Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1536: Not wanting but not afraid

Walking out of the conference room, Jiantie couldn't help but look back at the door of the conference room that was automatically closed. The heart was also relieved, and then the face was moving and the pace quickly left.

Although he was not able to let Xiao Ran promise to help him persuade the dragon horse, Xiao Ran finally promised to send more people to support him if necessary, and the final result is far better than that expected by Jiantie. Too many, at least Xiaoran, in addition to promised to provide help when needed, did not prevent him from communicating privately with the dragon.

At the beginning, Sword Iron also really worried that Xiao Ran would refuse him to leave and leave him in the Victory Fleet. He was even more worried that Xiao Ran would continue to delve into the reasons he wanted to leave, but fortunately neither of these things happened. Xiao Ran was only After a while, he let him free.

When the Yamato and the Burning Legion met, the sword iron felt the extraordinary of Xiao Ran. Of course, there was a large and ridiculous warship in front of anyone, and a group of strong and incredible pilots appeared. A leader who can crush a fleet by one person will feel the other's extraordinary.

It can be said that Xiao Ran is the most incomprehensible person in the entire victory fleet, and also the person who is the most unwilling to face it with Sword Iron. He is not willing to face Xiao Ran not only because of Xiao Ran’s incredible battle. Force, even more so because Xiaoran’s eyes seem to be able to see through everything, it seems that he saw him when he first met.

More importantly, after knowing that Xiaoran is a pure-transformer and has the ability to communicate with others, Sword Iron also understood from that time that he had a memory of amnesia in the Victory Fleet. There is no point, Xiaoran may have known that he has no memory loss at all.

So from that time on, Sword Iron has always avoided meeting with Xiao Ran. In addition to meeting that everyone must participate in, Sword Iron will even burn the Legion with others, but it will also deliberately Avoid Xiaoran, but fortunately, Xiao Ran does not have to find something to say, just do not know the same.

During the period of the Victory Fleet, Jiantie also felt that he was still very comfortable. He had a trustworthy comrade-in-arms, a friend who could make a joke at any time, and a growth rate that surprised him. The disciple knows a lot of new friends here, and has learned more from different friends. If he can, he hopes to stay in the victory fleet.

Together with everyone in the Victory Fleet, we work together to save the three worlds, and then smoothly accomplish the task that is given to them all.

But at the moment he saw the pocket, the sword iron knew that he could not continue to settle in the current situation. He had to complete his mission, just as Jiantie had previously faced Xiaoran. Some things are not ready to be spoken, so no matter how difficult the road ahead is, he must go on his own.

When it comes to leaving this thing, the moment when the original appeared in the pocket, after solving the apostle’s threat to the third Tokyo city, the sword iron also had the intention to leave at that time, directly at the end of the battle. When not returning to their respective ships, they wanted to convince the dragon horse to leave with him.

However, Xiao Ran dealt with the terrorist forces displayed by the apostles at that time. The attack on the apostle also broke the attack of the 18th-level armor of the third new Tokyo city that penetrated into the underground space below, and directly saw the sword iron. In the past, I didn’t know whether the description was awkward or staying, or I felt incredulous or fearful about Xiaoran’s attack. The head and the brain went back to the ship and then entered. Arrived in this underground space.

When he came back, he discovered that the power that Xiao Ran showed was far beyond his expectations. He was glad that he did not leave at the moment of the end of the battle, and was also prepared to encourage the dragon horse to leave together. I also admit that I am not an opponent of Xiao Ran. I have to leave alone at that time. I am afraid that I will be intercepted by Xiao Ran if I have not gone far.

So the first thing that wakes up, Jiantie is also going to formally look for Xiaoran to talk about his departure, leaving the Victory Fleet in a normal way, at least he can gather well to leave a good relationship, maybe something At the same time, there is also a need for Xiaoran to help, but it is undeniable that Jiantie is indeed shocked by the wave of Xiaoran's attack, so it will be so honest to find Xiaoran communication.

After Jiantie also left the conference room, the entire huge conference room only left Xiao Ran alone. There was no extra thought about leaving Jian Ran, but since the other party has a hard time, it will not be pursued. I have to figure out one or two, and Xiao Ran believes that since the sword iron can come to him, it must be really put him in the heart. When he meets the dangerous situation, he will definitely think of him.

However, although I didn't ask, Xiaoran still thought about why Sword Iron would leave. The real reason is that the triggering fuse has confirmed that it is now a temporary addition to the Victory Fleet. What kind of situation will be caused by Xiao Ran is not very good, but it must be vigilant, not only the sword iron left, but also the current pockets are also needed.

After waiting for Jiantie to leave for almost five minutes, Xiao Ran stood up and walked out of the conference room. The door of the conference room just opened Xiaoran and saw that Nalo stood outside the door. He could not help but look at the other side and asked: "You look for me. Something?"

Naluo shook her head and said, "It’s not me who is looking for something. Malang asked me to inform you that Hoshino Glass and Miss Huang seem to have found something unsatisfactory, but Malang is receiving the body and supplies of nerv, so Only I am coming."

Xiao Ran nodded and said: "Go, go to the bridge."

Going to the bridge with Na Luo, Xiao Ran directly sat on the captain's seat of Malang and pressed the communication button. The picture of Xingye Liuli and Miss Huang was not seen in Xiaoran's eyes. In addition to the two, the Yamato Daisuke of Yamato is also staying with the two.

Seeing three people on the screen, Xiao Ran also asked: "Is there anything?"

"It's a very important thing for us." Miss Huang had a joy on her face and said directly: "We have found a way to return to the Western world."

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