Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1540: Want to go back

But the improvement of the difficulty also brought to the Overlord's Legion a balance point that would not really hit the **** at the beginning of the mission, that is, the Silka Xia on Iskandar, if the Overlord Legion met Sita Summer Choosing another, more radical approach, rather than choosing a friendly contact with Sita, is now the real hell.

The protection of the universe recovery system required by the main line mission is definitely not completed, and may even become a lost little lamb. Under the constant pursuit of the enemy army, the final choice will be hard to beat each other, even the entire sacrifice. If you are lucky, if you can contact Xiaoran, it will naturally be another situation.

But even now that Xiaoran knows that the current position of the Overlord Corps is in Iskandar, the final result will not help, let alone the new world needs to rush to Iskandar, even if they want to come, they have not found The way to return to the new world.

And the universe can not walk away here, the team with half the force to go to Iskandar to face Gamilas, this thing is definitely not going to do, and now the victory fleet is still in the stage of the next copy leveling Xiaoran will never want to experience the despair of **** with the Overlord Legion.

On the other hand, the current embarrassing situation of the Overlord Corps is not a compromise and sacrifice to the current situation of Xiao Ran. It is precisely because they are firmly nailed to Iskandar like a nail house, so that the enemy army is like this. From the guard, there is no time to go deep into the real situation of the three worlds, and there is no way to come to the Western world or the universe, so that Xiao Ran can easily and without infection from the beginning of the mission. Free development.

Once Xiao Ran took the victory fleet to level up and equip the equipment, and wait until the level is raised and fully armed to reach Iskandar, perhaps the desperation of the difficulty of **** will be shrouded in Gamalas and the enemy army. This kind of direction should be The normal process.

On the side of the Victory Fleet, I stayed here for a few days from the day I entered the nerv. In the past few days, with the protection of nerv, I did not meet the federal or New Gion to find trouble, all the people. In the past few days, I have been fully relaxed and rested. The members who have experienced the first thing in the world have been relaxed.

Although I don’t say that I’m taking the initiative to integrate into the world, I’m at least beginning to accept the fact that as long as I’m doing what I’m doing right now, I’m better able to find a way to go back to the Western world, but only a handful of people like Xiao Ran know, actually go back. The key to the gates of the Western world has been obtained, and the only difference is the final result.

On this day, Oda Thirteen, Hoshino Glass, Tessa, Bled, Miss Huang, Captain Otter all gathered on the Burning Legion, and Xiaoran, Malang, and Luo were sitting around the big table in the middle. Together, they discussed the arrangements and arrangements for the subsequent actions.

Among the entire victory fleet, although there is no serious explanation of who the first commander of the Victory Fleet is, the usual exchange and contact with the ship's captains are almost all ratings, what happened inside the ship Each of them is handled, and the external situation is discussed and dealt with. It is also easy and pleasant to get along with each other, with inexplicable cooperation and tacit understanding.

But in fact, even Bled and Captain Otter, who have just joined in, have already figured out that if they really meet big things, there is someone who can decide or guide the final, in addition to everyone’s discussion. As a result, the general direction of everyone's actions is determined, and this person is Xiao Ran on the Burning Legion.

To know that in addition to being able to directly command the Burning Legion, the Fuzi and Ptolemy will also act according to Xiao Ran’s wishes. Simply put, the members of the entire Western world will also act according to Xiao Ran’s orders. It is doomed that Xiao Ran will inevitably be the one who has the greatest right in the victory fleet. Although the ordinary Xiao Ran will not make any orders indiscriminately, let everyone do something, but when the final decision is made, everyone will still Unconsciously refer to Xiaoran's opinion, and when you meet, you will also choose to come to the Burning Legion.

This time, everyone gathered together for the purpose of discussing the key issues found by Hoshino Glass, Miss Huang, and Masahiro Masada.

The first is that Mr. Sanada, who was on the Yamato, explained the key things to everyone. The special fluctuations discovered when jumping from the dragon are likely to be the key to returning to the Western world.

