Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1556: Gaeta Ray?鑨 element?

(The amount of the amount, how can a book friend think that An Qi is crazy, the text has said that it is doubtful to Xiao Ran to look at Xiaoran with a complicated look, Xiaoran's ability to display has completely surpassed ordinary people, right Ordinary people can already be regarded as gods. Angel can doubt that Xiao Ran and Ambrian have a normal relationship.)

"Wait a minute, what the fake earth you are talking about is going on!" An Qi suddenly rushed to Xiaoran's body, looking at Sarah and the big witch who looked like a little girl: "Follow others casually." The world is said to be counterfeit goods, even if it is the same as you think of Ambrio, what qualifications and abilities can create a planet!"

"You!" An Qi turned and pointed to Xiaoran with his hand. He asked with a loud voice: "And you, what do you know about it, why do you know that the false world they are talking about is our Western world, why is it? The world created by Ambolio!"

An Qi’s impolite behavior made the atmosphere in the dragon crowd suddenly tense. Many people began to look at An Qi with dissatisfied eyes, while Sarah looked at Xiao Ran and An Qi with great interest.

"It’s just speculation under common sense." Xiao Ran looked at An Qi with a faint look and said: "But it is not clear whether the world was created by Ambreio. I prefer to be parallel. The world would otherwise be terrible, and I don’t think he has the same abilities as the creation god."

"But the emergence of the ancestors of the United Nations has absolutely a great relationship with Ambry. The emergence of the ancestors of the United Nations is absolutely before the history of the Western world. If Ambry really has an endless life as God, then He is likely to be behind the scenes to dominate the development of the history of the Western world, to create or influence the development of civilization in that world. From this perspective, the Western world was created by Ambreio. There will be no mistakes."

Xiao Ran said that he also shook his head gently and said: "Combining existing information for analysis and speculation and making reasonable judgments is a basic quality that a commander should have, and because of my power, status, and ability. And the experience is doomed to me, I will be exposed to things that ordinary people can't touch at all, so you don't have to be too surprised."

"It is Princess Sarah and His Royal Highness, and they should know more about the truth about the Western world and the universe."

“Wonderful.” Sarah clap her hands and said, “You are right. Amburi does not have the ability to create the world. The earth in your Western world is really just a parallel world.”

"But as literally said, for the present earth, your earth is just the same as a false earth. No matter what, it is under the control and cover of Ambreio. You It’s just a person who lives in a false society. Since it’s a false society, it’s not a problem to call your world a false world.”

Angel stunned, and Sarah continued: "This world is another earth in a parallel world for you, in the far and far past... Some humans have abandoned this earth and moved to another earth, That is, the earth you live in now. At this point, the Honourable Xiao Ran did not make a mistake. Ambry can only be regarded as the discoverer of another world but not the creator."

“Abandoning the Earth?” Angel looked at Sarah in vain, wondering: “Why?”

Sarah said: "In the distant past, long before the birth of the external civilization, our ancestors once praised the civilization of this earth, a civilized and developed civilization."

Angel frowned: "In this case, why is this world going to be like this, why are you hiding in this place and being isolated?"

"Because of the war." Sarah said: "A very very large-scale war, a war between people and people, between people and demons, a huge war has caused the whole world to suffer, and humans on this planet also Facing the crisis of life and death."

"鑨 Element, a long time ago, a supersymmetric particle used by our family to crystallize special cosmic ray refiners, a force originally created to benefit the world has also been invested in this In the war, the same force is used in the confrontation between humans and demons."

"But the scorpion element was completely out of control in the final battle, and the world was irreparably destroyed."

An Qi seems to understand a little, and asked indefinitely: "So the surviving humans abandoned the world and went to the Western world where we are?"

"Yes, that's it." Sarah nodded and glanced at An Qi. "The knight who drove the bilkis was the one who had parted ways with our ancestors. Oh, it’s the so-called cause and effect that can be brought together again today. Alright."

Angel frowned at Sarah: "Bilkis, what exactly is this thing you said?"

"Of course, the body you are driving." Sarah squinted and looked at An Qi, and Xiao Ran frowned and frowned. "Hey element, crystal transformed by special cosmic rays? Special Cosmic rays? What is this sense of sight?"

Xiao Ran raised his head and suddenly opened his mouth, interrupting Sarah and An Qi about bilkis, or villkiss, and asked: "Sarah, what do you mean by special cosmic rays? And before you will appear in that place because of the relationship between Gaeta Ray?"

Sarah and the big witch looked at Xiao Ran at the same time. After the two looked at each other, Sarah nodded and said, "Yes, the element of enamel is the crystal of the galactic rays that you call it."

Xiao Ran’s eyes instantly fell on the forehead of all the dragon women, and every dragon woman’s forehead had a gem like a long forehead: “Is this?”

"Sure enough, it has extraordinary sensitivity." Sarah unconsciously stretched out her right hand and touched the jewel of her forehead, and admitted with great complicity: "Yes, this thing that looks like a jewel is a scorpion element." crystallization."

"In order to survive on this polluted earth, our ancestors decided to borrow the power of the scorpion element to transform their bodies in order to adapt to the world environment."

“Remodeling?” An Qi took a moment and looked at the tail behind Sarah.

Sarah nodded. "Yes, it's a transformation. After this operation, our ancestor Dragon God Aura was born, and for you it is also the first dragon in the world."

An Qi was silent: "So in fact, dragon is human, not another race similar to human beings."

Sarah chuckled with her arms and said: "Our ancestors accepted the sin of human beings to awaken to live for the sake of redemption and purification of the world, so the men have become huge dragons, dedicated to purifying the world. I have absorbed my own body, absorbed the earthworm element that pollutes the world, and converted it into a stable crystal in the body."

“Women sometimes become dragons, work with men, and when the time comes, they will become pregnant, produce, and raise the next generation.”

"And Ambrio, the man who made all these sins, created ragna-mail, discovered the elements of scorpion, and destroyed and abandoned the people of this world."

"That is to say, the Gaeta ray was discovered by Ambreio!?" Xiaoran stunned, and said: "This is a big news, and the world's Gaeta ray is actually a 鑨 element, 鑨The element is the Gaeta ray...etc. So, does the dragon have a natural advantage over the energy of the Gaeta ray?"

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