Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1505: Federal persecution

Xiao Ran, they don’t have a normal mainline mission in this world. At this time, it only triggers a spurt mission that has not yet been completed. It can be said that whether it is for the Western world, the new world, or the universe. Ok, Xiao Ran, there is no need for them to do anything for these three worlds.

However, Xiao Ran needs to tie the protagonist team of this world to his chariot and control them under his own hands. Therefore, for the three worlds, Xiao Ran can only stand on the protagonist side and solve three problems together. The problems encountered by the world are to save these three worlds from destruction.

Perhaps this is the same as having to pay for it. Xiao Ran is currently helping the protagonist team, but it must also consider all the problems encountered by all the protagonists. Another step is to think more and lead the protagonist team. Solving these problems one by one will get the true conviction and support of the protagonist team.

But even if there is no such thing, it is true that Xiaoran’s character does not see the three situations currently encountered by the Earth. No task has nothing to do with him. He is only acting on his own real thoughts, that is, for three earths. Pay a power that you can pay.

Xiao Ran is not a good person. He will not use his means for his purposes. Even if he creates a killing, he does not feel that there is anything wrong with him. But he is also not a bad person. To protect ordinary people, he can be used to face powerful enemies. He What I want, but only the peace and peace that I saw in front of me, all the stones that are in front of him are broken and broken. It is so simple.


Just when Xiao Ran, Shirley Lu, and the Malang trio talked, a bunch of red dots suddenly appeared on the radar, which also attracted the attention of the three people by the alarm that suddenly sounded.

Malang looked directly at the direction of Moses and shouted her name: "Moses."

Moses also replied loudly at the screen in front of him: "There is a unit that is flying in our direction. According to the information, it should be the unit of the world."

"Federal forces? Lund Bell informed?" Malang frowned and said: "Inquire about the specific situation of La Kelam."

"Captain, La Kailam, proposed Akama requested communication access."

"Allow access." After Malang nodded, he turned and returned to his position to sit down. On the big screen in front, there were also two figures, Captain Bled and Captain Otter.

"Captain Ramias, Lord Xiao Ran, the troops coming in from the front are the direct troops of the Federal Command. They are not the friendly forces that we have notified. We can find that the place we landed should be the other party very early. I have been paying attention to our whereabouts before. Although the other party belongs to the Union, we should have a purpose."

Malang looked at Xiao Ran and saw Xiao Ran nodded and said: "We will be ready to fight."

Xiao Ran also said at this time: "This g hound comes over without you being informed. The appearance of the sturdy look must have a picture. It seems that Lund Bell is now very subtle with the Federation. ”

Bled was silent and nodded. "The Federation has always wanted to control Lund Bell completely, but this is absolutely impossible. The world must have people who are still awake."

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "We will support you anyway, now let's see what the other party is going to do."

Bled nodded, and the person who was facing his bridge commanded: "All the members enter the state of alert and contact the g-hound's transport ship, Kaloulou."

After a while, a blond-haired man appeared on the screen of three ships, but it was transferred to the Burning Legion and the Al-Akama with the agent of La Kelam, so Xiao Ran could I saw each other, but the other party could not see them.

After the communication of the blond man was connected, he said directly: "I am affiliated with the General Commander of the Earth Li Yi Anbang Army, Major of the Special Operations Force G-Hound Team, as before the General Command. As announced, Lund Bell will listen to our command from now on."

Bled’s face sank and he said coldly: “I am the commander of Lund Bell, Colonel Brad Noah, we did not agree to accept the command of the g-hound team, and we have as an independent force. There is no right to act independently, and we do not intend to follow such instructions. We have clearly replied to the General Command on this matter."

Brown's Brown turned blind to Bled's coldness and said with a mocking smile: "You should also be very clear about the current situation. The General Command believes that it is time to concentrate all the fighting power so that it can deal with Xinji. When Weng was given a unified command."

"There is also the ship next to it, it seems to be called the Burning Legion. First of all, on behalf of the Federation, I welcome you to the world, but since you are a guest, carrying such a force is not like a guest should do, but also Please do not make a move that would cause us to misunderstand and accept our arrangements to go to the designated place."

Xiaoran suddenly heard a smile from Brown's words. The smile was filled with indifference and disdain. He said: "Brad Commander, it seems that the other party's purpose is not only that you have Lund Bell, but I don't know if it is Lund Bell or you. The two ships, some people seem to be somewhat different."

"I am sorry, dragging you into an unrelated situation." Bled sighed and said to Brown with a stern look: "We can't agree with the request of the General Command, and the Burning Legion is Long. De Bell's facilitators, who are also from different worlds, have no obligation to heed any arrangements from the federal government."

"At the same time, Lund Bell did not intend to participate in the annihilation war without any meaning. We will compare the past and gather forces to attack the local warfare center and command organization to end the war earlier."

The expression on Brown’s face gradually became indifferent: “This is our planet, the earth under federal rule. Anything that can threaten the federal and the earth must be regulated by the federal government, so they must obey the federal arrangements and In the past, your approach does not end the war."

Bled bit his teeth. For Brown's words, he didn't know how to refute it. He could only turn the subject and said: "So you have to attack the colony and try to let the inhabitants of the universe give in. You can know the cause of the industrial number seven. What are the serious consequences?"

Xiao Ran rubbed his eyes, and Malang and Shirley Lu also looked at each other. The original Industrial No. 7 battle Xiaoran thought they were made by Lund Bell and Xin Ji Weng, but I didn’t expect it to be the case.

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