Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1444: Communication begins

In the next few days, Xiao Ran and Fuzi troops stayed in Yagenal and did not leave. The Fuzi troops originally came with the task, thoroughly inspected the environment of the entire d area and looked for possible presence in d. The region's Mars successor base, but a few days of investigation did not find traces of activities of Mars successors here.

And Tasker, who was forcibly hired as a consultant by Xiao Ran, did not know the dialogue between Xiaoran and Jill. He only rushed to Xiaoran after seeing the body of vilkiss, which was driven by An Qi, and this time Xiaoran also He was not retained.

As for where Tarsk is going, Xiao Ran can also guess one or two, but it is to guard the villkiss body and An Qi, who drives the body. For this, Xiao Ran does not want to change anything. There is not much for An Qi Xiaoran. The idea, the only thing I have, is just the villkiss that An Qi is driving.

A body with special abilities compared to other pm, especially the two cannons that need to be sung to start in the shoulders. In Xiaoran’s opinion, it is almost equivalent to a singing weapon, so it will be the body. Some interest, there is no idea for An Qi himself, just know that this girl seems to be particularly sensitive, so it is quite dull for what may happen to Angel and Tasker in the future.

Xiao Ran has been in Yatunal for a few days, Fuzi, Ptolemy and even the son of Dannu, and I have met Angela several times. Perhaps it is Xiao Ran and An Qi. The little story has also helped her, she can treat her equally and give certain respect to the identity of the once-old girl, so when An Qi treats Xiao Ran, it seems to be much better than when treating other people.

But after the song was finished that day, Angel’s beautiful long hair became a short hair. The whole person’s treatment of Yagenal was not as resistant as before, but he accepted his identity and began to work hard. Up, in addition to those who are still full of contradictions with the first squadron, there is no change, it has not been seen that she once thought that the imperial lady of the imperial concubine.

It should have been left after the investigation of the D-zone in the Fuzi troops. However, in addition to conducting investigations in the past few days, the Ptolemy, Leonard is also preparing for another thing, that is, the two ends. The dragon being held in custody communicates.

If you change to Xiaoran, it will be a very simple matter to communicate. If the protagonist of communication is replaced with an instant, in order to ensure smooth communication, to ensure the mental safety of the moment itself, you need to prepare. It is still quite a lot.

For example, to choose a suitable place, after all, as a changer in the moment, the effective use of gn particles can not reach the degree of Xiaoran, and the frequency increase of the solar furnace is also inferior to Xiaoran, and the position of the dragon is also held. It is not the place where his body can be sent in.

So the place of communication was placed on the sports ground of the top platform of Yagenal. I don’t know what kind of ideas Jill is holding. It takes a few days to build a huge warehouse on the platform. It is also the idea of ​​wanting to isolate outside surveillance.

For this reason, it will be delayed for a few days until now, and the communication between the moment and the dragon has not been completed. This time, letting the communication be carried out in a moment is also a special experience for the moment, and it is convenient to enhance the communication experience. To complete the upcoming dialogue, the people on the Ptolemy also expressed considerable support for this.

In addition to the people around Xiaoran, in addition to Miss Huang, 缇耶利亚, at most, adding a Jill knows that this is not necessary at all, but Xiao Ran directly throws this task to the moment, Miss Huang and Melia I will not say anything on this issue, but seriously help to prepare.

This conversation with dragon, until today, few people know about it, whether it is internal or external, it can be regarded as a confidential action, and when the warehouse is completed, the time is up at night, know these Everyone else has entered the warehouse.

A huge warehouse, and a very empty warehouse, except for some restraint facilities, it can be said that there are no chairs in the warehouse.

After entering the warehouse, Xiao Ran saw two dragons **** by the restraint device, revealing a complex and hateful dragon in the eyes of the wilting.

In front of the dragon, the body of the moment is half-squatting, and the body of 缇耶利亚 is kept on the side. It is obvious that the pilot has entered the body, and the communication is in charge, and Julia is responsible for the care.

In addition to these two people, Miss Huang, Hoshino Glass, Tessa, Jill, Angel, Kalinin, Leonard, plus a Xiaoran is everyone present.

The reason why no other person is present, the first one is that many people do not know that it is necessary to use the power of the changer and the dragon to communicate. It is also the first in the field by Hoshino Glass, Tessa and Miss Huang. In the standby command of the combat readiness, all the pilots are sitting on their own bodies and guarding and playing.

Xiao Ran can be said to be the last one to enter the warehouse. After he entered the warehouse, everyone turned to look at him. After Miss Wang went to Xiaoran, he nodded to Xiao Ran: "Already prepared Ok, you can start at any time."

"Then let's get started." Xiao Ran nodded. After Miss Xiao nodded, she raised her hand in the direction of the body, and the moment she observed the situation from the cockpit screen was also deep. After taking a breath, the body was completely activated.

The green gn particles began to squirt slowly from the body, as the gentle wind began to circulate in the warehouse, and when the same frequency of the two solar furnaces slowly increased, more and more squared quantities of gn particles were directly shrouded. I lived in the entire warehouse and spread out of the warehouse or spread out.

And the eyes of the moment became a flowing gold, and after the beginning of the moment, everyone present was as if they had entered another world in an instant.

A white world shimmering with colorful flowing light, all the people in the warehouse have appeared in a spiritual world different from the normal world, stepping on the void.

Only Xiao Ran, Leonard, the three people in the spiritual space in this moment to maintain calm, other people including 缇 利亚 利亚,, overall, all seem a little surprised and excited.

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