Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1509: a corner that has been opened

"The amalgam is not the same as the amalgam in my world. The composition of the personnel and the construction of the organization are different. Although the leaders are the main leaders, there are too many aspects of the spread. Several members of the Congress, several senior politicians in the Federation have a certain influence on amalgam."

Xiao Ran picked up an eyebrow and gently nodded but did not interrupt. He only listened to Leonard and continued: "From my current understanding, one of the more important aspects of us is that Anaheim is a subordinate of amalgam. One of the companies, the unicorn's development of amalgam is also involved, and the war amalgam between New Gion and the Federation also plays a guiding role."

"The secret has been maintained in the balance between the Federation and the New Gion, although it is to gain more war benefits, but to some extent also inhibited the continued expansion of the war, this should be considered a good thing."

"But there is intelligence that Anaheim has abandoned the amalgam and is completely dependent on the federation. It is ready to control Lund Bell and the unicorn to completely defeat the new Gion. The information about the unicorn is also on our side. Some, the body uses a nt-d system that is ahead of the Secco system, although it is a mental skeleton technology but should be an upgraded version."

"This is a new type of system specially developed to eliminate new human beings. The rest is unclear, but the only thing is that the nt-d system of that body has the ability to devour the spirit of a new human being and completely change the new human beings. The props controlled by the body do not reach the destruction system that will not give up until the purpose of eliminating new human beings."

"nt-d system, that d can be destroy, ruin, or driver, drive, giving users more powerful power, mainly depends on whether the user can pass the test." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "I am about this. I know some, but I didn’t expect the development of the Unicorn Gundam to have the participation of amalgam."

Leonard turned his head, but did not expect Xiaoran to have such an understanding of the nt-d system. He said with a smile: "I am also very surprised. In short, the federal and New Gion now have certain influence on amalgam. But in turn amalgam has the same influence on the Federation and New Gion. Many important people on both sides are under the control of amalgam. I can only say that the world's amalgam has penetrated and controlled the world. Far more than I thought before."

"Get a mastery of amalgam as soon as possible, and put all those forces in your hands." Xiao Ran said in a deep voice: "Amalgam is an important part of this mission and must be fully in our hands."

"I understand this." Reinard nodded lightly. From the very beginning, his eyes did not focus on the video of Xiaoran’s communication. Instead, he paid attention to a computer screen that Xiaoran could not see, while talking with Xiaoran. I have been flipping through the things that appear on the screen.

"And that nerv, amalgam seems to be one of their behind-the-scenes supporters, it seems to be something that nerv has seen, but now I am in this place is not complete, I am downloading the 'I' database Let's see if there are any new discoveries. You didn't contact me now. I should contact you tomorrow. I will go to my base camp in the world later, and I should find more things."

"In short, I figured everything out. Just grasp it." Xiao Ran nodded and then talked about the business: "Yes, we are in a place where we found a unit belonging to amalgam. We are currently working with The federal war, the new Gion and Gamiras are also on the side, you better call the army back, since it has to become the strength of the men, there is no need to consume in this place."

Leonard’s face said with amazement: “Oh, yes, it should have been the order of others to recover the unicorns. After all, Anaheim also betrayed the amalgam, and it’s okay for them to start, then I Now I ordered them to return immediately. Just before I personally ordered people to bring back the old woman who now controls Anaheim. The sister of Bicester did not expect that the world would become like that. ”

Speaking of this, Leonard suddenly smiled: "However, on the side of New Gion and the Federation, I hope that you can teach them once, according to the news that the resurrected red comet specifically let his guards drop the earth and defeat them once. I also want to talk to people over there and let them know how weak they are, and how can they cooperate with me."

Xiao Ran also laughed: "Yes, the joint forces of New Gion and Gamilas will be handled here."

"Oh, wait a minute, the information I downloaded here is already good." Reinard suddenly became mentally up, and for a few minutes without saying a word with Xiao Ran, but after ten minutes, Leonard’s The expression was getting more and more serious, and even brought some shocking expressions in it.

“It seems that I am finding something very bad.” Leonard’s serious look at the small team communicator on his desk, said with a serious look: “Saved in the 'I’ private database. The things in it are very bad."

Leonard’s serious expression also made Xiao Ran’s expression serious: “What is it.”

Leonard reached up and picked up the squad communicator and said directly: "dragon, god, another world, but know more details must be viewed in my base camp. It seems that I must immediately depart to my base camp, the specific situation. I will send it to you after finishing it."


Communication hangs up, Xiao Ran is also frowning, the world's amalgam and the world's original Leonard is what it seems to have been opened a corner, but it is this corner that has been opened More doubts, but Xiao Ran can only wait at this time, waiting for Leonard to send more specific circumstances.

After Leonard broke the communication with Xiaoran, he licked his own painful head and downloaded all the information on the computer to the team communicator. He also physically destroyed the computer he just used and pushed it away. The study door that is currently in use has gone out.

Just as Leonard left the study, several people who had been waiting outside the study room stood up. Together with two ultra-small **** wearing windbreakers, they took a plane and started flying to Leonard. Located in the base camp of this world.

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