Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1511: free

Luo, who had just solved the internal turmoil in the Akama, had not had time to catch his breath. He learned from the people of Akama that the Burning Legion had let him immediately board the deck, saying that it would send his body there. Come over, suddenly let Luo helplessly start running towards the deck of the proposed Akama.

Although the small activities will not bring any burden to Luo, and will not make Luo feel tired, but Luo always feels that there are a lot of things that can't be done on his shoulders, mainly because of psychological pressure. Time is tight.

After finishing one piece and another one, in fact, he is also very good in the mission world, instead of facing countless machines, facing countless enemies, busy on the left and busy on the right, can’t wait to put one People are divided into several people to do several jobs at the same time.

"I can't do this. Even if I have Renard, I don't feel how easy it is for me to work. It feels like this task is more busy than before. There are so many technicians who help Aub. Is there such a feeling? Is it because the personnel of this mission are too scattered, the combatants are still a little bit too much? No, no, you have to let Xiaoran guys fool a combatant, a technician is OK, no, still I have to have a special action person."

"You should get Kane's guy into the team, you can fight, you can drive the body, and you can perform special tasks. Although the technology is not so good, at least there is a foundation to understand magic, but unfortunately, This time, Kane’s guy escaped.”

As he turned around in his mind, Luo ran to the attack deck of the proposed Akama. At this time, his body had been sent by the scorpion and Jigus, and the two or three steps jumped into the driving like Superman. The cabin, directly starting the body, put on the strange tights under the action of the integrated cockpit throughout the day.

After asking what he was going to do next, Luo controlled the body to take off, and passed the qualifications of Raham and Nalo, flying directly in the direction of the emergence of New Gion and Gamilas.

Xiao Ran in the bridge also saw the troops of New Gion, dozens of ms, and two battleships of Gamalas, originally belonging to the Jupiter Empire, with a green carrier aircraft, counted and Not a team with a strong fighting force, but only one body caused Xiaoran's attention.

An all-green body with four large wings is obviously a space-use body, but I didn't expect it to appear on the ground. Although it is not impossible to carry out ground stations, it is more like calling this machine. Just like to die, is Kshatriya really capable of fighting on the ground station, and it is okay to deal with the miscellaneous soldiers, but even the same level of the pilot can only become a target?

Xiao Ran picked up his eyebrows and immediately said to Malang: "Let Luo take the body back."

It is not necessary to explain exactly which one is in the case of Xiao Ran. It is already clear that Xiao Ran said that it is Zhai Di Li. In Malang’s view, this apparently the body of the cosmic warfare is also quite strange on the earth. The shape of the body has an additional backpack that looks like a wing. It is very difficult to feel normal in the global environment. However, such a body appears in this place.

Even Malang couldn't understand, and asked: "Why is this kind of body appearing in such a battlefield?"

Xiao Ran thought of something, shook his head and said: "It should be a completely blackened person called to die, obviously know that we are here to send this kind of space-specific body, not called to die and what."

Malang gently nodded, sent a message to Graham and others and then ignored the matter there. Anyway, there were Graham, Nalo, Luo, three a-level pilots, and seriously took up the new Gijon and Garmi. It’s really not enough to see Lasa’s little bit of power.

Even if the space warfare body is a-class body, it is absolutely impossible to exert a-level strength under the environment of the earth, but obviously the a-class body is adapted to various environments, so that the brakes are absolutely absolute. It can't be a level a body, and taking it down is a breeze.

Even if it includes the now-defunct federation, whether it is Xiaoran or Malang, it is actually not in the eyes. If it is not Xiaoran who is unwilling to play, I am afraid that the battle will only take a short time to end, and now Graham they have several The results of the game are actually similar, there is no big difference.

In the case of solving the new Gion, breaking all the new Gion body but not hurting one person, Graham they also turned Kshatrily into a human stick and brought it back to the Burning Legion. The time of Ras strength, but only in less than ten minutes.

After waiting for Graham to rejoin the battles of the squad and the federal side, it took only a short time to completely destroy the federation, leaving only the federal Garlow transport ship and several captains to escape. The rest of the people were left behind.

At the end of the battle, many of the team's bodies were scarred, and the original clean armor became messy, and this uninhabited city was once again showing black smoke and flames.

On Lay Kalam, Riam, who looks like a man, looks down: "The forces of New Gion and the Federation have been completely destroyed. This area is safe."

"Yeah, it’s safe." Captain Otter sighed at the moment, and said: "But we have become traitors."

"No, we are not betrayers." Although Brad's heart is equally complicated, at this time he must be more strong, stand up and say aloud: "Now, Lund Bell is truly independent. Independent forces with operational authority, we don’t have to look at the federal face, we don’t have to participate in the battles we don’t want to join. From today, we can act in full accordance with our own will to end the war, not Let the world continue to fall into the quagmire of the federal and New Gion wars."

"Speak well." Xiaoran's voice rang at the same time in the bridge between La Kailam and the bridge of Akama, directly letting everyone look at Xiaoran in the screen.

Xiao Ran smiled and said: "I only think that the federation of the world and the new Gion are not essentially different. They just fight for reasons that are not justified. Faces, interests, rights, and even personal desires have become The reason for their fighting, for no reason, let countless innocent people sacrifice in the war they dominated, and made a big mistake, but they have been bullying the whole world."

"So Lund Bell can really get out of the Union and fight against his own will to end the war in this world. It seems to me that it is not a good thing."

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