Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1400: data

Of course, inaction does not mean that Xiao Ran does not dare to act. With his strength as a class a pilot, coupled with the dawn of the assembly of a number of world technologies, it is really necessary to make a move and turn into a single plane to Mars. It’s not impossible for the most prosperous Mars successor in the world to sweep it now.

With such strength, what Xiao Ran wants to do is just a breeze. It is only under the premise that the intelligence is incomplete. If the indiscriminate action is not good, it will only expose all its advantages and cards. In the end, the enemy will seize the opportunity to turn into a contrarian.

If there is no war of the Legion in this world, but only the normal tasks between the participants, Xiao Ran will not be cautious to this extent. It is precisely in this mission that all the enemies facing this mission are not so simple, using advanced The unknown power of the intelligent ai drone, and another legion that is the core opponent of this mission, these two are the most important things that Xiao Ran needs to pay attention to.

Give the most appropriate thing to the most suitable person. This is the behavior pattern that Xiao Ran has been implementing since entering Prometheus. He is not an expert in intelligence, nor a master in technology. He is just a good at Planners who are known to be placed in a condition, a fighter who can fight **** the front and the enemy, the intelligence gathering must of course be handed over to a professional like El Elf.

The information that El Elf was able to collect in one day was enough to stand up for several days, and it was not always possible to have the comprehensive and in-depth collection of El Elf. In terms of intelligence, El Eyre is one hundred. If you have a perfect score, Xiao Ran will only have a maximum of 30. It is like joking to let Xiao Ran collect information.

Anyway, El Elf can come to Aobu at most one or two days a day. It doesn't matter if he has delayed the two days of the day. It is better to stay in the home of Aobu's house and go online. Check out The things that are consulted enrich the perception of the world, and once El Eyre has collected the information that Xiao Ran needs with Aub’s intelligence department, then it will be Xiaoran’s official action. time.

Therefore, in the following time, Xiao Ran did not idle, but through his own authority to check all the information about Aubu.

Xiao Ran’s authority in Aub is even higher than that of the current prime minister, Cargill. One day, he found a lot of things that are very useful to him through Aub’s intelligence database.

These materials, which can be directly viewed on the open surface, can naturally be done by themselves, but if you want to find even the most important things, you will need El Elf to act.

In a day's time, Xiao Ran is also a better understanding of this Aub and the whole world. In the current situation of Aub, in fact, it can only be regarded as a small country with a little strength. That's right, after all, there is still a man who suppresses the whole world in the open, and there is also the hero of the last war, Aslan, and the relationship with the plant is so good that it is worthy of the world. It is an important force.

However, the power is strong, but how many troops can be raised by a small country. This is incomparable with the Orb of the seed world. Basically, it only maintains a normal standard configuration, and the number of troops in the federation. Said that it is still not comparable.

On the contrary, the military strength of the plant can be much greater, even if it is enough to make a full-scale war with the federation of the world. The friendly relationship between the two forces, plus many other reasons, also makes the world’s Abu Has a very special position.

In addition to the friendly relationship with the plant, Obu has a special place near Obu, an independent world that exists on the earth but does not have much contact with other countries outside the earth. The closed area of ​​the country is a very special area in the world, where people have the ability to use magic, and those who cannot use magic are called Norma, and Norma is there. The place is a kind of existence that must be eliminated.

Of course, human beings in the normal world cannot use magic. Perhaps it is for this reason that this special area does not have a deeper connection with the normal world of the outside world, but because of its relationship with Aubu, it is also Aub has a lot of normal contact.

From the data point of view, the former 'Xiao Ran' also seems to despise the 'magician' who looks at normal people with a proud eye, so in addition to the normal connection, there is no dealing with people in that place, but from In the database, I learned that there are some inexplicable things in that area, and I have sought support from Aub several times.

After seeing this information, Xiao Ran responded to what seemed to be isolated from the world: "An angel and a dragon's round dance, I did not expect to have this story added, but I don't know what kind of development. It seems necessary to use the relationship of Aub to go and see..."

Xiao Ran picked up the pen and recorded it on the white paper on the side, and continued to look through the contents of the Aubu database, but more focused on the successor of Mars.

In the universe of this world, in addition to the existence of colonial satellite groups such as Plant, there is also a kind of colony called the colony, which is basically a colonial satellite, but it is from the plot of the mobile battleship Fuzi. The product is gone.

These colonial-like satellites are actually built on the super-ancient civilizations discovered by Mars. They are the entrances and exits of the boson-jumping system, and there is such a thing almost around the entire earth, but it is from the EFF. Manage.

The Martian successors have occupied a large number of terminal colonies, or the rebellion of most of the terminal colonies, resulting in the Mars successor is currently in the midst of a very tense stalemate in integrating the Earth.

Seeing this, Xiao Ran recorded the super-ancient civilization of Mars on the white paper, and also wrote some related articles about the mobile battleship Fuzi, such as the battleship, boson, lily.

In addition to these, Xiao Ran also wrote more things against his own memories, such as Titan Robot, Sanport Robot, Cyclone Consortium and so on.

Among them, the Titan robot and the Sanport robot have very clear photos in the data. Xiao Ran recognizes the two robots at a glance, but in Xiao Ran’s memory, they are fundamentally unfamiliar with these two robots. .

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