Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1439: Exploring honesty

Xiao Ran’s two questions got the answer he wanted, and the people present also knew the ancestor’s views on the outside world. I did not expect that the outside world was so unbearable in the eyes of the ancestors of the United Nations.

When I heard An Qi's words, the expression on Jill's face was deeper and deeper, and there was a little anger in his eyes that looked at An Qi, but An Qi did not retreat to Gil.

These two problems seem to have nothing to do with the two dragons, but Miss Huang also reveals a thoughtful expression. In her opinion, Xiao Ran will never ask such two questions for no reason, thinking about it. After I thought about it, I suddenly looked at Xiao Ran: "It turns out that this is the direction and habit of public opinion."

"Norma, which has been advocated by the ancestors of the United Nations, is an anti-social monster, so it will send Norma to Yadenal, but we all know that Norma is actually no different from the outside world. You can't use that ability. It's an anti-social monster."

"What you want to say is that these dragons may be the same as Norma. They may have been given the identity of monsters by some of the ancestors of the United Nations, but why do you think this way?"

Xiao Ran nodded and glanced at Jill. He said, "It’s just a feeling. I just think that these things may be related to the current chaos. So I also sent people everywhere to investigate. The plant should now also start to contact, in short. If you can communicate with these two dragons, you should get more information. In an instant, use gn particles and your ability as a changer to communicate with them and figure out their purpose."

Suddenly I glanced at Miss Huang, and Miss Huang, after a deep glance at Xiaoran, nodded slightly to the moment.

"Then first of all, I believe that everyone present is definitely not willing to miss this event, then let me know when I have the results."

After that, Xiao Ran gently turned to the crowd and then nodded, then turned and prepared to leave, but Jill frowned and revealed a look of heart and mind called Xiaoran: "Please wait for Xiaoran adults, if If you have time, can you talk to Xiaoran adults alone?"

Xiaoran stopped and looked back at Jill. He smiled slightly: "Of course, um, I am also very interested in the song that the emperor just sang. If I don't mind, can I let the emperor walk together?"

Jill looked at An Qi, who couldn’t see what the mental condition was at this time. He directly took An Qi’s arm and kept up with Xiao Ran regardless of whether the other party was willing or not, until he left the place where the dragon was held.

The rest of you, look at me, I look at you, I feel that Xiaoran’s conversation with Miss Huang just seems to be deliberately naming or tempting. Although Xiaoran left, but Miss Huang still stayed here, but None of the people present wanted to ask Miss Huang what the problem was.

Tessa stared at Leonard's every move. In short, there will be more than 70% of the time here. Tessa's eyes have not left Leonard, and Leonard feels Tessa. I have been staring at myself, except that I have a mysterious smile on Taisha from time to time, there is no other action at all.

After leaving the ground floor and entering the upper level, Jill entered Xiaolan and An Qi into a luxurious and warm room. It was also the best decorated room in Yagenal, and only when receiving guests. This place will be used.

However, An Qi did not enter the room at the beginning, but was left by Jill and seemed to be prepared to talk to Xiaoran separately. In the room, Jill and Xiaoran sat face to face with a coffee table, tilting Erlang’s legs were handcuffed and looked at Xiaoran with a serious look.

Jill didn't open his mouth, but it didn't mean that Xiao Ran wouldn't ask. He kept a smile and asked: "What do you want to say to Gil Commander?"

"What the **** are you."

Xiao Ran asked: "You don't know? I thought my information was no longer a secret in this world."

Jill took a deep look at Xiao Ran: "Well, what do you know, what do you want to do, why is Tasker at your side, why do you specifically mention plant, and how much do you know about those dragons? what."

Xiao Ran revealed a long-awaited smile and said: "Sure enough, your current performance shows that you know something, but your question is really much. Before I answer, let me introduce myself again, except that it has been made public. In addition to my identity, I am still the first pure breeder in the world, a higher level changer than I am, and I think you should have some understanding of the changer."

“Transformers can feel the feelings of others, the ideas and the purest things in the heart, in order to achieve mutual understanding, so you can't feel my feelings, including you, although you can't feel you. The most real thoughts, but you, Tarsk, I feel the surprise and helplessness when you see each other, and still deliberately conceal something."

"But Tusk is just a coincidence, until I meet you, I will start to doubt what relationship you are. Of course, you don't have to answer me, I can answer your question first."

"I don't know about those dragons. To put it bluntly, since these dragons have the ability to appear directly in the d region across the broken space, it can certainly appear anywhere outside the d region, but in fact, in addition to the d region, These dragons have never appeared in other parts of the globe."

"There is only one problem that can be explained in this situation. There must be something in Yagenal or the ancestor of the United Nations that attracts these dragons, and it should be something that is very important to them. It will always be endless. The ancestors of the United Nations attacked, and these dragons are not monsters of killing. Otherwise, there are so many ordinary people outside, just as food is enough."

When Jill heard this, he also showed a contemplative expression. The things that Xiao Ran said were not carefully thought about before, but at least one point, Xiao Ran said that these are very reasonable.

"Dragon is only dealing with Yagenal, because Yagenal has blocked their way. All the Norma is clearly abandoned here to deliberately block the consumption of dragon, but why is Norma, the lower human beings. It’s probably not the reason to live in the same world with those who use magic.”

Speaking of this, Xiao Ran paused and said: "Of course, these are just my guesses. Before I came to Ajadir, I was absolutely wrong with the ancestors of the United Nations, but in the end I couldn’t say anything, but I could It feels that the ancestors of the United Nations seem to be pushing and guiding conflicts and wars outside. It is strange, but all the evidence points out that this is all about the ancestors of the United Nations."

"So my goal is to find out the real answer to all these questions and decide whether the ancestor of the United Nations will become a threat to the normal world, so as to decide the attitude towards the ancestors of the United Nations ... or action."

"In addition, I also know the battle of freedom, so I also want to find out what is going on in the battle of freedom."

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