteen to be quiet, he said: "I believe that everyone in the Yamato should have already Clearly, we are not human beings in this world, but we all share a common homeland and have the same identity, the federal army."

"I didn't know why there was such a thing. Why did you move from one world to another? But after I knew the situation of the world's earth, I suddenly realized that maybe we came to help you. Helping this earth and helping mankind from the destiny of destruction is your destiny and our common destiny for humanity."

"In my opinion, on the journey of 160,000 light years, we will encounter all kinds of problems. The enemies in front of us will never look at us to achieve our goal without any hindrance. The next journey is bound to be accompanied by various dangers and countless battles."

"In my opinion, you are still too weak in overall strength, but they are all very powerful. You have a fearless and fearless attitude for the future. In order to save the willingness to give everything, now The weakness is only a moment, and the strength of the heart is eternal, and there is a foundation for making strength stronger."

"But no matter what, no matter what happens during this journey, we will do our utmost to help you complete your responsibilities, and will help you completely solve the threat that Gamilas brings to the earth."

Said, Xiaoran eyes swept all the people in the canteen, Longma, Tie, Tobia, Jin Kadu, after a slight nod, he raised the glass in his hand: "For the earth, for the sake of mankind, all the kings are together." ”

When Xiao Ran sat down, there was a deafening applause in the whole canteen. Chong Tian 13 turned his head and looked at Xiao Ran, nodding slightly: "Tell it very well, thank you."

Xiao Ran’s mouth curled up and looked at Chongtian XIII. “Even if you thank me, I still have to say that the combat power on this ship is really too weak. The few pilots under my command only need two people at most. You can destroy all of you."

The expression on the face of Oda Thirteen was a little stiff after the words of Xiao Ran. The bitter smile made a haha ​​and turned the subject: "Yes, can you let me know what is the strength of your Burning Legion? ?"

"Our ship?" Xiao Ran said, while he was not eager to eat something elegantly, he said: "In fact, there are only fifteen people in my ship, but full-time bridge personnel. Four people, two support staff, the rest are all combatants, including me."

"Fiveteen people!?" Oda Thirteen turned his head and looked directly at the Burning Legion number, which was at least several times larger than the size of the Yamato, which was stopped by the transparent glass. It was incredible to ask: " Can only a small number of people be able to operate such a large ship?"

"Artificial intelligence plus appropriate auxiliary control, and then through special transformation is enough." Xiao Ran put down the tableware in his hand and said to Oda Thirteen: "My team is special, in our world."

If Oda Thirteen has a deep look at Xiao Ran: "I am more and more curious about your true identity in another world."

"This can tell you that I am only a colonel, but if you have the chance, you will know." Xiao Ran smiled and suddenly said: "About the current body on your ship, Gundam, the fierce bird , Gulang Gast, if you are relieved, you can let my two technicians adjust it for you."

"I also hope that Captain Oda will be able to communicate with the two people from another world. I am very curious about them."

The eyes of Oda Thirteen flashed a bit, haha ​​smiled: "These are of course no problem, I will arrange for you to meet with the iron, and the dragon horse, but the bodies themselves are not under my control, they just cooperate with our actions. However, if they are willing, I also hope to see their bodies get more reinforcement. After all, the stronger the strength, the more helpful we will be for the next move."

Xiao Ran smiled and laughed: "This is natural, but I have seen the fierce bird and Gulang Gast before. Although it is very strange why the two bodies will appear in this world, but I think the same earth should have the same. Contact, I have to say that in fact, these two bodies are just the original trial version in my eyes, the space for upgrade is still very large, but the ability of the pilot can keep up."

"In addition, the two high-rises should be the new human-only body that is built on the mental skeleton. If this is the case, there is still the possibility of continuing to upgrade in our hands. I am really curious about that black. The body looks always a bit strange."

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