Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1538: The status of the Overlord Corps

The woman in red leather, the clothes on her body are tightly attached to her **** body, and the exquisite and perfect body is unabashed, and the red hair is added to make this A woman looks like a passionate fire, allowing people to feel the heat and dazzling, coupled with the beautiful face, and a woman who can dump all beings.

The blond woman reveals nobleness and elegance everywhere. Everything is full of graceful tastes, and the red-haired woman is heroic and natural in every move. There is no twisting and pinching, and there is also a point of fresh and refined.

If Xiao Ran is here, I can naturally recognize who the red-haired woman is. I can see at a glance what the warship hovering over the manor is, and I can tell the identity of the blonde woman.

The red-haired woman is the source of this world. Xiaoran’s army leader, Nazi, has a super-sportsman with s-level strength, and has the terrorist power to completely destroy a planet, but at this time I can only sit here at a distance of 168,000 light years from the world of the new calendar, waiting for the so-called reinforcements.

The blonde woman sitting in front of her is the beginning of the Yamato journey. The Queen of Iskandar's planet, Sitasha Iskandar, gave the new world's global wave engine and hopes for redemption.

On this planet called Iskandar, the beautiful scenery is beautiful, but the whole planet is apart from the people in the warship above, but it is said that humans only have Sita Xia and Nazi, this is a beautiful The planet is also a lonely planet.

Beyond the planet, countless Camillas warships completely encircle the entire planet, and the number is so dense that it seems that the universe outside the planet is full of Gamalas warships, and it is conceivable to surround the whole How terrible the number of battleships on the planet is.

And for all the military forces of Gamilas, at least it should be a giant power of hundreds of thousands to more than a million warships. Compared to the Camillas fleet they met, Xiaoran It’s just a caterpillar. It’s not even a thing for Gammras. It also shows that Gamilas has never been serious about dealing with the new geography.

Otherwise, with such a horrible military force, you can arbitrarily destroy the earth of the new world, hundreds of times, thousands of times, and there will be any Yamato. Of course, in this. The Queen of Iskandar’s Sita Summer also played a key role.

When he heard the words of Sita Xia, Nazi looked at Sita Xia with a slight look and said: "Who knows, maybe tomorrow will come, maybe it will never come."

I have become accustomed to the appearance of Nazi, and I have not been angry with these words. I said calmly: "The current situation can be maintained, but I can't guarantee how long Desla's patience can last. Sooner or later, the planet and I can't shelter you, and the fleet that chased you is now a member of Desla."

"According to what you said, their purpose is to restore the system to you and the universe. I don't know where you know about the universe's response system, but you can be sure that you are not from the imminent destruction of the universe. Earth, so I can't give you the cosmic recovery system, and it's even more impossible to trust you because of your side."

Nazi licked the 塔丝塔夏, did not speak, but she was sulking with a stomach, and now she is shackled in this place called Iskandar, and she is very helpless. It’s ok to talk about this time. Depressed to describe.

Once in the world of this mission, it was found by the enemy army in a few days. All the way to the road was always in contact with the Burning Legion as an ally to join the mission, but there was no reaction at all, but there was no reaction at all. Under the task, you can only rush to this mission site called Iskandar, ready to ensure the safety of the universe recovery system specified by the mission.

All the way into the Gemini, all the way to the battle of the Camillas fleet landed in Iskandar, and then found the solitary life of the Silka Xia on the planet, they found that the Gamalas fleet that did not stop at all Dare to launch an attack, but can only rely on the mouse to protect the outside of the planet, forcing the Overlord Corps to temporarily lie on the planet.

In fact, in the face of the enemy army, the overlord army and the enemy army with the s-class pilot Nazi are not without the power of the first battle, even if the other party invested more than ten times more than the overlord army, the a-class pilot almost all The same is true in the case of input.

After all, although the s-class pilot is not really invincible, it is much more powerful than the a-class pilot. But if there is a full-scale conflict and fighting directly with the enemy army before, then the current tyrannical army is probably only There will be two or three kittens left and they will be destroyed. Even if you kill more people, it will be meaningless.

After running to this planet called Iskandar, it is indeed because of the special identity of the planet and Sita Xia that the horrible power of Gamiras did not dare to act, while at the same time in Gamalas The next enemy army did not dare to continue the attack, but it turned into a stalemate.

Therefore, it is indeed Sita Summer who is sheltering the Overlord Corps at this time. Every day, he is pacifying the emotions of the President of Gamalas, Desla. From another perspective, the enemy of the Overlord Corps is not Because the Overlord Corps was still at the side of Sita Xia, it did not launch a special attack.

Basically, Sita Summer and the Overlord Corps are simply sheltering each other, but Sita Xia’s heart refuses to admit it no matter what he thinks, but at the same time, he does not know where to hide the universe recovery system. This also forced Nazi to stay in Iskandar, and to protect the Silka Xia while also protecting the universe recovery system that does not know where it is.

How can all kinds of encounters make Nazi not depressed, but the key thing is that although Nazi knows well, many things can't tell Sita Xia, and Sita Xia does feel that Nazi is a barely worthwhile. Trusted people, but always keep a distance from Nazi, and do not give the Warlord Legion any chance to pull relationships.

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