Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1446: The turned dragon girl has been in a coma

Looking at Jill and the two dragon girls who have lost the link, Xiaoran waved his hand and directly interrupted all the spiritual links, and closed the spiritual space (the problem of naked drift, the new humans liked the naked drift, the changer said wearing clothes Better).

After the spiritual space is closed, everyone maintains the same expression and posture in the spiritual space. Only Jill has fallen to the ground and fainted, but the two dragons disappeared from the restraint bracket and became two. The same girl as in the spiritual space just fell out of the shackles that bound the dragon and fell to the ground.

The people present were inexplicably looking around, but after seeing the two unconscious girls, they dared to believe that everything that was made before was all true. Although the two dragons did not show their dragons into human beings in their eyes. The two girls who can appear here are not allowed to do so.

After seeing Jill, Miss Huang quickly trotting past and holding Jill in her arms, while the two girls were helped by Xingye Liuli and Tessa.

At this moment, I was watching Xiaoran through the screen with curiosity and surprise. When Xiaoran opened the state of changeman and forced to take over the spiritual space, and forced the two dragon girls and Jill to link, who to say The feeling of this is the deepest, and naturally it is the same moment as a changer.

All of a sudden, it seems that even my own spirit has been stripped, and it is the feeling of not peeling off the greetings, as if the world's gn particles are completely away from him, suddenly letting the brakes feel that they seem to have lost. Everything, but only for that moment.

Tessa looked up at Xiao Ran and aimed at Leonard, who was aiming aside, and asked for a smattering of the opening. "Why did they faint?"

"Oh." Reinard's mouth twitched and smiled a little, a little ridiculous meaning included, his eyes swept back and forth between Tessa and Xiaoran, and did not want to take care of Tessa directly toward the warehouse. The door went out.

Although he did not speak, Xiaoran clearly understood the meaning of Leonard’s eyes and laughter. The main taunting object was not Taisha, but Xiaoran himself. The meaning is obviously saying that, This is Tessa, who doesn't believe in Tessa.

Seeing that Leonard’s meaning was suddenly black, and his face was black, and Leonard’s eyes glanced at Leonard. However, Leonard turned and left without leaving, and he could only make Xiaoran shake his head helplessly.

"Insufficient spirits have led to an impact in the exchange of information. When you wake up, you will be fine, don't worry too much."

Xiao Ran explained to the people present that the reason why the three people would faint, looked at the few people left after Leonard left, thought about it and said: "About what happened today is allowed inside. Open, but in addition to the Fuzi troops, everyone including Yadenal must be kept secret."

"In addition to the upcoming dialogue, there is the dragon **** Ala mentioned by the dragon girl, the ancestor of the United Nations God Ambio, and then by the commander of Gil, Miss Huang to host the briefing memories to explain to everyone, An Qi, You take Jill back to rest, as for the two dragon girls to be sent to the Fuzi number temporarily, and send them to leave after waking up."

An Qi nodded and looked a little dazed. She didn't understand why she just decided to fight with the dragon as a Norma. Now she finds that the dragons are all turned into human beings. They just want to save their own. God will appear in this world again and again, and with regard to that Ambry, Angel has no idea what is going on.

Ms. Huang stood up and gazed up, and Jill nodded to Xiaoran on his body. "Okay, the news of the briefing will be put on tomorrow, just as I have something to do with Gill. The commander exchanged, and I and An Qi sent her back to rest."

Xiao Ran nodded gently, turned to Taisha and picked up the dragon girl that Taisha was holding. Kalinin also quickly picked up the dragon girl who was supported by Hoshino Glass. A group of people turned and left this. Maybe no more. The warehouse used.

After the two dragon girls were arranged, the relatives of the Dannuo son, Luan Zongsuke, Cruz was kept outside the lounges of the two dragon girls, and the Fuzi number was also arranged. Business lunch and we are here. The two are more specialized in the war between them.

Although Renard, Xiaoran, and Jimus are all there, they can easily suppress the two dragons in such a small environment, but there is no need to do these things.

At about ten o'clock in the morning of the next morning, several important personnel of Dannu's son, Tessa, Melissa Mao, Kalinin, Richard, and Xiang Liangsuke, who have never left, Cruz, Tolle The emperor of the secret number, the moment, the 缇耶利亚, Hallelujah, Locke, Soma, and the Fuzi number led by Hoshino glaze all gathered in the briefing room of Fuzi.

In addition to these people, there are members of the Yamato, the general manager of Congyun, the small green, the Wilt, and the other people from another world, the same, z up, zz up, hundred, mkii up to The power brought by Jeddah and others is now the same as the so-called unfilial son, and they are parked on the son of Danu.

And An Qi, Jill is also in this, Xiao Ran, Ji Gusi, Renard three naturally need not say more.

So many people gathered in the briefing room of Fuzi, making this briefing room, which has not been used for a long time, become very lively. Everyone is sitting underneath, and sitting is Xiaoran, Hoshino Glass , Tessa, Miss Huang, Jill and other people with higher status.

First of all, Miss Huang stood at the forefront, holding a slender stick and knocking twice on the page behind her to indicate that everyone was quiet. As a teacher, he nodded and said: "All the presence is a caress. The sub-number, the Ptolemy, the Yamato, the member of the Son of the Danu, and the people of three different worlds sit together. I believe that everyone should have a lot of doubts in their hearts."

"The purpose of bringing everyone together today is to give a formal explanation of the different situations in our three worlds. You may also know a lot about private exchanges, but here we will treat all of them. The organization of information is first and foremost about our world."

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