And this is the time, the son of Danu's son, Tessa, who is the captain of Akama of Akama, and Brad of La Kelam know that there is such a thing.

It was not until after the real return of Santian that he returned to Okinawa Thirteen, Miss Huang said to Tessa, Bled and Otto: "I am sorry to tell you at this time, but I am not sure about this key before. It’s useless, so it’s wasted some time for research and analysis, until now it’s the key to truly determining that this kind of volatility is the ability to jump between the worlds.”

The Tessa three nodded lightly. Bled and Ot, who had just joined the Victory Fleet, did not speak. Instead, Tessa said: "It doesn't matter, I just didn't expect to jump on the dragon in a few days. The resulting volatility has been studied to this extent, so the purpose of calling us this time is to tell us about it?"

This problem of Tessa makes Miss Huang look at each other, and the main purpose of Oda Thirteen as the third world man is to find a way back to the new world, so whether to return to the Western world is currently for him. There is no too important relationship, just smoking a pipe and bowing his head and not talking.

Xiao Ran did not speak. Miss Huang could only continue to say: "Yes, after getting accurate results and after a long period of analysis, we feel that if we can jump with the same fluctuations, there is a great possibility that we can be safe. Returning to the Western world, but the problem now is that we have no way to conduct any tests, whether or not we can really jump back to the Western world, we only have one chance."

"And at the beginning we were suddenly transferred to the universe in the battle between the Western world and the successors of Mars. It is not clear what results will be caused by our disappearance, especially..." said that Miss Huang is also looking towards Xiaoran. At a glance, this action of nature also made Tesha, Bled and Otto pay attention.

Suddenly, the three people will understand what Miss Huang wants to say. After all, in the special identity of Xiao Ran, it suddenly happens that the disappearance of the Western world is likely to cause chaos again, so I definitely hope to return to the Western world to confirm the situation there. In this regard, Tessa, Bled, and Otto can also understand.

However, there is only one chance and it is impossible to determine the result of the jump, but it also makes the three people feel too risky.

Miss Wang, who paused, continued: "So we also hope to return, or send some people back to the Western world, confirm the situation there and test again to see if the second key can return to the universe. key."

Tessa nodded, and Brad said: "But there is only one chance and it is impossible to completely determine whether the key is useful, so it will not be too risky."

"I will explain this to me." Hoshino Glass looked at everyone and nodded and said: "Although I came to this world, I can use the boson jump that I should have only used in the Western world. It is very strange to meet the requirements of jumping in this world."

"So based on this, I believe there should be a special boson subnetwork node between the two worlds. As long as we can open the gate with the key, we can use the boson subnetwork to determine the end point we need to really jump. Then rely on a level jumper to guide the target to jump successfully. Although it is risky, it has a high probability."

“And in the past few days, through constant analysis and simulation, we can basically ensure that there is a probability of 85 percent that allows us to go directly to the Western world, and for us, even eight percent. The probability of fifteen is also worth trying."

Everyone heard and nodded. For their soldiers, 85 percent is indeed very feasible. After all, they are people who often deal with one percent. . It was Xiao Ran who did not consciously glance at Xingye Liuli. I did not expect that they would have achieved more results in just a few days.

Xiao Ran finally opened his mouth at this time: "Is there no way to continue to improve the possibility of success?"

"At present, this level is already the highest. Although it cannot be said to be absolutely and foolproof, there is basically no possibility of failure." Hoshino Glass shook his head and said: "The only thing that is uncertain is whether it is returned to the Western world. Can return to the universe through the second wave of volatility, but if it can be determined that the world also has a boson jump, then even if we don't have to learn the dragon jump, we can jump back and forth between the two worlds simply by boson jump."

"This is another new possibility." Tessa looked thoughtfully and said: "There are two things that need to be determined for this jump. The first one is risking. Try to get back to the Western world, and the second is to confirm the possibility that the boson jumps across the world."


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