Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1423: Tasker

When Xiao Ran heard that Aslan called the other party's name, he also slightly shook the gods and thought that the other party was calling Stark, the Iron Man who existed in Marvel's world, but just a moment he smiled and smiled at each other.

Tasman, this person, Xiao Ran also knows that although he forgot the name of the other party, he knew something about this thing called Tasker. It should have been the hero of the drama of angels and dragons. For this person, Xiao Ran can only It is said that the peach blossoms are good, and the ability can only be regarded as general.

After returning to the camp in Tusk, after Aslan introduced Xiaoran to Tusk, Tusk’s eyes lit up, as if he saw an idol, he said again and again: “Xiao Ran adults. Ok, Xiao Ran is very happy to meet you."

"You don't need to be so polite." Xiao Ran smiled and patted the shoulders of Tasker, and suddenly made a privilege in Tusk's heart. He only listened to Xiao Ran and asked: "Before listening to Aslan, you have already stayed on this island. For a long time, why should I go to this uninhabited place? Life in this place will be very fortunate."

Aslan also nodded and agreed. "I have already told you about it. Follow me to Obu. You will be able to reuse it in Aubu. Why should you waste your ability here? It."

Xiao Ran looked at Aslan, Aslan added: "Taske is a very capable person, and he has a lot of experience in terms of mechanics."

Xiao Ran nodded: "It turned out to be like this. Even Aslan feels that there is no fault, then there is no mistake. Then, Tasker, I officially invite you to join Aobu. I will arrange for you according to your ability. Are you willing to be a suitable position?"

Tasker stunned. Although he was excited about the invitation, he still shook his head firmly. "I am very glad that Xiao Ran is willing to look at me, but now I can't leave here because I still have what I have to do." thing."

Xiao Ran gently drank a coffee prepared by Tasker, looked at the environment that seemed to be a little tight, and shook his head slightly: "Is it because of dragon?"

After Taske heard the words of Xiao Ran, his hand was stiffened. He heard Xiao Ran continue to say: "I am here to learn about the dragon and the ancestor of the United Nations. In my opinion, the ancestor of the United Nations also Well, dragon is also a threat to the earth, and such a threat is still secretly loved for so long, and I feel that there may be some secrets that I don't know."

"In particular, the ancestors of the United Nations seem to hide a huge secret that is very important to the earth, and this secret also affects everything on this planet."

Speaking, Xiao Ran suddenly smiled and shook his head. "Maybe I think too much, but there is no way to ignore this thing, but if you have any thoughts on Tasker, you can talk to me. Right, since You have lived in the d area for so long, you should know the area well, then can I temporarily hire you as my consultant in the d area?"

"Otherwise, I used to be a national leader and I didn't know much about the uniting of another country. Once I contacted Yagenal and the ancestors of the United Nations, it would be very embarrassing."

Aslan put his hand on the shoulder of Tasker and nodded to Tasker. "By promise, even if you still have your mission, I don't know what your mission is, but it's just If you are active in the d area, you should not have too much influence on your place, and you can do it alone. Maybe we can also help you?"

Tasker groaned and looked at Xiao Ran with some incredible gaze. It seemed that he was surprised that Xiao Ran had silenced for a while and finally nodded slightly: "I understand, then I will stay in Xiaoran and Aslan. Act with you during this time in the region."

Xiao Ran smiled a little. In fact, he did not expect Aslan to have such a good relationship with the protagonist of another plot, regardless of the ability of Taske in his heart. It is enough to just be the protagonist. Let Xiao Ran pay attention to it, and even take the initiative to invite Tasker to act with himself, and then incorporate Tasker into his own control.

As for the other protagonist of the plot, Angel and Taske’s fate, the encounter will be disrupted. Xiao Ran can only say that there is no way, but this trip to Yagenal is already certain. The extent changed the original story. And according to Xiao Ran’s observation, when he just said the words, Tusk’s mood fluctuated very much, and even let Xiao Ran think that Tasker might know some secrets that are deeply hidden, so Xiao Ran is even less likely to let Tasker slipped through his fingers.

Almost half an hour passed, Aslan suddenly looked at the distant sky, and then nodded to Xiao Ran: "Adult, Yadenal has come to meet us."

Xiao Ran patted his **** and stood up. He walked slowly toward the beach where the body was placed: "I hope that I will go to Yadenal this time and solve some doubts in my heart."

After Xiaoran left, Aslan also laughed and took the arm of Tasker: "You just promised to be our consultant, this time you don't want to run again."

Tasker smiled and nodded and followed Aslan out of the forest. Because there were only two bodies, Tusk entered the cockpit of Aslan and stood on the side, although it was a little crowded but not Can not stand, and as the body slowly rises, Tusk's eyes are also closely watching the black body of Xiaoran driving on the screen.

Mind: "Who is this Xiaoran adult, why did you say that to me just now..."

To meet them is a small body called para-mail, which is smaller than the deformed fighter. This time, the two people have four bodies, but it seems to be small. I can't see anything special.

When the newsletter suddenly turned on, Aslan heard the young female voice from the newsletter: "Guests from Aub, welcome you to the d area, Commander Gil orders us to meet you, please follow us behind ""

In the case of Aslan, Xiao Ran naturally did not need to speak, and he heard Aslan say: "Thank you for your welcoming, we will follow you behind."

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