Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1405: Nobel Tokyo

In fact, Xiao Ran really wants to go to Nobel City, and personally contact the Cyclone Temple Dance and Vatican’s pilot Cong Yun, but Xiao Ran knows that anyone in the team can do it at this stage. The only thing that can be done is that he can't.

This point in Kruze with Leonard, Jangus, Moses also reminded Xiao Ran when he left, that is, Xiao Ran’s identity in this world, at least not now can do something that violates this identity, especially This is especially true in the current situation.

Because of the special status of Xiaoran in this world, every move will inevitably receive strong attention from all sides. Any turmoil will trigger a series of waves afterwards. Perhaps the Yamato has caused the attention of the federal and various forces to some extent. However, if Xiaoran has any action, it will inevitably lead to a tenfold increase in the attention of these forces to the Yamato, and it may even bring more trouble to that time.

What's more important is that his man who has suppressed the whole world has been missing for a while, and it has caused 'there are so many conditions on the earth. So it is better to stay in Aubu before the intelligence collection is completed. Nothing is too urgent. Go to touch the sensitive nerves of this earth.

And Xiao Ran is a person who is very good at accepting the opinions of others. Although Xiao Ran estimates that Kruze is so kindly reminded of him, it is because Kruze himself wants to make waves, at least in the normal track of the world. The relationship that went out before the waves were completely disrupted, and I don’t want to let Xiao Ran explode the various contradictions in this world directly.

However, Xiao Ran still accepted Kruze’s proposal. He was also prepared to stay in Aubu for a few days in peace. In Kruze they were responsible for the city of Nobel, and El Elf was responsible for continuing investigations. In this world of Ham's internal exploration, Hamm focuses on the continent next to Aube and the successors of Mars, who are watching the movement of the whole world.

On the other hand, El Elf took Billy directly to the universe. The only thing to investigate this time is the Mars successor in the universe, and the terminals that have declared rebellion to join the Mars successor camp. The colony, looking for the exact location of the Yamato, figured out whether there were more colonies in addition to these colonies that jumped out of the open-face to support the Martian successors, and finally the ancient civilization on Mars.

Both El Elf and Billy flew to the universe with a special warhead. Both variants were loaded with a mirage system and equipped with a solar stove. In short, the combat power of this body may not be too high. But the hidden performance is quite good, and after this investigation of the successor of Mars, it will also go to investigate other things, it is impossible to come back to Aubu in a short time.

On the day after Kruze they left, Kruze took Jangus, and Leonard and Moses entered the city of Nobel, a very special special city, which was unimaginable. The special railway network is just a railway hub that can travel to almost the entire world.

Prosperity, excitement, and peace are the main themes of this world. At the beginning of the four people entering the city, they also feel the tension hidden under the bustling scene on the surface of the city, and there are some more for this city. Some people who are out of place.

“It seems that as El Elf said, the city seems to be being stared at by many different forces.” Standing in front of the headquarters of the Cyclone Temple consortium, Kruze finally took down his own The mask on the face reveals his true face. He looks at several directions in a smile and smiles. He spoke to the other three people:

"After all, it is the world's leading consortium, it really attracts some attention, Leonard, when are you going to contact the Whirlwind Temple consortium."

A long silver-haired Leonard was wearing a thin trench coat and leaning against the wall. She looked at Kruze and shrugged her shoulders: "Now."

After that, Leonard stood up straight, and then went directly to the headquarters of the Cyclone Temple consortium, and Kruze saw that Leonard’s movements were also a slight smile, and Jangus said at the side: “I need to go first. Make sure the body is receiving."

After that, when Jangus nodded to Kruze and Moses, he left a handsome back to the two and disappeared into the eyes of the two.

When Leonard and Jangus left, Kruze just smiled and said to Moses: "I am going to prepare a suitable place to stop. You should first investigate the situation of those guys, and look at the two by the way. The current status of the members of the Yamato."

Moses naturally knew who the Kruzers said were, and after they nodded, they separated from Kruze, and each started their own work on the first day of the city of Nobel.

Leonard’s choice to enter the Cyclone Temple consortium was quite straightforward. He took the letter of introduction of Aub and Abu’s company and found the identity of the front desk of the headquarters building, and left in Leonard. Before, Aubu had already contacted the cyclone temple consortium to send a technician to go to the office, so after Leonard told the front desk, he was quickly greeted by the staff of the Cyclone Temple consortium.

On the side of Jangus, because of the tool relationship, the body and the person did not come together, but used another transportation method to send it separately. The departure of Jangus was to receive his body. The four people came to the only body that Nobel Tokyo City carried this time.

Moses knocked down a few strangely dressed people in an alley in the city. After educating them with the help of intelligence personnel, they got some of Ellef’s before they Without the information and information obtained by taking the initiative, he left behind a few bodies that could not speak and went to the place where the general manager of Congyun and Chitose were located.

Only Kruze, who entered the city of Nobel in Tokyo, looked quite good. After taking a warehouse by the sea in minutes, he began to leisurely sway in the city. The four people are the most relaxed of this guy. After shopping for the sea, they have completed their tasks.

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