Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1560: Ambry is dead.

When Sarah brought people over, it wasn’t just that I heard footsteps that I knew Sarah came over. For pure breeders, it’s more trustworthy than footsteps, or life individuals have been releasing spiritual fluctuations. The emotions radiated by the unconscious, and the brain quantum waves that each person has but how many sizes.

Just now, Xiao Ran clearly felt the appearance of four people, but in the end there were only three people. From that time on, Xiao Ran knew that there was someone hiding in the side, but he didn’t know what method he used to make Sarah and others have nothing at all. aware.

Xiao Ran turned around and looked at Sarah. An Qi looked at the direction they left, but he said, "Since the guests have come, why are they hiding? Do you want me to ask the guests personally?" ""

"Hey...hey...hey." The slow-paced applause sounded slowly along with the footsteps. A figure appeared in Xiaoran’s eyes, long blond hair, and two squats in front of his forehead. A green dress is worn on the body, and with the faint smile on the face of the person, it looks like a nobleman who doesn't know where to come from.

Xiaoran saw the man’s first sight, but his eyes flashed but he finally recovered the calm appearance. He smiled and took the initiative to sit in front of the tea table and gently raised his hand and said: “Whether it is Since the enemy is a friend, since it is a guest, naturally you can't help but have a cup of tea, please."

From the appearance of this figure, Xiao Ran recognized who the guy who appeared this is. It is in the Western world that there is the **** of Amburio, and Ambryo appears in this place, Xiaoran’s heart is actually It’s also very surprising, not just a surprise, but also the desire to directly win the other side’s killing.

Xiaoran knows more clearly that Ambreo, who appears here, may be just a avatar. Even if he wins this avatar, it is impossible to really hurt Ambrian. Since there is no way to take the other party, why not be honest? Please ask the other party for a cup of tea, and find out why Ambreo will appear here.

"Very good, it is worthy of the famous Xiao Colonel, Xiao General, Xiao Prime." Ambry looked at Xiao Ran with a smile that touched everything, and sat directly on the opposite side of Xiao Ran without fear and fear. Picking up Xiao Ran and taking a sip of his full tea, he nodded slightly: "The tea of ​​the Dragon Kingdom has always retained the oldest taste, and has not tasted such tea for a long time."

After the teacup was put down in Ambry, Xiao Ran said directly: "The tea has already been drunk, and I don't know what the guests are doing."

"Oh." Ambry looked at Xiao Ran, with a little mockery and a smile, said: "Just look at the person who took the position of the woman to play chess with me, what is the endurance, It’s really unusual to see it today. With such kindness and courage, it’s no wonder that I was able to suppress the whole world by myself and disrupted many of my plans.”

"Heart, ability, and calculations are indeed much stronger than that woman, and I am more and more looking forward to the next development of this game."

"Just a game, huh." Xiaoran shook his head and smiled. Although he felt that Ambry was too arrogant, it is true that Ambreo now has arrogant capital, the power of God. Especially the existence of the undead body, as long as it is not cracked, it is really a person who is watching a game by the onlookers.

However, Xiaoran is extremely convinced that there is no way to break the undead body of Ambry, but it does not mean that there will never be a way to crack the undead body in the future, but Ambry is so arrogant and arrogant. It’s too powerful, and my heart feels that everything is under his control. I simply look down on the heroes of the world, and I don’t put the heroes in the world at all.

"Yes, it’s just a game, a game that you will lose." Ambryo nodded a little and didn’t have any doubts about his final victory. He said After this sentence, Ambreo also showed the expression of pretending to think.

"Although I am looking forward to the future development, the current game doesn't make me feel too much, so I want to see you before the official game starts, and now compared with the pieces you have in your hands, I The pieces on the hand are also somewhat unreliable, so like you as a chess player, I am also prepared to join the game myself."

Xiao Ran shrugged his shoulders: "So, do I want to thank you personally to come and inform me that the game has officially begun,"

"Thank me for your kindness. If you can show your value in this game, I feel interesting. I don't mind leaving a place in the new world." Ambrian smiled and said "Finally, on behalf of my fiancee, Cargill Yola Asha, I say hello to you, and the beautiful women you know are also very qualified to be my fiancee pre-selection, but have not yet shown The qualities that make me happy, when one day they show the qualities that make me feel good, can you protect them, hehe...hahaha..."

Watching Ambrio with the maddening laughter slowly disappeared in front of himself, Xiao Ran calmly picked up the tea cup in front of him and drank the tea inside, revealing in his eyes Endless cold and killing.

"Deliberately saying this is to make me angry... Amblio, but I have to admit that you really make me angry, you will know what the consequences of angering me will be, not dead? Hehe."

The more anger, the more calm, the calmer, the calmer to the extent of indifference, the fact that no emotional emotions encroach on their own brains, but with absolute rationality and closed eyes.

"In terms of the angel and dragon's round dance story, the figure of Ambrio's activities in the world is essentially just his avatar. Only the real body of Ambreo hidden in another dimension is together with his one. The elimination of the body together can solve him, and in this mission world, Ambolio’s undead body should be strengthened to allow several avatars to appear at the same time, which means that in the shortest time. At the same time, all the avatars will be eliminated."

"Ambrio's combat power is not strong. The only trouble is that the place where he was hiding and the presence of multiple Amburis. Even if there are multiple Amburis at the same time, as long as they dare to appear in me. It is absolutely possible to solve all the time in about ten seconds. The only trouble is that I don’t know how to go to the location where the true **** of Ambry is."

"But I can't find it, but it doesn't mean that no one can find it in the world... Dragon God Aura may have a way to send me to the world where Ambreol is."

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