Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1494: Familiar with

The red body, Xin'an, showed its excellent performance at the beginning. The white light that was sprayed by the propeller like a winged wing gave the body its own propulsion, plus the body. It has the same red paint as Xia, which is really like a red comet for people in this world. It often gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Under the control of Vr. Volento, this body called Xin'an has completely demonstrated the same style and characteristics as Xia's operation of the body. Every move is filled with the unique feeling of the individual, any One action has a sense of roundness and a sense of smoothness that drifts all the time. This feeling is exactly the same as that that Xia brings to Xiao Ran.

Compared with Xia and Ful Volanto, Xiaoran’s feeling of driving the body is another way. Although it is equally easy, although it looks equally smooth, Xiaoran’s body is a lightning bolt, straightforward and elusive. .

Vr. Volento wants to try Xiaoran’s strength, but it’s not that Xiao Ran is also testing the strength of Vr. Volento. Xin’an has taken a long trail and started a high-speed rush. The beam rifle held by the right hand is The continuous start of the attack against the dark sky.

Behind Xin'anzhou, perhaps it was the command relationship. The new troops of New Gion didn't attack at this time, but instead Gamras on the other side, but sent a small part of ms and a larger number of universes. The fighters started the attack.

Seeing this scene, Vr. Volento in the cockpit of Xin’an is just a faint smile. He does not have any dissatisfaction with the actions of the Camillas fleet. For him, this time is also the same. He was observing the forces of the Camillas fleet.

Up to the side of the squad, all the other bodies except Amro began to meet with the Gamilas forces. Graham, Nalo, Jigus, and the four people continued to stay in the Burning Legion. There is no movement in front of it.

Amro looked at the Xin'anzhou on the screen and felt the special feeling that Xin'anzhou gave him. The expression on his face is also a complex face: "The reborn red comet, Xia, is really you." What?"

However, although Amro felt that the other person gave him the same feeling as Xia, but did not intervene in the battle between the two bodies of Xin'anzhou and the dark sky, just watching, waiting, guarding the number More attacks by the New Gion force.

And Xiao Ran faced the high-speed rushing and continuous shooting of Xin'anzhou. It also controlled the body to raise the weapon, and after emitting green and white light, it turned into a streamer and rushed directly to Xin'anzhou. Also ejected from the dark muzzle of the muzzle.

The flying beam flies back and forth between the two bodies, which also makes the two bodies of the dark sky and Xin'anzhou constantly turn and move. The motion paths of the two bodies are combined into a circle from the beginning, then the circle is fast. Shrinking to the back with different colors of the trail into two meteors and entangled together, forming a spiral that constantly changes direction, and again and again bursts of light.

Whether it is the dark sky or the new Anzhou, the two bodies are keeping their opponents at the same time while keeping their high-speed movements. At the same time, they maintain the body facing the opponent with the performance and strength of the body. The posture is rapidly narrowing the distance between the two sides. It is almost just pulling out the beam saber. When the two bodies are pushed to touch each other, the two men not only hold the distance, but do not give the other party a chance to approach. At the same time, it continues to use the beam attack that is difficult to avoid under this distance to continue the battle.

For the two people, each time or the other's muzzle is turned every time, every time it lights up, it is a demonstration and test for their own driving skills. The beam attack by the beam rifle is so fast that they can be entangled so far. However, it is often possible to avoid the moment when the opponent's muzzle lights up to attack, while the other person will immediately change the direction of the muzzle and quickly adjust the movement of the body, so that the movements of the two bodies are maintained in such a situation. under.

The dark and the black and red bodies of Xin'anzhou are so entangled in each other's battles. No matter which body exhibits superb performance and technology, the movements of the two bodies seem to be rehearsing. There have been countless performances, full of tacit harmony that all the people who see can feel, and a special beauty that is different from others is revealed from the battle of two bodies.

But as long as the technical level is slightly higher, you can see how dangerous the situation of the two bodies is, and how much energy you need to invest in it. Any one of the bodies will appear a little bit in the process. The problem, as long as there is an action that doesn't keep up, the biggest possibility may be the horrible end of the next second machine crash. The battle between the two machines is beautiful, but the essence is the dance of death to the other party.

In the cockpit of Xin’an, the face under the mask of Vr. Volento has been completely taken seriously, but the corner of the mouth has slightly tilted up. It seems that he also enjoys the current battle. He did not expect it. This enemy has such a superb driving skills, and has no heavier strength.

But in the heart of Vr. Volento, there was also doubt and surprise, and there was an incredible feeling that rose in his heart.

Doubt about where the darkness is coming from, why come to their world, and be amazed at the fact that he has already exerted all his strength, the dark sky can still keep up with his movements, again and again. Attacking him with considerable threats.

However, the other side showed a special understanding of his tactics, techniques, and styles. It was the first time that he met for the first time. However, no matter what his actions were seen by the other party, it seems that His familiarity with him also made his heart feel incredible.

For the flaws that he deliberately sold completely ignored, but can be stuck in the gap between his conversion actions to launch an attack, if it is not for people who are very familiar with him, it is impossible to do such a degree.

Vr. Volento already knows the fact that the Burning Legion comes from another world, but he will never know the other world he knows now, but it is not the other world in the true sense, so it is even less. It may be known that in another world in the true sense, how many times of fighting and training have been done by Xiaoran and Xia.

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