Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1542: Ugly mechanical beast

The people who returned to the Western world were so determined. How to split the team is not a random decision. It is a complete reference to the situation on both sides. It is possible for the enemy to meet this arrangement. There is a heavenly man, Kira, Aslan. These people are fully capable of coping with most of the conditions in the Western world. In addition, they are assisted by the brave urgency team and the first squadron of the Jainnar. There is also Obu, behind Zavor, and there is basically nothing. They can't solve it.

While leaving most of the combat power in the universe, Gaeta, Titan 3, Sanport 3 and so on, it is based on super-robots to deal with the more complicated situation here.

When the Victory Fleet was preparing the team's situation as a whole, the alarm that represented the enemy's attack suddenly rang, and some of the busy people immediately returned to their posts under the warning of the alarm, while others accelerated. Handle the speed at which work is done on hand.

Xiao Ran was originally playing the game with Shirley and the two players. Immediately after hearing the alarm, they immediately put down the game controller and stood up.

Shirley’s mouth was a bit uncomfortable and she threw the controller aside. She said: “Is there an enemy again? This time it will be an apostle, New Gion, Gamiras or something else. Why are there no lessons? The guy knows that he still has to fight like a moth."

"Oh, there will always be people who think that the next time they will win, isn't it?" Xiaoran smiled and patted Shirley's head, and looked at the same standing up: "Go ready, I will go with Shirley." Bridge."


He quickly left for Gnaku, and Xiao Ran and Shirley Lu went to the bridge. When they entered the bridge, they asked: "What is the situation?"

Malang shook his head: "The third new Tokyo city has discovered a large number of organisms. There is no exact information yet, but it has ruled out that the apostle may have sent an early reconnaissance unit. Nerv hopes that we can resist the enemy. Eliminated in the open sea, can not let them step on the ground under their feet."

Xiao Ran sat down on the side of Malang, and Shirley Lu was on the other side of Malang. He only listened to Xiao Ran: "Since I have received so much care from nerv, it is okay to help deal with the threat, but I estimate The enemies coming this time are probably coming for us."

"After all, whether it is the Union or Gijon, most people in this world know that the third city of Tokyo is definitely a restricted area that cannot fight." Malang smiled slightly, then Xiaoran said: "So early in the open sea, you will show your body shape and then Hidden, it looks like we are going to attract us."

"Yes." Xiao Ran smiled and touched his chin and said: "But it seems that it is not appropriate to rush out. Now eva has been carried by the Burning Legion. All leaving will make nerv's defensive power weak, let the son of Danu No. and Quay Akama left behind to guard against this."

Malang nodded and picked up the communicator and said two words. Under the bridge, someone would send Xiao Ran’s arrangement to the Danu’s son and the Jane Akama. Let the son of Dannu leave because the speed of the son of Danu is not fast. Although it is to go to the sea to fight, the carrier of the Dannuo is not in line with the battle situation.

As for the proposed Akama, the above-mentioned combat power is not too much, and there is some confusion in the previous Akama number. A pilot wants to bring an industrial number seven. The civilians fled on the plane and severely hit the mood of the unicorn up to the pilot Banaji. It also made the Aka a bit messy. Although the person did not run away, it was indeed necessary to rectify it.

Regarding the pilot and the civilian who want to escape, Xiao Ran naturally knows what is going on. After all, this is a matter of the inside of Akama, and it is not good to interfere with anything, but because it involves the story of the unicorn. Therefore, Xiao Ran also wants to wait until the Ptolemy and Fuzi numbers leave to see the situation, but now I can only wait for this attack to come back to deal with it.

The sons of Jane Akama and Danu also replied with clear information after receiving the notice from the Burning Legion, while the Burning Legion side took other ships from the huge passage in the underground space of nerv. The lift quickly disappeared in the third new Tokyo city.

Burning Legion, Ptolemy, Fuzi, Yamato, La Kailam, five ships quickly flew into the sea, watching the many red dots on the radar quickly approaching, five ships also Stopped above an island in the sea, a frame began to attack from different warships, and all the attack work was completed before the enemy arrived, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

The general manager of Fan Yun, who was driving Van Gogh, also looked at the endless red ocean in the distance under the reminder of Nai Yin. He said with a grin: "I don’t know what it will be, obviously sending out the reconnaissance troops but even the enemy’s appearance. If you don't see it, it will be completely destroyed. The combat literacy of nerv still needs to be improved."

When Jiedu heard the words of the general manager of Cong Yun, he also shook his head and said: "After all, it is just some ordinary soldiers. It is normal to have such a result."

"Come." Flowing dragon horse looked at the huge black shadow that began to appear in the distance. His eyes suddenly held the operating lever tightly.

When the enemy appeared in everyone's eyes, Jetor suddenly said with a heavy voice: "It is a mechanical beast, the army of Dr. Hell!"

"But just after the convergence with the pockets, it immediately appeared." Amro also said in a deep voice: "The purpose of the other party is obvious, and at a glance, who knows who is the commander."

The enemies that appear in the eyes of the people are made up of a group of huge gray humanoid beasts. These group of mechanical beasts look like huge humanoid stone statues. The sword holding shield looks more like a stone than a so-called mechanical beast. And this kind of mechanical beast called the Talos image belongs to the miscellaneous soldiers in the Hell's Legion.

Even if only the mixed soldiers are not the general federal or Jiweng masters can solve, basically, once the Federation meets the Hell's Dr. Legion, what often happens will be the solution of the total destruction.

Behind this group of Talos images, there are several special mechanical beasts that seem to have a big demon-like style. It feels like a fake and inferior product that is copied according to the big demon. There are too many similar places, torso, and head. The department, the arms, and the feet all have a style that clearly belongs to the big demon.

But there are still many differences. For example, there is a body with a flame in the head, and a painted purple face looks like a fool.

The most special one looks like the left side is like a woman's right side like a man, just like putting it together from the middle, it is simply challenging the aesthetics of everyone present.

At this time, the squad has been gnashing his teeth and looking at the mechanical beasts that have now appeared in his own eyes, especially the half-male and half-woman mechanical beasts: "You are here, Ashura."

Perhaps I heard the voice of the squad, the commander named Ashura said in a strange voice of half man and half woman: "The squad, you must decide to win with you today."

The pocket sneer ridiculed: "Yes, so you will drive the strange mechanical beast, which is just as disgusting as your taste."

"Damn!" Ashura made an angry voice and yelled out loudly: "This is my master. Dr. Hell gave me the mechanical beast of Baron Ashura. It is completely in accordance with my appearance. Baron Ashura is absolutely not allowed. You are so small."

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