Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1500: Statement

Bled Noah certainly won't know that he has been killed by Xiao Rang in another world. The understanding of Xiao Ran is also known from the mouth of the squad that has returned to the Aka Amanda, knowing that Xiao Ran is in another world. A big influencer, not only has great influence, but his own strength is also extremely terrifying.

For Xiao Ran, such an influence is very big, and the strength is very strong. Bled also fully expressed his friendship. He smiled and Xiaoran politely, and said that the supervision of alien captives is not a problem. The supply that comes out is just a small meaning.

For Bled, Xiao Ran can affect three ships that are also from other worlds, the Ptolemy, the Fuzi, the Yamato, and the huge fighting power of the three warships. I also attach great importance to my heart, paying more attention to the fact that such a huge force will bring some changes to the world, and as the commander of Lund Bell, I hope that such a force can become them. The friendly army is not the enemy, so it can be said that it is quite enthusiastic in treating Xiaoran’s attitude.

Although the Gundam team has been mixed with the Burning Legion and other warships in another world for so long, for this reason it can be regarded as a person, but as a commander, Brad Noah also wants to Xiao Ran clearly expressed the goodwill of Lund Bell.

Now, Xiao Ran has received at least this kindness, sufficient supplies, food, drinks, materials, ammunition, etc., although the use is not so big, but it is also a friendship.

Of course, since Captain Bled and Captain Otter came to the Burning Legion, Xiao Ran also took a tour of the ship with two people. For this huge battleship, Captain Bled and Captain Otter Also expressed considerable admiration.

Until the two sides really sit together, the communication on both sides is truly a theme.

Bled first said: "I have learned about what happened in another world, that is, the Western world. I have learned through the report of the members of the squad. It is hard to believe that there is another world. There are still people who can cross into different worlds. The ups and downs of the team still have to thank Xiaoran’s care. It is also very helpful for us to send them safely, especially Amro’s re This is especially true of the return."

Xiao Ran waved his hand and said politely: "You are too polite to the Noah commander. Helping the upstairs team is equivalent to helping us, including Mithril. They also provide us with a lot of help in the Western world. Just as we have come to this cosmic century world, we also need Mithril and Lund Bell to help us."

Bled nodded and said in a deep voice: "I saw from the description of the report that Lord Xiao Ran once said in the Western world that the three worlds will meet together, perhaps because the three worlds are facing A huge threat, so fate will lead us to meet, just to let us all together to save three different worlds."

"The threat to the world of the new world, I already know, facing the danger that the planet is about to be destroyed, human beings are about to die, and in the Western world, there is a god-like Ambrian that also guides the world. The chaos, and in this cosmic century world, humans and the earth are facing more threats."

"The three worlds are facing different threats, allowing you to cross the world and meet each other directly. This coincidence is really incredible. It is true that the arrangement of fate is true, so even for fate, no matter what. Where you meet in this world that requires the help of Lund Bell, we will do our best to help you."

Xiao Ran looked at Bled. For Bled’s initiative, he put Lund Bell close to the Burning Legion, Fuzi, Ptolemy, and Yamato. He also agreed, in Xiaoran’s heart. The same idea is the same, because the team is the first to join the direct contact with Lund Bell.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Ran has already regarded Lund Bell, who belongs to the team, as a member of his own team. Therefore, he is also very satisfied with Brad’s direct statement, and he is not satisfied with any congestion. At present, Bled's real purpose is not so simple, but it is the same to tie them together, but Xiao Ran is not clearing the idea of ​​Bled in this world.

Sinking, Xiao Ran said: "I recognize that the Gundam team has become an indispensable force in the rescue of the three worlds, and for Lund Bell behind the Gundam team, it should also be our companion. When you see the commander of Brad Noah, I am more certain that we will be comrades-in-arms, so if you have any difficulties, we will do our best to help you."

"But for the current situation of the world federation and New Gion, we are also aware of the situation encountered by Lund Bell, and there is nothing to do with the existence of the federal or New Gion, which has become the root of this world chaos. Good feeling, so our goal of assistance is only Lund Bell, but not the Federation. You can also understand Bled."

Xiaoran’s remarks are actually equivalent to a statement that he will choose to stand on the front line with Lund Bell in this world, but he will also decide the possibility of playing for the federation, and Xiao Ran’s statement is also Let Bled’s heart sigh with relief.

Although Lund Bell belongs to the Federal Republic and has many contradictions with the Federation, Xiao Ran’s statement will not do anything for the Federation. Bled has nothing to accept, just like Lund Bell itself. Although it will follow the federal arrangements in the case of New Gion, it is also independent in its operation to avoid the federal side's involvement in them.

Similarly, Lund Barr’s assistant, Mithril, only assisted Lund Bell rather than New Gion, so it’s natural for Xiao Ran’s statement to be acceptable. Bled’s heart is actually more worried that the Federation will be burned. The Legion has such a force, and if that is the case, according to Bled’s idea, the Federation will definitely use the power of the Burning Legion to expand the war in a more unpredictable direction, so Xiao Ran’s statement ignores the federal matter. De Xin also feels this is better.

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