Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1413: D area

The ancestor of the United Nations, the continent located near Aubu, has the ability to use a kind of magic on that continent. Xiaoran has been to Obu since he came to the world and knew the existence of that place. The intelligence department closely followed the information there. .

As the time spent in this world has become longer and longer, Xiao Ran has learned more and more about the ancestor of the United Nations.

The ancestor of the United Nations was so called because the country on the continent had the longest history and civilization in this world. It is said that the rest of the world’s human beings originated from the ancestors of the United Nations.

If the status of the country of the world is to be graded, the ancestor United Nations is the most noble aristocrat in the world, and it has enormous influence throughout the world. The most powerful Atlantic federation in this world is in front of the ancestors of the United Nations. It is just a family-like role.

It may be that self-esteem is very high. Even the civilians in the ancestors of the United Nations will not have any connection with the outside world. They are extremely resistant and despise the human beings who cannot use Mana.

The big event that happened in the ancestors of the United Nations this time is also the event that Xiao Ran has been paying attention to, that is, the official beginning of the round dance of angels and dragons. For Xiaoran, the development of this situation also means that the emperor Norma, called An Qi, is about to join the unknown main line.

Because I have been paying attention to the relationship between the situation, Xiaoran has already received reports of all things before the official news release. The queen of a country was shot because of this incident, and the emperor was also because of the same thing. Was locked in prison.

Just as Xiao Ran looked at the textual information about this incident of the United Nations, Leonard’s message was once again sent to Xiao Ran’s hand, saying that the Fuzi had recruited the brave to help in order to deal with the increasingly active Mars successor. .

Xiaoran, who just read this message, directly replied to Leonard and told Leonard to work with Fuzi and Ptolemy. But before it was a long time, Cargill came to Xiaoran’s office. .

As soon as I entered the office, the door was closed to Carrie, and I said loudly to Xiao Ran: "The Federal Universe Corps, Commander-in-Chief, contacted me and said that it is necessary to have two bodies in the city of Nobel in Tokyo. The task is to assist."

Xiao Ran glanced at Cargill and nodded. "I already know about this incident. I also gave them new orders to let them work with the Fuzi. Just call me on this matter and rush in. Like what it looks like."

"Of course there are other things." Cargill strode to the front of Xiaoran's desk, pulled out the chair and sat down directly. The body leaned forward and stared at Xiaoran: "The Imperial Admiral also said something else. There are already signs of splitting within the current federal government. Although there are no specific circumstances, there are many federal people behind it behind this Martian successor."

"According to the information of the Fuzi and the Heavenly Man, the situation in the whole world is now controlled by a behind-the-scenes black hand. If the trouble of the successor of Mars cannot be solved as soon as possible, it may lead to another world war. Do you have nothing to say, want to do?"

"Calm a little." Xiao Ran frowned and looked at Cargill and shook his head and said: "Things have not developed into such a bad situation. Let me see what we are saying."

Cargill glanced at Xiaoran and sighed: "The ruling general advises that you can return to the federation, saying that only when you stand up can you completely solve the problem before it develops out of control."

Xiao Ran brows again: "I am only a colonel in the Federation, even if I go back to the Federation, I can use it."

Cargill patted the table gently: "Your colonel is a joke. Who will only treat you as a colonel? As long as you are willing to stand up, you can definitely integrate Abu, plant and the power of the federal majority. It’s not a problem to completely suppress the successors of Mars. What about the problems of Mars’ successors and the turmoil in the Federation? Is it because of your disappearance? Shouldn’t you be responsible?”

"Carrie." Xiao Ran frowned at Cargill and said: "Things are not as simple as you think. Just now you didn't say that all the events have a behind-the-scenes black hand. If I really stand up and integrate. These forces, maybe the future development will directly evolve into the opposition between the two sides of the world. The safest way to do this is to stand still before the black hands are found."

Cargill took a deep look at Xiaoran, and then leaned down on the chair like a deflated voice, muttering and said: "I knew it would be like this, anyway, Obu and plant did not stand up at this time, but I Want to support the Fuzi number is to be more powerful, even if the strength of the heavens is too small?"

Xiao Ran glanced at Cargill: "Let Aslan go."

Cargill nodded and stood up and was ready to leave. But after just taking two steps, he turned again and looked at Xiaoran. "Yes, God sent a letter saying that he would come over to Aubu, but because hehe The confluence of the sub-numbers first went to the d-area for investigation, and they suspected that there might be a base for Mars successors in the unmonitored d-area."

“d area?” Xiaoran snorted and suddenly thought of what this so-called d-zone is: “The ancestor of the United Nations near Jainal?”

Cargill nodded: "Yes, it is the place where the dragon and the special robot are."

Al Elf had been to Yagenal before, and he got back some things from there, so even if Cargill didn’t know it before, now I know what the so-called Yagenal and d areas are. Even if I don't think there will be anything about the successor of Mars, the action of the Fuzi and the Heavenly Man to investigate is really not qualified to say anything.

The celestial man only informs the Aubean to visit after investigating the d area. Others have nothing to do with Aub.

"Okay, I know." Xiao Ran nodded and waved his hand to indicate that Cargill could leave, but Cargill had not left the study room, and Xiao Ran suddenly stopped Cargill: "Wait a minute, keep close with the heavens." Contact, if there is any situation, I will go with Aslan."

Cargill stunned, nodded and left the study, and Xiaoran went to the floor-to-ceiling window of the study room and looked at the distant blue sky. He said: "It’s almost a matter of contact with the heavens. There may be more information about the information I need."

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